America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Given the recent discussion about the electoral college, Colorado signed a bill joining 11 other states in the national popular vote interstate compact as a way of going around the electoral college, giving its electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote rather than the popular vote in Colorado.

Is it not the same system, though? The electoral college is still in place at the end of it. If the winner of the national popular vote is a Democrat, do the people who voted red in Colorado have their votes given away just as it is when the people who voted blue see the state give its vote to the Republican candidate? How does it combat if a state votes majorly 1-way, yet the winner of the popular vote is on the opposite side?
Given the recent discussion about the electoral college, Colorado signed a bill joining 11 other states in the national popular vote interstate compact as a way of going around the electoral college, giving its electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote rather than the popular vote in Colorado.

Is it not the same system, though? The electoral college is still in place at the end of it. If the winner of the national popular vote is a Democrat, do the people who voted red in Colorado have their votes given away just as it is when the people who voted blue see the state give its vote to the Republican candidate? How does it combat if a state votes majorly 1-way, yet the winner of the popular vote is on the opposite side?
It needs to be agreed with multiple states to make sense.

But regardless your thinking state wide on a national election and isn't that the whole problem with the EC in the first place, I would assume if there where people in that state running for office it would still go to those in the state that got more votes.
Really Julius Caesar was part of the foundation of the new Empire and the creation of the first Augustine. The civil unrest that followed his office (partly consequentially) led to the individual state heads being disenfranchised and command of the states being centralised in one seat of power.

Trump would love that.

Of course it all comes crashing down not long after Caesar's death. In all honesty, Roman politics makes US politics under Trump look positively polite in comparison. Hillary hasn't ended up & jail, let alone with her head on a spike or nailed to the Senate door.
He may not have the support of the Constitution, but he's not overly concerned about that because:

“I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump — I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”

Forget the Senate, look to see biker gangs step up & assume a prominent role in protecting the Trump agenda.
He may not have the support of the Constitution, but he's not overly concerned about that because:

“I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump — I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”

Forget the Senate, look to see biker gangs step up & assume a prominent role in protecting the Trump agenda.

So, he thinks the police and military will enforce his agenda without question? He really is a Soviet-esque Communist.

While there are probably some less than stable individuals in law enforcement or the military (I mean statistically there has to be), I'm guessing most wouldn't even consider harming US citizens in what would equate to martial law. Bikers on the other hand? While not all bikers are bad, there's plenty who are criminals so I could see them turning without question.

In other news, Trump is trying to put pressure on GM to keep the Lordstown plant open. Nevermind he has zero understanding of how the auto industry works (or apparently manufacturing in general). His comments show just how ignorant he is about basic economics. If you want GM to survive, they need to make cuts and keep production where it makes the most sense. I respect Mary Bara for basically ignoring Trump thus far and focusing on keeping GM afloat while turning a profit for shareholders.

Oh and apparently he suggested the FCC investigate Saturday Night Live for being one-sided. I can't actually tell if he's being sarcastic or not.

One has to wonder, if Trump spent as much effort running the country as he does bitching on Twitter how much could he accomplish?
So, he thinks the police and military will enforce his agenda without question? He really is a Soviet-esque Communist.

While there are probably some less than stable individuals in law enforcement or the military (I mean statistically there has to be), I'm guessing most wouldn't even consider harming US citizens in what would equate to martial law. Bikers on the other hand? While not all bikers are bad, there's plenty who are criminals so I could see them turning without question.

In other news, Trump is trying to put pressure on GM to keep the Lordstown plant open. Nevermind he has zero understanding of how the auto industry works (or apparently manufacturing in general). His comments show just how ignorant he is about basic economics. If you want GM to survive, they need to make cuts and keep production where it makes the most sense. I respect Mary Bara for basically ignoring Trump thus far and focusing on keeping GM afloat while turning a profit for shareholders.

Oh and apparently he suggested the FCC investigate Saturday Night Live for being one-sided. I can't actually tell if he's being sarcastic or not.

One has to wonder, if Trump spent as much effort running the country as he does bitching on Twitter how much could he accomplish?

I really believe Trump is a very ignorant person. He just says whatever comes into his head (or tweets it) without any kind of reflective filter. That is a big part of his appeal to a certain section of the US population - "deplorables" - he says the kinds of things a lot of them think, but never see expressed publicly on a national stage. What is weird, is that Trump has always acted this way ... & it's served him very well in his business & now political career.
Given the recent discussion about the electoral college, Colorado signed a bill joining 11 other states in the national popular vote interstate compact as a way of going around the electoral college, giving its electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote rather than the popular vote in Colorado.

