- 30,007
- a baby, candy, it's like taking.
- TexRex72
What?! Problems aren't known or even guaranteed, and those who cause them are neither known nor guaranteed. This is absurdity of the highest order and is not reasonable justification for denying an individual access to a country.yes, you got it right, everyone can be problematic, but at least we can control number of possible incoming problems by selecting who can come in, it seems reasonable to me.
What's more, it doesn't even address those who are already in the country having never committed a crime unrelated to how they came to be in the country, and you supporting the notion that they should not be permitted to stay indefinitely.
And you know how absolutely hammered this notion that "more people" is a problem got the last time it was discussed. "More people" isn't a problem, but a solution to problems.And you know how I see increase in population density, we should aim for steady-state economy followed by post-scarcity economy, not never ending economic growth.
It's a fringe ideology commonly referred to as basic human rights.You seem passionate about this topic, what exactly is your motivation?
And I'm admittedly rather less passionate--but still passionate, mind--in my love for my country, which is founded heavily upon the people who live here, without regard to the manner by which they came to live here.
But do go ahead and slap a label onto that, as so seems to be your prerogative.
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