America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec

Huh, I've never actually seen that story before. It wouldn't surprise me though, I'm sure the Welsh drew from the Norse legends and someone got on a boat to see if they were true. Also, the bit about the "Welsh Indians" is particularly interesting as well.
There are even some fringe theories that the Romans or Greeks might have made it here, but I don't believe there's any concrete evidence of that.
Thee are reports, possibly reliable, that Roman amphorae, coins and other artifacts have been found at the bottom of a harbor at South America. They possibly got lost and were taken by prevailing currents and winds to the New World.
And the Pilgrim Fathers really did set off from the Netherlands. Leiden specifically.
Never said they didn't but that colony occurred 13 years after the the first English
Jamestown settlement which was totally out of England so was not relevant to the statement I made. Also as far as American history is concerned it seems that is pretty much considered as Jamestown was the first English settlement which actually had effects on the beginning of what we consider to be the United States today.

Quite possible. The Welsh and Irish (as we think of them in modern times) were very much part of the Nordic community around the Irish sea, there's growing evidence of Norse voyages past Vinland to North America from the 800s onwards. It's hard to tell from saga and other legend what's true or false but the idea of Norse-influenced communities using their excellent seafaring skills to make such voyages is a credible one.
Quite possible. The Welsh and Irish (as we think of them in modern times) were very much part of the Nordic community around the Irish sea, there's growing evidence of Norse voyages past Vinland to North America from the 800s onwards. It's hard to tell from saga and other legend what's true or false but the idea of Norse-influenced communities using their excellent seafaring skills to make such voyages is a credible one.

Yeah, but when the Nordic community sent its people, they didn't send their best. They sent people that had lots of problems, and they brought those problems with them. They brought drugs. They brought crime. They were rapists. And some, I assume, were good people.
Yeah, but when the Nordic community sent its people, they didn't send their best. They sent people that had lots of problems, and they brought those problems with them. They brought drugs. They brought crime. They were rapists. And some, I assume, were good people.

They were a bunch of bad hombre...errr what's Norse for "man"? I think it's maður if Icelandic is anything to go by, so they were a bunch of bad maður.

Also, I assume the actions of the Nordic people are directly related to MS-13...probably.
They were a bunch of bad hombre...errr what's Norse for "man"? I think it's maður if Icelandic is anything to go by, so they were a bunch of bad maður.

Also, I assume the actions of the Nordic people are directly related to MS-13...probably.
Before I realized it was part of the letter, I kept trying to wipe the slash on that "d" off my screen... I may need to see an optometrist....
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A little surprised he didn't go the whole hog and ask for The Birth of a Nation.
I'm only 24, but I'm positive that only a few Americans in my age group know about this movie.

Also, the US stock markets are getting hammered. My portfolio is down so much on the opening this Friday. The corona virus really has investors and people nervous, but I think it's for no real reason, at least for many of us in the US.
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Edit: I heard that in response to Parasite winning the Oscar for best picture, Trump plans to make Hollywood great again by bringing back Gone With the Wind.
One wonders if it's an attempt to draw attention away from former Republican congressman and climate change denier Dana "Dinosaur Farts" Rohrabacher offering to broker a presidential pardon for Julian Assange in exchange for evidence that Russia didn't hack the DNC email server.

For what it's worth (not much, I'd wager), the White House says Trump barely knows Rohrabacher.
They're Illegal though!? - Why? It seems like being born somewhere other than where you would like to live is a pretty weak basis to make something illegal.

I'm not for open borders, but if you have a legitimate passport, a clean background report and at least a plan on how you're going to support yourself and family you should be able to live and work wherever you want to without a huge hassle.

They are illegal because they failed to comply with immigration laws, simple as that. Immigration laws are in effect because the country want to control who is getting in.

People who support illegal immigration usually want to exploit immigrants for economic gain (or have other agenda).
If economy need workers on lower positions we should ask why before taking in immigrants to do the job. Maybe it's because lower positions don't have proper valuation?

I'm not against legal immigration, but it should not decrease quality of life for citizens, absolute no go for me is increase in population density.
People who support illegal immigration usually want to exploit immigrants for economic gain (or have other agenda).

It is a victimless crime. It is often perpetuated out of fear of immediate threat to safety, or out of a desire to improve living conditions. This is not immoral either. Show me the part where someone is harmed or someone is clearly dangerous.