Is it not the same system, though? The electoral college is still in place at the end of it. If the winner of the national popular vote is a Democrat, do the people who voted red in Colorado have their votes given away just as it is when the people who voted blue see the state give its vote to the Republican candidate? How does it combat if a state votes majorly 1-way, yet the winner of the popular vote is on the opposite side?

If the rules don't let us win, than we change the rules!

It says it will only go into effect though if/when they get enough states to get it to 270.

And Mexicans are stealing parts of the wall, no joke!
If the rules don't let us win, than we change the rules!
It's as if you didn't even bother considering the Hastert Rule as I subtly ("(*cough*)") suggested you do.

Edit: In the event of confusion--genuine or feigned--on the part of the individual to whom that was directed or anyone else, the Hastert Rule is an unscrupulous tactic permitting the prospective loser to stave off loss by not allowing a vote even in the event of unprecedented bipartisanship support.
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So the investigation is over. Rumored Trump will not be charged. Now if they'd only investigate Hillary's campaign. I won't hold my breath...
Popcorn time, comrades.

From what I've read, Mueller doesn't believe one can bring charges against a sitting president.

Also, you had two years of GOP control over both Houses of Congress and the White House. You had plenty of time to investigate those buttery, buttery males.
Gee, isn't Barr a Trump appointee?

*ponders possible outcomes*

I will say, though, I'd kind of like to see John Goodman portray him on SNL provided there's no need to depict Barr and Tillerson simultaneously.

You mean the Republican, Trump appointee and guy who published a memo nine months ago criticizing the Mueller investigation, who was tasked with summarizing Mueller's findings, exonerated Trump with regards to the investigation?

I am not surprised that the report concludes there is no evidence of collusion. However it is worrying Trump is doing little to punish Russia for meddling with a national election. Which is a proven crime. I guess the report doesn’t exonerate him from being an immoral lying narcissist.

I am curious about his tax returns though. Mostly because he promised he would show them after the audit. And now suddenly he doesn’t want to.
I am not surprised that the report concludes there is no evidence of collusion. However it is worrying Trump is doing little to punish Russia for meddling with a national election. Which is a proven crime. I guess the report doesn’t exonerate him from being an immoral lying narcissist.

I am curious about his tax returns though. Mostly because he promised he would show them after the audit. And now suddenly he doesn’t want to.
What is proven?

Russia already have sanctions on them keep in mind.
I am not surprised that the report concludes there is no evidence of collusion. However it is worrying Trump is doing little to punish Russia for meddling with a national election. Which is a proven crime.

Is it a crime for Russia to meddle in a foreign election? In which jurisdiction? My assumption is that all the major powers routinely "meddle" in foreign elections to some degree ... & probably none more so than the US. What is new is the use of social media to influence public opinion. It's much easier now to disseminate false information & I'm pretty convinced that Russia has been actively pursuing that goal for years. Disrupting the electoral process & encouraging nationalist elements in various countries to weaken the EU & Nato would seem to be a logical strategy for Putin.
I don't think anyone really expected Donald Trump to be personally cited and indicted by the Mueller report, did they? I thought it was reasonably obvious or apparent that whatever political shenanigans took place happened without Trump's consent and/or knowledge.

That's not to say that Trump comes out of this looking saintly. During the course of the investigation civil shenanigans between Trump, Cohen and Stormy Daniels came to light but those are a different matter and not the remit of the special counsel. I also find it hard to believe "Lyin' Michael Cohen is a terrible lawyer. Bad!". Well, you've had him as your personal lawyer for 10 years so what does that say about you and your judge of character?

Make no mistake: political shenanigans did take place given that Paul Manaford, Michael Cohen, Michael Flynn, Rick Gates, Alex van der Zwaan, George Papadopoulos and Richard Pinedo have all pleaded guilty to charges various. 25 other people have been also been charged. But the idea that Trump was some puppet master in this collusion, I just never saw it in the first place. It happened underneath him of other people's volition and he happened to benefit from it. I'm sure he won't lose any sleep about people not called Donald John Trump going to prison.
I don't think anyone really expected Donald Trump to be personally cited and indicted by the Mueller report, did they?

Apparently you have no idea of the loathing, fear and anxiety induced in the many, many liberals and progressives in America. Here in Seattle immediately after the election, I witnessed many women in great distress, some almost rending their clothing and beating their breasts, suffering intensely the fact of Trump's election. For Mueller to labor like an elephant and deliver a mouse will be emotionally devastating for many.
It's telling that all the headlines are TRUMP: EXONERATED OR NOT? when instead the focus should be on, say... the 15 or so Russian nationals, some who work(ed) for GRU military intelligence, who actually have been arrested and charged for tampering both the Republican and Democrat campaigns from the 2016 election.

Doesn't that seem like more pertinent, worrying news? It's just not entertaining enough, I guess.