America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Don't forget to balance that budget.
The perpetual deficit spending by both Republicans and Democrats has Libertarians wondering if tomorrow never comes, economic gravity no longer applies, and debts now need never be repaid.
Howard Schultz- "the far left and far right” are at extremes and not working together for the good of the American people."

Well, at least he has one thing right, still can't stand Schultz though, he will forever be the man that lost our SuperSonics.
As sad as it is, it's just how the US Gov't has treated itself as of late. There have been few things done for the country that positively affects everyone (the citizens) that I can remotely think of... Actually, I can't think of one that personally stands out so bright that I'm able to remember it myself. It's just who is continually elected and who can make the other look like a complete ass.

I'll never understand the mindset of people who continue to re-elect people like Chuck, Nancy, Lindsey, Mitch, and others who prefer to be in the spotlight about defaming someone else, more-so than ensuring that the country is in a healthy mindset. Career politicians are a joke in my opinion. While it's nice to have tenure and experience, it's another to be a power-obsessed, self-absorbed wreck in control of a very responsible position to the world.

I think you get the politicians & political system you deserve. The lack of bipartisan effort reflects the divide in the country. The election of Trump has amped it up to a new level. Sad.
We have the largest number of serving Representatives and Senators in history.
We have the largest budget in our nations history, spending money we don't have.

Meanwhile our infrastructure is aging rapidly, bridges are collapsing, a lot of it is federal, not state. Our leadership, both in the house and in the Senate can't seem to find any middle ground even if it was stuck to their face with piece of chewing gum.

Some one please tell me what the heck we are getting for our money?
We have the largest number of serving Representatives and Senators in history.
We have the largest budget in our nations history, spending money we don't have.

Meanwhile our infrastructure is aging rapidly, bridges are collapsing, a lot of it is federal, not state. Our leadership, both in the house and in the Senate can't seem to find any middle ground even if it was stuck to their face with piece of chewing gum.

Some one please tell me what the heck we are getting for our money?

The greatest show on TV. :lol:
The Mueller Report

Cut and pasted from USA Today:

- 675: The number of days from when Mueller was appointed to the day he turned in his report to Barr.

- 34: people indicted as a result of Mueller's investigation, including Russian nationals and several former Trump aides and advisors.

- 19: lawyers who were employed by the special counsel's office, according to a letter Barr sent to Congress on Sunday.

- About 40 FBI agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants and other staff that assisted with the investigation.

- More than 2,800 subpoenas issued by the Special Counsel's office, that's an average of at least four per day.

- Nearly 500 search warrants executed.

- More than 230 orders for communication records.

- Nearly 50 authorized orders for the use of pen registers, a tool that lets the government know who someone is communicating with and when, but not what they said.

- 13 evidence requests to foreign governments

- 500 witnesses interviewed


After all of that, no collusion was found.

The whole thing was a ridiculous hoax.

I actually thought the Russian thing was over more than a year ago. Then I decided to see what Maddow was talking about. I used to listen to her on her Air America show. I disagreed with much of what she said, but she was entertaining. I was surprised she was still on the Russian thing.

Then I watched Real Time, and thought, wow is Bill Maher really that stupid? I used to love Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher. Back then he claimed he was a Libertarian. Now he is a full fledged leftist.

**Language Warning** 1 instance of B.S. is uttered and displayed as text.

To be fair plenty of Lefty's who where not on the MSM Payroll didn't believe it either.

It's just the ones that did ended up looking like clowns, Partisan politics and all.
There was no collusion, no crime. The president was exonerated from a partisan witch hunt. And now there will be hell to pay as the US President, simmering with fury, seeks to turn the tables on his unrighteous accusers. This is political war, 21st Century style. Enjoy it if you can. If not, there is always Game of Thrones, drugs or booze to keep you distracted from reality.

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So a 2 year investigation with 34 people indicted, some ALREADY serving time, based on findings detailed in a report which has not been seen by the general public and with only the hand-picked attorney general's crib notes to go on, ALL while certain members of the senate play partisan politics and attempt to block the report from the public, and you people are comfortable and satisfied using words like "witch hunt".

