America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
I know she was a murderer but when he gloated over that woman's death it wasn't a good look.
Yeah, I don't know...

I mean...until the criminal justice system demonstrates itself as being completely infallible (fat chance of that happening any time soo--...ever), I will never be truly for the death penalty. That said, there are those who, beyond a shadow of a doubt, are not deserving of life following the commission of heinous acts.

But like I said, I didn't like him in his capacity as president. I didn't like his policies, I didn't like who he chose to surround himself in that capacity. There were certainly moments in which he acted inappropriately for an individual of his station, be they in an official capacity or an unofficial capacity while still occupying office. There were other moments, however, in which he demonstrated precisely what you'd want of someone of his station, official or otherwise.

Even W.
As a president he was definately flawed, but he knew how to act presidential and had respect for the office and for the media. As a person I rate him a lot higher and he seems like a very friendly guy.

The one thing I respect him the most for is that he had enough humor to laugh about himself. After Trump he has been the most targeted president by comedians and it never seemed to get to him.

Trump just seems even worse as a person in private then when he is President.

edit: added comment
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Even W.
As a president he was definately flawed, but he knew how to act presidential and had respect for the office and for the media. As a person I rate him a lot higher and he seems like a very friendly guy.

The one thing I respect him the most for is that he had enough humor to laugh about himself. After Trump he has been the most targeted president by comedians and it never seemed to get to him.

Trump just seems even worse as a person in private then when he is President.

edit: added comment
Interesting. Did you know that Bush and Trump have something in common? Both are Hitler:****ler17.jpg


Incredible really. Only one Hitler in a couple of million years of human history and then two in the last 20. I mean, what are the odds?
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Not sure there has been a good presidential role model for at least 50 years. Hell, the closest is Clinton and he fooled around with an intern!
For as much as one could disagree with his policies, I think Obama was probably the best presidential role model if we were going by how a President should carry himself. He's very charismatic, he was pretty soft spoken, and he conveyed his ideas pretty well. I felt he carried himself more as a celebrity than a President at times, esp. when he made a lot of TV show appearances. Any lies & poor policies, came with the job of a politician, imo.

Wasn't overtly fond of his decisions and some of the things he said myself, but again, as for a role model, I thought he was pretty clean cut. I think Bush Jr. was fine, he just had an unfortunate stigma being seen as dumb b/c he would pronounce words wrong or convey a sentence improperly. He's had a reputation of being a very nice, down-to-earth man since he got out of office. I'm sure Trump has increased America's love for him as a Republican President tenfold as well.
Interesting. Did you know that Bush and Trump have something in common? Both are Hitler:****ler17.jpg


Incredible really. Only one Hitler in a couple of million years of human history and then two in the last 20. I mean, what are the odds?

One "Hitler"? I suppose we couldn't draw similarities with the likes of Attila the Hun, Stalin, Napoleon, Genghis Khan aaaand a whole slew of others?
Or are you talking literal about their figurative? I would guess the latter I suppose.
Man that's creepy that he still has living relatives...
They can't help it, and one served in the US Navy during WWII*. It's an odd thing, to hold one's blood against them.

*Edit: A relative, that is...not one of those still living.

Twelve right there.

There are 2 more in Austria, but all 5 remaining living Hitlers decided to not have children.


All of them could become quite rich, as Uncle Addie has left some money to be claimed, mostly royalties from Mein Kampf, but none of them want the Reichmarks.
They can't help it, and one served in the US Navy during WWII*. It's an odd thing, to hold one's blood against them.

*Edit: A relative, that is...not one of those still living.

I found Howard's memorial page. He was a IRS agent from the looks of things.

Good thing no one compared Obama to Hitler ever. No, Bush and Trump are definitely the only ones.
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Why does Hollywood, and the media hate Trump so much and have attacked hardcore, when they loved him before he ran for POTUS? is it because when he took office he mentioned something about breaking up pedo rings up and down the country? Not saying Hollywood is dodgy, i just think its full of pedos, that's all.

Obviously there are other reasons they attack him too.
Hollywood has always been lefty, most in the media as well.

The funny thing is when they just all assume everyone else is.
Good thing no one compared Obama to Hitler ever. No, Bush and Trump are definitely the only ones.
Incidentally, in 2010 Schwarzman likened the possibility of President Barack Obama raising taxes on private-equity firms like Blackstone to actions taken by Adolf Hitler during World War II. “It’s a war,” Schwarzman told a room full of nonprofit board members. “It’s like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.”
He didn't call Obama Hitler or a Nazi like Bush & Trump have been, and he certainly wasn't out making a public display of it....

