Ya, I really don't understand the Arbery incident. I get there are racist people everywhere that will automatically jump to a racist stereotype whenever it suits them, but how terrible does a police department need to be to completely ignore a shooting? Even if the circumstances were self-defense, most agencies would at least do something instead of sitting idly by. What's even more concerning is if there hadn't been a video of this, those guys would've gotten away without any form of repercussions.
Although, assuming this goes to trial, I can't see them being charged with anything more than manslaughter despite being an obvious case of second-degree murder. They'll probably get a plea deal that results in probation or something though.
I've watched this and have been thinking about it. It's such a specific type of crime...still processing. In my head these are the keywords that are kind of swimming around:
Southern white entitlement (related to concepts like racism and white privilege but somehow more sinister)
Self Righteousness
Racism, guns, and self righteousness abound in the United States. But I have a hard time seeing a crime
quite like this take place anywhere but the deep south. Like I get the feeling when they got in that pickup truck they were absolutely
elated to go hunt down that black person. Like they've been waiting for such a joyous occasion for years. They armed themselves "just in case" they needed to defend themselves, but really they armed themselves
hoping they would have to defend themselves, a plausible deniability that provides the desired outcome: Killing that black person who didn't belong in their territory.
I think that's where entitlement
plus guns feed into this. I've said this before, but it's been proven that objects can amplify certain feelings. Wearing a bicycle helmet
boosts appetite for danger, even in unrelated activities. - Isn't it reasonable that guns could do something similar? It seems more unreasonable that they
wouldn't. I think for some people who may be predispositioned to entitlement and self righteousness, (like the two Jabronis in this case probably), guns may amplify emotions beyond control. I'm a gun owner...I understand the powerful feeling they imbue in their operator. You mix that with someone who feels entitled to some geographic/cultural region and I think the "lets go hunt black people" mentality is a predictable result. The gun didn't commit the crime. The person committed the crime. But to say the gun isn't a factor in the cause of the crime I think is a mistake, because I think it's all mixed up in the psychological profile of the perpetrators. In the same way that southern white entitlement
PLUS guns resulted in this outcome, I think special-forces-fetishism, seclusion, and xenophobic-ignorance
PLUS guns results in things like the El Paso or Christchurch shootings. It's not just that the guns provide the tool for the action, they amplify pre-existing psychology.
I don't want to see the 2A stripped of its usefulness (how many autocratic governments in the world would exist with something like 2A?) but damn do we need to better understand the psychological effects of guns.
Apologies for the rambling stream of consciousness post.