I'm not sure what part of my response you didn't understand. You have this habit of simply ignoring what I say and imposing your own version of the world on my life. I don't know if you do this with other posters I don't pay enough attention. If you read my post above you'll see it answers all of the questions you posed here. Since you'll likely just ignore that and accuse me of not answering your question I'll answer about Trudeau specifically. I do not think he is a good role model because IMO his position was achieved for two basic reasons. Who his father was primarily, and his physical appeal. He has not lived a life of public service, he was not successful in the business world, he is not any kind of intellectual or academic standout, he has not created or built anything of note. There is very little in his life I can point to my son and say,
"Here is some action or series of decisions Trudeau took that you can emulate in your own life to be successful and make you a better person or more successful". The only advice I can give him on Trudeau would be,
"sorry I wasn't Prime Minister so you'll have to work a lot harder than Justin if that's your goal. Sometimes people get ahead by the luck of the draw. Suck it up". My son is handsome though so 1 out of 2 isn't bad. Hopefully that doesn't make me a pedophile like Donald Trump.
Of course, having said that, it belies the earlier point I was trying to make. I try very hard not to idolize people, I don't consider myself a member of the
cult of personality. I respect and admire decisions, actions, thoughts and ideas put forth by individuals big and small. As best I could I passed that on to my son. Don't worship the man. Instead appreciate, admire and learn from the action, the idea, the sacrifice. You can see this in my comments on Trump. I recognize and have stated on several occasions that he's a deeply flawed human being. That doesn't mean I can't appreciate the good that he has done and doesn't mean I have to simply automatically disagree with all of his policy positions simply because he's somewhat of a despicable person at times.