It's not an effective route to resolve crimes, it is however a very clear route to target specific racial groups and demonise them (don't forget you described them as invaders).
How does describing a group of people that illegally cross your countries borders as invaders in itself target specific racial groups? How is it being racist if the only reason certain racial groups are the ones being arrested and deported because they are the majority of the ones committing that crime? Going after and arresting people that have illegally crossed your nations borders is not racist unless you capture a group and release certain detainees because they are of a different ethnic background.
I'm asking about what makes them a blight on society though. Sure there is an established channel for getting in, but is there damage in not using that channel? Just being in the US illegally doesn't cause harm. I wouldn't classify it anywhere near being a rapist or a murderer.
But it is illegal and a blatant disrespect and ignoring of our laws and apparently that they think this countries laws and rules do not apply to them. You are now applying double standards to what a citizen and illegal alien are required to abide by. If anyone got the get off easier it should be the citizen not the illegal alien criminal.
Not sure who jack is, but you seem to be conflating very different degrees of crime here, also ignoring the fact that dome are refugees, and that doesn't make it a crime
Those refugees attempting to seeking asylum in the U.S. are not following the rules as accepted by world wide organizations. A person seeking refugee status should be seeking that status in the first country they enter away from their home of danger. When it comes to South Americans they should never be seeking asylum further north than Mexico. They want in the U.S. not because of danger to qualify them as refugees but because of economic reasons which are not acceptable reasons to be allowed into this country as a refugee.
A route that is very clearly biased against the actual immigration needs of your country.
I feel we have agencies which study these demands and have the numbers and are much more qualified to set those limits than anybody posting on this board.
Thus, crossing the border does not make you want to rape children.
But it still makes you a criminal. Why is that so hard to understand, follow the rules, come here legally or go somewhere else.
How abouta person that is forced to leave their country because of war, homicidal family etc
Read the answer above concerning refugee status.
Question: Are you in favor of streamlining the immigration process such that it is easier & less burdensome for immigrants to gain legal permanent status?
I feel that once the vetting process is complete that there are reasons for other steps to be completed. Without knowing the whole process I cannot really give you a honest or reasonable response.
I will say that I feel that anyone that is considered for permanent residency should be able to document financial independence for their own support and should not be eligible for any government financial assistance for a set period of time of multiple years.
Look at the laws of other countries and they have requirements as well. I can remember reading something about Australia's requirements for a person wanting to move there and retire and the conditions were pretty brutal to meet the criteria. But most think the U.S. should admit anyone.