America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Trump does not want to start a war and Bolton clearly did want to. Bolton froths at the mouth for the opportunity for a self-righteous, end of days-style west-vs-east holy war. God help us all if he ever acquires actual power.
Trump does not want to start a war and Bolton clearly did want to. Bolton froths at the mouth for the opportunity for a self-righteous, end of days-style west-vs-east holy war. God help us all if he ever acquires actual power.
The guy still thinks the Vietnam War was necessary.

How do people like this even exist.
The guy still thinks the Vietnam War was necessary.

How do people like this even exist.
Bolton is a neocon, who parasitically attach themselves to whichever party is in power. He (and they) want the US to attack and invade Russia then distribute the valuable resources and provinces to ourselves, Israel and other key allies.
I'm reading that Bolton offered to resign only for Trump to not accept it then sack him the next day anyway.

Has to have the final word.


It's hard to have sympathy for a vulture like Bolton but still... Trump refusing to accept a resignation just so he can sack someone, have them leave on his terms... staggering.
Twice seen that Trump is apparently, already talking about a 2024 term. People are concerned how he plans to serve a third term, I’m concerned what he may have planned for the upcoming election to “ensure” he can even attempt a third term.
Twice seen that Trump is apparently, already talking about a 2024 term. People are concerned how he plans to serve a third term, I’m concerned what he may have planned for the upcoming election to “ensure” he can even attempt a third term.

Maybe he's just accepting that he'll lose in 2020 and is planning to run again.
Nah - if he loses in 2020 he'll retreat into the hills with a militia of armed Trumpsters & mount a heroic resistance.
Not going to lie, this is actually a concern I have and it started when he was talking about tacking on two more years because "the left was so obstructionist."
Twice seen that Trump is apparently, already talking about a 2024 term. People are concerned how he plans to serve a third term, I’m concerned what he may have planned for the upcoming election to “ensure” he can even attempt a third term.

What can you expect. He is a fanboy of Putin, Xi and even Kim.
California has passed AB-5.

RIP Gig economy in this state. I've long speculated that this bill has the potential to deliver a big hit to the entire tech sector of the economy. We'll see what happens. I'm just glad they exempted some professions from the bill, because it could have put some serious hurt on the A/E industry.

Republican nanny-state. I thought this was the left's platform.

Trump ≠ Republican. I don't know how he's managed to fool the right for so long - he's remarkably good at smoke shows, I'll give him that.
Maybe he's just accepting that he'll lose in 2020 and is planning to run again.

I think it's credible that a narcissistic madman with no sense of responsibility to the nation might try to find a way to stay on if he thought the public were behind it. Failing that we'll see Ivanka Trump running for president. Or Eric, but ohmigod I hope not.
Republican ≠ Republican

The party has changed. It's not Trump, it's voters.

If a libertarian is somebody who supports social & economic freedom and...
if a liberal is somebody who supports social freedom and economic regulation and...
if a conservative is somebody who supports social regulation and economic freedom...

What is Trump who supports social regulation and economic regulation? Sounds rather Soviet...
I think it's credible that a narcissistic madman with no sense of responsibility to the nation might try to find a way to stay on if he thought the public were behind it.

The Republican Party probably want to take FDR's four-term record away from him. :rolleyes:
It feels like just yesterday that some republicans were convinced Obama was running for a third term. I can already tell 2020 is going to be fun! :rolleyes:
If Trump attempts to run for a third term, I think I'll almost have to be done with America. Not because "orange man bad" or whatever asinine think Trumpets will say. But if the Constitution is disregarded that blatantly, I'll just have to pack up it, pack it in (let us begin).

Republican nanny-state. I thought this was the left's platform.

Michigan has entered the chat.

Michigan: Amateur
Nah - if he loses in 2020 he'll retreat into the hills with a militia of armed Trumpsters & mount a heroic resistance.

If he loses the election, I suspect he has designs on starting some ultra right media empire--news, social media, continued rallies, etc. I actually think that was his plan already back in 2015~2016 and until the end, he never really imagined he was going to win the election. He may or may not believe half of what he's spewing, but he knows there's a lot of money to be made there. So in a sense, his on going policy of dividing the country will continue long after he's left the oval office.
Twice seen that Trump is apparently, already talking about a 2024 term. People are concerned how he plans to serve a third term, I’m concerned what he may have planned for the upcoming election to “ensure” he can even attempt a third term.
There are two ways to amend the Constitution. One is the traditional way used for all 27 amendments.
The other way has never been tried. It involves a simple majority vote of unelected delegates to a convention called at the request of 2/3 of the state legislatures. And as we all know through the Electoral College, the majority-of-states system is not overly democratic, but distinctly republican in flavor.

Now there is great eagerness to change the Constitution by both liberals and conservatives alike, albeit in vastly different directions. So getting all the fools to vote for a convention is going to be fairly easy. Now the fun begins. As is well known, Republicans tend to be more funded, organized and ruthless when it comes to political operations in general. Bottom line, they could get the amendment vote they want. The ratification is a bit harder, requiring 3/4 of the states to vote at ratifying conventions set up by the governor and bypassing the legislatures. Recall that most of the states have Republican governors.