And he apologized for it.
Yesterday, Schwarzman said he was sorry about his choice of words, but he wasn’t backing away from the issue.

“I apologize for what was an inappropriate analogy,” he said.

This was a legitimate issue he had with Obama on tax hikes against his business. It's not really in the same realm as public protests with pictures of Bush/Trump portrayed as Hitler.
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(Heh, NY Post... Who owns that again? I's not like anyone here ever speaks of the political leanings or veracity of news media outlets...)
Hollywood has always been lefty

John Wayne, Clint Eastwood and Ronald Reagan say otherwise. As does the HUAC blacklist.

That not to say that today the majority of Hollywood isn't liberal, or at least the most vocal are liberal, but to say that it has always been like that or that Republicans never succeeded in Hollywood is just not true.

And if you want some more recent names you can talk about the Republican views and activities of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kelsey Grammer, Melissa Joan Hart, James Woods and Gary Sinise.

I don't know about writers and directors.
John Wayne, Clint Eastwood and Ronald Reagan say otherwise. As does the HUAC blacklist.

That not to say that today the majority of Hollywood isn't liberal, or at least the most vocal are liberal, but to say that it has always been like that or that Republicans never succeeded in Hollywood is just not true.

And if you want some more recent names you can talk about the Republican views and activities of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kelsey Grammer, Melissa Joan Hart, James Woods and Gary Sinise.

I don't know about writers and directors.
No one said there wasn't exceptions, but it's atleast 90% left, and to me that's pretty one sided.
The outcome of the recounts for the Senate races are of great importance. The party controlling the Senate will control Supreme Court nominations and other judiciary positions at lower levels. This in turn exerts an influence on the law potentially lasting for decades.
I am just astonished that someone so morally corrupt can seemingly get away with everything, without consequence. It tells the wrong message to future generations. Basically its okay to lie, cheat on your partner, do shady business deals etc. POTUS should be something children aspire to be.

An accurate summary of the Clintons.
Interesting. Did you know that Bush and Trump have something in common? Both are Hitler:****ler17.jpg
460 × 288


Incredible really. Only one Hitler in a couple of million years of human history and then two in the last 20. I mean, what are the odds?

Here you are going again. deflecting with something irrelevant to my post. Was I stating he was Hitler? Am I Antifa? Am i even a democrat. What relevance does this post have to me? Stop making these comparisons. Stop making these whataboutisms. These arent even logical arguments.
Instead giving me your own opinion if you would encourage your kids to be like a former or sitting president.

And just to deflect you irrelevant suggestion, apparantly Obama has a lot of in common with Trump too:

An accurate summary of the Clintons.

Hillary was never President. But I dont rate Bill Clinton as low as you perhaps do. In my opinion he was a good President, but a terrible husband.

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I dont rate Bill Clinton as low as you perhaps do. In my opinion he was a good President
... who oversaw the relaxation of regulations on credit standards and set mortgage purchase requirements on Fannie and Freddie, which increased sub-prime lending and created an unsustainable housing bubble. That set the conditions for the 2008 global financial crisis.
... who oversaw the relaxation of regulations on credit standards and set mortgage purchase requirements on Fannie and Freddie, which increased sub-prime lending and created an unsustainable housing bubble. That set the conditions for the 2008 global financial crisis.
George HW Bush initiated and then Clinton

Every President has flaws or moments of bad judgment, but In my opinion the Bushes and Clinton are people one can aspire to be. Do you think that Bill Clinton is a worse rolemodel then Trump?

edit: correction
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That's a nonsensical response - I didn't ask you a question, I made a statement - and your link is behind a paywall.
Every President has flaws, but In my opinion the Bushes and Clinton are people one can aspire to be. Do you think that Bill Clinton is a worse rolemodel then Trump?
Neither is a good role model - Clinton cheated on his wife and publicly lied about it - so I don't know why one has to rate them in terms of how bad they are. I don't have anything in particular against either of the Bush presidents.
That's a nonsensical response - I didn't ask you a question, I made a statement - and your link is behind a paywall.

