America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
President Trump approves missile strike against Iran, only to abort the strike last minute.

The president cites retaliation for shooting down a US surveillance drone as the reason for ordering the strike.

I'm wondering if they looked at the data and determined that they were actually in Iranian airspace. Either that, or someone finally talked some sense into Trump that starting a war with Iran is a bad idea.

At a time like this, I wish we still had Mattis as the Secretary of Defense. While politically he was a little backward, having someone who knows how to lead a military is what we need right now.
Water boils at 212 Fahrenheit; this is not acceptable.

Yea that's a weird thing to get excited about. Why on earth would you care about this? Also, that depends entirely on atmospheric pressure, salt content, alcohol content, sugar content, etc. It's 202 degrees for pure water in Denver, vs. like 213 at Death Valley. So I don't know why you're excited about lining this up with a round number.

Edit: 181 degrees at La Rinconada Peru

Also, Iran something something.
I'm wondering if they looked at the data and determined that they were actually in Iranian airspace. Either that, or someone finally talked some sense into Trump that starting a war with Iran is a bad idea.

At a time like this, I wish we still had Mattis as the Secretary of Defense. While politically he was a little backward, having someone who knows how to lead a military is what we need right now.

I think its actually quite possible the drone was in Iranian airspace, likely trying to draw anti-aircraft fire. If that's not the case, the only viable scenario that Iran is actively seeking war. I can't decide who is more volatile, the Bolton/Pompeo/Cotton brigade or the Mullahs 'n Generals over in Iran. It's pretty clear that different brands of conservatism are not compatible...otherwise they would seemingly make perfect poker buddies!

edit: Per NYT

Still, there remained doubt inside the United States government over whether the drone, or another American surveillance aircraft, this one flown by a military aircrew, did violate Iranian airspace at some point, according to a senior administration official. The official said the doubt was one of the reasons Mr. Trump called off the strike — which could under international norms be viewed as an act of war.

edit 2: I've read rumors (not credible enough to publish really) that the Pentagon was quite alarmed/surprised that Iran was able to take out the drone with a Surface to Air missile, especially when it was accompanied by a manned reconnaissance airplane with electronic warfare countermeasures. Was the US navy trying to jam Iranian radar/lidar while doing reconnaissance work over Iranian territory? I don't think its that unbelievable.

Regardless of the theories, the official line doesn't completely add up.
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Ooooh.... the supreme court is starting to reconsider its long-held position on delegation of regulatory authority. Administrative law (administrative agency decisions for implementing law within the executive branch) is well known to be unconstitutional. Your first day of admin law, in law school is a professor telling you "this is unconstitutional, but everyone just ignores that, now on with the class". This is one of the biggest sources of government ballooning that we have, and it's unconstitutional for a very good reason. Unelected administrative agency employees are effectively making law and are unaccountable to the people. I think for most people net neutrality and the FCC comes to mind. It's not hard to see why this is a broken system that's ripe for abuse.

I'm kinda shocked that the supremes are considering actually doing their job on this. At least some of them. Not Kagan apparently.

Yea that's a weird thing to get excited about. Why on earth would you care about this? Also, that depends entirely on atmospheric pressure, salt content, alcohol content, sugar content, etc. It's 202 degrees for pure water in Denver, vs. like 213 at Death Valley. So I don't know why you're excited about lining this up with a round number.

I am compulsive in a very idiosyncratic way with numbers but it was light-hearted, don't get your knickers in a twist about it.

Funnily enough, the counterpart calculation for boiling temperature in celsius (metric) is that the boiling temperature decreases by 1 celsius for every approximate 1,000 feet increase in altitude (imperial - irony).
I am compulsive in a very idiosyncratic way with numbers but it was light-hearted, don't get your knickers in a twist about it.

There is absolutely nothing funny about Celsius vs. Fahrenheit. This is critical stuff.

Funnily enough, the counterpart calculation for boiling temperature in celsius (metric) is that the boiling temperature decreases by 1 celsius for every approximate 1,000 feet increase in altitude (imperial - irony).

Now that's funny.
It's pretty hard to care about that. You could make a system with Fahrenheit and Kelvin though, even though they're not coupled right now.

