America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Actually he was impeached. He just wasn't removed from office. House of Representatives impeached, Senate failed to remove him from office following said impeachment.
Yes, I always smoosh "indicted and convicted" together in my head when I think "impeached", but it just means "indicted, for senior government officials".
think you should look back at what @Famine said
:lol: Yeah, that's not happening!
Actually he was impeached. He just wasn't removed from office. House of Representatives impeached, Senate failed to remove him from office following said impeachment.

I think you should look back at what @Famine said about admiring actions rather than people. It makes it easier to appreciate what Cosby accomplished without also embracing his crimes. Cosby is a horrible human being who created wonderful art. He is not the first.

Thanks for the little known fact.

I daont need to listen to Famine for that. The discussion did stray too much though. My problem with Trump was he wasnt leading by example (perhaps a better translation of rolemodel in my language). For all his flaws and vices, he still acts immature, vengefull and refuses to give credit were credit is due and blame those, who dont deserve blame. This is what he is teaching to his children and I dont see any of his kids in a positive light.
Thanks for the little known fact.

I daont need to listen to Famine for that. The discussion did stray too much though. My problem with Trump was he wasnt leading by example (perhaps a better translation of rolemodel in my language). For all his flaws and vices, he still acts immature, vengefull and refuses to give credit were credit is due and blame those, who dont deserve blame. This is what he is teaching to his children and I dont see any of his kids in a positive light.

"It is unfortunate that in most cases when the sins of the father fall on the son it is because unlike God, people refuse to forgive and forget and heap past wrongs upon innocent generations" - E.A. Bucchianeri
"It is unfortunate that in most cases when the sins of the father fall on the son it is because unlike God, people refuse to forgive and forget and heap past wrongs upon innocent generations" - E.A. Bucchianeri

To be clear, I dislike his children for their own reasons. Not just because they are named Trump. Don and Eric for their public appearances, offensive inaccurate tweets, their big game hunting, abuse of funds and they just seem like 2 douches. Ivana also likes to switch her beliefs from one to another rather quickly and her controversial role in Trumps government. I know very little about Tiffany, so I have no opinion of her.
To be clear, I dislike his children for their own reasons. Not just because they are named Trump. Don and Eric for their public appearances, offensive inaccurate tweets, their big game hunting, abuse of funds and they just seem like 2 douches. Ivana also likes to switch her beliefs from one to another rather quickly and her controversial role in Trumps government. I know very little about Tiffany, so I have no opinion of her.
There's another one, but you addressed that very well regardless.
I know very little about Tiffany, so I have no opinion of her.
Obviously I have no opinion of Barron.
As far as I know, they have been in the public eye only by virtue of being children of a sitting president, so there really is no reason to have an opinion of them. And how old is Barron? Surely a kid that young ought not be criticized by onlookers, even with a parent in such a high profile position.
As far as I know, they have been in the public eye only by virtue of being children of a sitting president, so there really is no reason to have an opinion of them. And how old is Barron? Surely a kid that young ought not be criticized by onlookers, even with a parent in such a high profile position.

It also depends if they decide to choose to look for the attention. Unlike Ivanka, who is pulled in by Trump sr , Don and Eric choose the public eye willingly, sharing their opinions on mulitple media and therefore much easier to form an opinion on them.

Barron is too young and probably protected by Melania and Tiffany seemingly doesnt look for publicity.
It also depends if they decide to choose to look for the attention. Unlike Ivanka, who is pulled in by Trump sr , Don and Eric choose the public eye willingly, sharing their opinions on mulitple media and therefore much easier to form an opinion on them.

Barron is too young and probably protected by Melania and Tiffany seemingly doesnt look for publicity.
Which of Ivanka's positions do you disagree with?
View attachment 780154

No need to take your slogan literally, Michael.

It stinks of these two:

So you're not aware of any of her positions or are aware and just have no opinion? Which positions has she changed?

You could have asked more directly. I never claimed to agree or disagree with her positions. Why didnt you ask "on what positions does Ivanka seemingly changes?"

Well claims to be not political, yet serves as a senior advisor to the whitehouse. She distant herself from child seperation and the press being "the enemy of the people" but apparantly her voice is ignored by Trump and she refuses to directly oppose her father when asked about her stance. She was once pro-choice and know her stance is ambiguous. As a senior advisor she like to potray as a confident hardworking careerwoman. However she always supports her father in everything even though he appears to be a misogynist. She comes of as progressive, only to backtrack and give full support to whatever her father says or does.

That makes me not like her.

With all due respect, I was referring to this:

I already stated why i didnt like her. Why do you come to the conclusion i dislike her for no reason? The 2 questions asked by johnnypenso where not relevant to my opinion. I dont dislike her for especially agreeing or opposing her positions. I already stated clearly i dislike she changes beliefs or positions rather quickly. Which in my opinion makes her inconsistent and hypocrite.

and onviously I meant Ivanka and not Ivana.

edit: added reacton to @TetsuKobura
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Now I know why the 2nd Amendment was written the way it was.


This is a sitting US Congressman.
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I will say some of Trump’s rhetoric is ridiculous and I wished he’d tone it down in certain scenarios, but that’s hardly anything compared to this.
I agree. I said he(Trump) should stop Tweeting a long time ago.