I'm really disappointed and I expected better. It's either a text book definition of cognitive dissonance or a fine example of playing ostrich. 34 people indicted is clearly NOT a witch hunt.
There was no collusion, no crime. The president was exonerated from a partisan witch hunt. And now there will be hell to pay as the US President, simmering with fury, seeks to turn the tables on his unrighteous accusers. This is political war, 21st Century style. Enjoy it if you can. If not, there is always Game of Thrones, drugs or booze to keep you distracted from reality.

I cringe when I saw the title and pic of that video. Implying Obama was responsible of it all. Clickbait at best.
I cringe when I saw the title and pic of that video. Implying Obama was responsible of it all. Clickbait at best.
Do you doubt that Obama, Hillary and other administration and governmental figures assumed Hillary would win the election? When the impossible happened and the unfit clown Trump was elected, it seems that an inchoate plan was implemented to quickly oust the rookie upstart from power and any chance of success in his job. That's what I would have done. It's obvious. Too bad, but the plot came a cropper. Now the shoe is on the other foot for awhile. It's simple politics.
Do you doubt that Obama, Hillary and other administration and governmental figures assumed Hillary would win the election? When the impossible happened and the unfit clown Trump was elected, it seems that an inchoate plan was implemented to quickly oust the rookie upstart from power and any chance of success in his job. That's what I would have done. It's obvious. Too bad, but the plot came a cropper. Now the shoe is on the other foot for awhile. It's simple politics.

No not really. I fully believe that Obama and Hillary werent in conspiracy to take down Trump. This is basically a reversal of Trump conspiring with Russia to take down Hillary. Hillary just underestimated Trump and his followers. They didnt want to oust him, because he is a rookie, but for being unfit for the Job, which he, in my opinion, is proving everyday he tweets.
They didnt want to oust him, because he is a rookie, but for being unfit for the Job
Of course, just like I said. But when you go into the lion's den with the object of killing the alpha lion, and only wind up killing a few cubs, then you have a problem.
Ahh, so you've read the report? Care to share it with the rest of us?

That's where I am with it. No one should take anything the government says at face value. I'm guessing there's way more to the report than is being said. But for whatever reason, Trump supporters are ignoring that despite Congress voting to release the report, McConnell is stonewalling it. If there truly was nothing to hide, then why keep it secret?

And now there will be hell to pay as the US President, simmering with fury, seeks to turn the tables on his unrighteous accusers.

Ya, that's not the job of the President. And considering many of the accusers are part of the media, there's not a damn thing Trump can do about without violating the Constitution...not that he cares about that little old document anyways.
Are you actually saying Trump is a lion :lol:?
"A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn't literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison."

If I had said Trump was like a lion, that would've been a simile.

Ya, that's not the job of the President. And considering many of the accusers are part of the media, there's not a damn thing Trump can do about without violating the Constitution...not that he cares about that little old document anyways.
True; attack dogs like Graham should do the dirty work. But the Don is already trying to blackball media figures who led the attack against him. Revenge, correctly done, works in long, slow and subtle ways. But Trump will be Trump. Good chance of him fouling himself in heavy-handed revenge tactics.
That's where I am with it. No one should take anything the government says at face value. I'm guessing there's way more to the report than is being said. But for whatever reason, Trump supporters are ignoring that despite Congress voting to release the report, McConnell is stonewalling it. If there truly was nothing to hide, then why keep it secret?

Same here. I keep reading articles and comments and watching pundits with bold claims that the report was a 'nothing burger' and I keep thinking to myself, OK, now at least parts of the report must have been made public. But no, it hasn't. It's all based on Barr's cherry picked summary. And now the senate is trying to cover it up. Frankly I'm outraged. But I'm even more outraged that people are just willing to believe what they want to believe with no evidence.
There was no collusion, no crime. The president was exonerated from a partisan witch hunt. And now there will be hell to pay as the US President, simmering with fury, seeks to turn the tables on his unrighteous accusers. This is political war, 21st Century style. Enjoy it if you can. If not, there is always Game of Thrones, drugs or booze to keep you distracted from reality.

Was pretty sure I read that while there was no evidence of collusion, that didn’t mean the President was exonerated.
There's no collusion but 34 people have been indicted on charges ranging from tampering Republican and Democrat presidential campaigns to obstruction of justice. Those indicted are both Americans and Russians. Those indicted are both civilians and military intelligence officers.

But don't worry, there's no collusion.

I would love to know the full report.