I am mostly annoyed by US cups, teaspoon, tablespoon vs grams in cooking. Kind of increases the risk of screwing up recipes:lol:
It's pretty hard to care about that. You could make a system with Fahrenheit and Kelvin though, even though they're not coupled right now.

Kelvin and Celsius are already a system, in engineering applications temps are often given in Celsius with variations in Kelvin (which has the same magnitude).

In American news... do we think Trump really had a strike ready against Iran or is it more flaff?
Kelvin and Celsius are already a system, in engineering applications temps are often given in Celsius with variations in Kelvin (which has the same magnitude).

In American news... do we think Trump really had a strike ready against Iran or is it more flaff?

Its hard to say and there are so many conflicting versions of it out there. Personally, I think he was probably wanting to do it (because 'Murica, F Yeah!) but is afraid that it will almost certainly start a war, and a war isn't good for ratings. It's probably really that simple. What isn't hard to say is that any attack on Iranian targets within Iran would be an enormous escalation (absolutely an act of war, unlike the vagueness of shooting down a drone either directly over Iranian territory or close enough to be an enormous provocation) and I have a hard time seeing any version of it that doesn't result in a massive Iranian counterattack. Like barages of anti-ship missiles and shelling of American bases. To look at this from Iran's perspective (as in, an extremely powerful enemy surrounding your country on all sides with troops, ships, missiles, airplanes, while also sanctioning your economy to the breaking point) is to see a truly existential threat. I think if they detect/confirm that an attack is on, they will respond with as overwhelming force as they can. From the US perspective, Iran doesn't really matter and isn't a threat. It kind of becomes a question of who is willing to fight harder, and the US doesn't really have much to gain.

The whole situation is just real dumb. Why did we remove Mossadegh again?
Kelvin and Celsius are already a system, in engineering applications temps are often given in Celsius with variations in Kelvin (which has the same magnitude).

Sure, but a Celsius/Kelvin system is clearly crap because of Celsius, which is terrible and to be thrown out completely. So I'm saying that since Fahrenheit is obviously far superior and should be used, that even though it's normally linked with Rankine it could be used with Kelvin instead.
To look at this from Iran's perspective (as in, an extremely powerful enemy surrounding your country on all sides with troops, ships, missiles, airplanes, while also sanctioning your economy to the breaking point) is to see a truly existential threat. I think if they detect/confirm that an attack is on, they will respond with as overwhelming force as they can.

I think people forget this when discussing how war-hungry the leaders are acting. Iran is facing a credible threat from the largest military in the world. The US is... threatened by what exactly? That if they don't start a war that maybe Iran will build nuclear weapons and when the US wants to start a war in a few years they might find it more difficult?

As much as the US loves the right to self-defence when it comes to their own citizens, they seem awfully reticent to recognise that right in other countries.
Not really, we have measuring spoons and cups. ;)

We have them too.


But people nowadays are having trouble remembering simple stuff from the past.
We have them too.


But people nowadays are having trouble remembering simple stuff from the past.

I have 2 sets of spoons and 2 sets of cups. But still its confusing. There are US cups, japanese cups, canadian cups etc.
Even with these cups and spoons, you will need a calculator to translate Lb or grams to cups.
I think people forget this when discussing how war-hungry the leaders are acting. Iran is facing a credible threat from the largest military in the world. The US is... threatened by what exactly? That if they don't start a war that maybe Iran will build nuclear weapons and when the US wants to start a war in a few years they might find it more difficult?

As much as the US loves the right to self-defence when it comes to their own citizens, they seem awfully reticent to recognise that right in other countries.

Yeah - but look at all the Iranian military bases within striking distance of the United States.


Oh wait ... :confused:
The Trump administration claims a link.

It sounds like Boltonesque war drum pounding to me though.
That is pure Propaganda, they are trying to say that a Saudi Founded Terrorist Group that believes in the same sort as Islamic extremism as every other Terrorist Group that has come out of that country and is in Direct Religious opposition with the Shia Fundamentalist Iranian Government is allied with them?

Imagine putting a Lie detector to that, it would explode without being connected.
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