I asked you which groups you are referring to in that post, you said they "overlap", ok who? Which groups overlap?
First group: folks who typically say that people are "snowflakes," that we as a culture are too quick to be offended, that the "PC" word police is always nitpicking everything.
Second group: folks who are very offended about Rep. Omar's tweets, who are insisting that there's anti-semitism behind her criticism of lobbyists and the state of Israel.
In a Venn diagram, there's a lot of overlap between those two groups. I've seen it among acquaintances, among people on the internet, and especially among members of the media. You'd think people who decry snowflakes wouldn't turn around and be snowflakes. You'd think people who whine about the word police wouldn't be so quick to become badge-holding members of the word police.
I don't care what you call them. Call them groups A and B. Call them the manifestations of the two sides of Tucker Carlson's personality. Call them the Jets and the Sharks. Whatever.
Then you refused to answer that question
I never refused to answer anything, and I'd ask again that you either provide evidence of me doing so, or stop claiming that I did. Every time you asked, I repeated myself, and I simply don't understand what part of it isn't clear. I've asked you to
specifically identify which parts of it are "vague," so that I could target my clarification, but you haven't done so. As such, I'm not sure what else to do other than keep repeating myself. Which I'm sure is getting old for everybody else.
and accused me of trying to bait you when I'm just trying to understand your point of view.
As I already said, and do try and hear it this time, I didn't make the baiting comment in response to you asking for clarification. It was in response to you declaring that I was being "coy." I don't any reason to say that somebody is leaving something unsaid other than trying to get them to say whatever it is. In other words, baiting.