Neither is a good role model - Clinton cheated on his wife and publicly lied about it - so I don't know why one has to rate them in terms of how bad they are. I don't have anything in particular against either of the Bush presidents.

I corrected the post and no it isnt behind a paywall. Its a link used in wikipedia. HW initiated and clinton oversaw, so your statement was correct.

So you rate Bill Clinton the same as Trump?
Trump cheated on all his wives. And lied about all of them. And while that was the worst thing Cinton is remembered for. Its only a footnote for trump.
I corrected the post and no it isnt behind a paywall. Its a link used in wikipedia.

Also, if you click the limited free version, you automatically consent to tracking cookies, which is not GDPR compliant.
So you rate Bill Clinton the same as Trump?
Trump cheated on all his wives. And lied about all of them. And while that was the worst thing Cinton is remembered for. Its only a footnote for trump.
It doesn't matter how bad a role model someone is if they are a bad role model...

Also, if you click the limited free version, you automatically consent to tracking cookies, which is not GDPR compliant.

It doesn't matter how bad a role model someone is if they are a bad role model...

Sorry, I am from the Netherlands and didnt hit a paywall? Did you use the link directly? Why is someone in the UK confronted with a paywall and I am not?

The original wikipedia article that links to the washington post article.

In my opinion it does. As an exaggeration: Cosby is worse the Clinton and I think Charles Manson is worse then Trump. All perhaps bad rolemodels, but 1 definately worse then the other.

As another example, I have cheated on a girlfriend personally before, but I havent cheated on every girlfriend ever since. Would that put me on the same level as when I would have cheated on every girlfriend I had, including my current wife?

edit: added comment about cheating
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Here you are going again. deflecting with something irrelevant to my post. Was I stating he was Hitler? Am I Antifa? Am i even a democrat. What relevance does this post have to me? Stop making these comparisons. Stop making these whataboutisms. These arent even logical arguments.
Instead giving me your own opinion if you would encourage your kids to be like a former or sitting president.

And just to deflect you irrelevant suggestion, apparantly Obama has a lot of in common with Trump too:

Hillary was never President. But I dont rate Bill Clinton as low as you perhaps do. In my opinion he was a good President, but a terrible husband.

edit: added photo
Call me crazy but I never pointed to figures in public life or the media for my son to aspire to. I don't know them, I only know about them from what is filtered through the mainstream media. The role models for my son were myself, my father, my bothers and the other men in my family.

Also, if you think Clinton is only known for one bad thing, you haven't done your research on Bill Clinton. There's as much evidence, for example, that he's a rapist and serial abuser as there is of Trump cheating on his wives. Personally I'll take a cheater over a cheater, rapist and abuser every day but your choice might be different.
In my opinion it does. As an exaggeration: Cosby is worse the Clinton and I think Charles Manson is worse then Trump. All perhaps bad rolemodels, but 1 definately worse then the other.
So which would you recommend to your son to admire as a person and follow in the footsteps of then? The rapist, the murderer or the two philanderers? Hey son, I don't think you should try and model yourself on someone who formed a cult and went on a killing spree. Be more like the guy who used his position to gain access to young women so he could drug and molest them instead.

And that's the point. It doesn't matter how bad a role model someone is if they are a bad role model.
Call me crazy but I never pointed to figures in public life or the media for my son to aspire to. I don't know them, I only know about them from what is filtered through the mainstream media. The role models for my son were myself, my father, my bothers and the other men in my family.

I dont either, but isnt President an aspiration that would make you proud? Perhaps I should have used another word then encourage.
For that to happen one likely has to be inspired by one. In that hypothetical would you think that Trump is something a child should aspire to?
Children discover their own rolemodels growing up, albeit an athlete, moviestar, celebrity, worldleader etc.

So which would you recommend to your son to admire as a person and follow in the footsteps of then? The rapist, the murderer or the two philanderers? Hey son, I don't think you should try and model yourself on someone who formed a cult and went on a killing spree. Be more like the guy who used his position to gain access to young women so he could drug and molest them instead.

And that's the point. It doesn't matter how bad a role model someone is if they are a bad role model.

Dont try to insult me please. Do not suggest I use these rolemodels for my kids.
However these people do have disturbed fans and followers.

You missed the point. You stated it doesn matter how bad a rolemodel is. I was stating it does definately. Would you mind if your child admired great minds like Albert Einstein, Shakespeare or Benjamin Franklin?
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