I'm not against legal immigration, but it should not decrease quality of life for citizens, absolute no go for me is increase in population density.

They are illegal because they failed to comply with immigration laws, simple as that. Immigration laws are in effect because the country want to control who is getting in.
There is no reasonable justification for doing so. An individual represents no danger simply by being present. It's a law simply because it is a law.

There are lots of stupid laws.

Article 1, Section 4 of the Texas Constitution holds that "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office, or public trust, in this State; nor shall any one be excluded from holding office on account of his religious sentiments, provided he acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being."

In Alaska, someone may not get drunk in an establishment that sells alcohol and remain on the premises knowing that they are drunk.

In Indiana, liquor stores are not permitted to sell refrigerated non-alcoholic beverages. Stocked water and soft drinks must be kept at room temperature.

Fortune telling is against the law in Maryland.

It's illegal to use vulgar or obscene language in front of two or more people in Mississippi. State of Mississippi: "**** the First Amendment."

In Pennsylvania, it's illegal to barter a baby for goods or services. Okay, that's pretty reasonable. What's stupid is that you may be charged with a misdemeanor for doing so.

On the other hand, adultery is a felony in Michigan.

On the topic of marriage, a couple may not tie the knot in Nebraska if either or both of them has a sexually transmitted disease. Even if one who does not is aware that their partner does.

In New York, an individual may not wear a mask or otherwise conceal their identity in public if accompanied by others who are similarly disguised. "Remember, remember, the 5th of...uh...sorry,'ll have to take those Guy Fawkes masks off."
If economy need workers on lower positions we should ask why before taking in immigrants to do the job. Maybe it's because lower positions don't have proper valuation?

Americans don't want to do the jobs illegal immigrants do for the pay it's probably worth. I mean, we have people saying fast-food workers should get a minimum of $15 an hour and working fast-food isn't exactly back-breaking work. Can you imagine what someone who does landscaping or stands out in a field for 12+ hours picking produce would want? It's just not manageable and that cost would end up being passed to the consumer. So instead of someone paying $3 for a pint of blueberries, they'd probably end up paying $10 because of the increase to the cost of labor.

If immigrants are willing to work for a certain sum of money and it benefits both them and their employer, I don't see why we shouldn't let them. If they weren't keen on the pay being offered, they wouldn't risk coming to America.

In Indiana, liquor stores are not permitted to sell refrigerated non-alcoholic beverages. Stocked water and soft drinks must be kept at room temperature.

On the other hand, adultery is a felony in Michigan.

Wow. At least in Utah, I can buy a cold water with my warm, watered-down six-pack of beer. Also, I had no idea adultery was a felony in Michigan. Too bad I never married my ex, I could've pressed charges so hard.
Can you imagine what someone who does landscaping or stands out in a field for 12+ hours picking produce would want?
They are illegal because they failed to comply with immigration laws, simple as that.

Governments routinely get laws wrong, which is why they made them possible to repeal.

People who support illegal immigration usually want to exploit immigrants for economic gain (or have other agenda).

You're right, I do have an agenda. Said agenda is wanting the government to stop spending ridiculous amounts of money fighting something that really isn't doing enough harm to justify the response.

I also wouldn't say I support illegal immigration, I just don't think it's the huge problem some make it out to be. Someone that's been here illegally for years and is able to support themselves without causing issues is not a threat to national security or the economy.
Governments routinely get laws wrong, which is why they made them possible to repeal.

Yes, they can repeal or change laws, that's better way instead of ignoring laws.

Americans don't want to do the jobs illegal immigrants do for the pay it's probably worth. I mean, we have people saying fast-food workers should get a minimum of $15 an hour and working fast-food isn't exactly back-breaking work. Can you imagine what someone who does landscaping or stands out in a field for 12+ hours picking produce would want? It's just not manageable and that cost would end up being passed to the consumer. So instead of someone paying $3 for a pint of blueberries, they'd probably end up paying $10 because of the increase to the cost of labor.

Ok, so your economic gain are cheap blueberries in this example.

There is no reasonable justification for doing so. An individual represents no danger simply by being present. It's a law simply because it is a law.

I didn't say anything about danger. And there is reasonable justification for immigration laws. Either you are for open borders or some form of immigration laws are needed.

Are you asking me why I don't want to decrease in quality of life?

If you look at this diagram, increase in population density will have impact in many categories (housing, environment, infrastructure and for some it's income and jobs and personal security).
