America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
...that's worse.
Why is it worse that the photo is from May? The only "worse" I see is that it shoots a hole in the narrative that the President never wears a mask, or is somehow anti-mask.
Personally, I don't 'feel' the need to wear a mask when it is 97°s and humid as hell outside while I am walking through the Kroger parking lot alone. I put on my mask as I approach the entrance.
You've acted like you had the direct line to Trump's inner circle...
I have no connection to Trump's inner circle, but it seems you do, since you 'know' he never wears a mask.

By the time Trump is seen by the press at events, they have already been socially distanced and he makes his remarks safely.
You guys just can't see clearly through your orange man bad tinted glasses.

@McLaren Anyone who would vote for brain dead Biden, is a moron. Is that useful conversation?
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Why is it worse that the photo is from May? The only "worse" I see is that it shoots a hole in the narrative that the President never wears a mask, or is somehow anti-mask.
Personally, I don't 'feel' the need to wear a mask when it is 97°s and humid as hell outside while I am walking through the Kroger parking lot alone. I put on my mask as I approach the entrance.

I have no connection to Trump's inner circle, but it seems you do, since you 'know' he never wears a mask.

By the time Trump is seen by the press at events, they have already been socially distanced and he makes his remarks safely.
You guys just can't see clearly through your orange man bad tinted glasses.

@McLaren Anyone who would vote for brain dead Biden, is a moron. Is that useful conversation?
Is this what TDS actually looks like?
I mean, Trump has run his full political gambit of bull****ery on this one. Blaming Obama, blaming China, blaming democrats in general. He and his administration worked on hiding information, such as having total cases at one point removed from the CDC website and requiring any public statements from gov health officials to be first screened by Katie Miller (Pences press sec.) Mean while Trump was out galavanting with all sorts of foreign officials, shaking hands and getting in close for those photo ops. All of that and Trump himself was continuously under playing the virus. And thats just the quick list off the top of my head. I could do some leg work and make this list even larger, suchs as retaliation by has admin for whistleblowing, etc.
Trump, by is words and actions both, has endangered public safety. Thise words and actions have led to large portions of American citizenry being far to complacent, leading to more infections, and more deaths.
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By the time Trump is seen by the press at events, they have already been socially distanced and he makes his remarks safely.

You're right. He made sure to put goggles on to protect himself and others when he went into the mask production facility for his campaign photo op.

He presumably thought it made him look like a guy he saw on a pizza box once.

You guys just can't see clearly through your orange man bad tinted glasses.
No attempt to answer the question, or even acknowledge it was asked. What a surprise. Here's an easier one:

So how many times have you watched Gone With the Wind in the past week?
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Why is it worse that the photo is from May? The only "worse" I see is that it shoots a hole in the narrative that the President never wears a mask, or is somehow anti-mask.

Because this isn't about partisan politics or some particular vendetta I have against Trump. I was hoping that he was starting to wear a mask, because it's what he should do and it would help so many people. I was hoping that it was a new photo and that, coupled with his dumb lone ranger tweet, it represented a good turn for the US where the president is doing the right thing.

But no, you say the photo is old, Trump is still making things worse.
I have no connection to Trump's inner circle, but it seems you do, since you 'know' he never wears a mask.

Well, he never wears it where people can see him because he's said he "doesn't want to give the media the pleasure of seeing him in a mask." That's ridiculous and if he did wear a mask while addressing the media, it'd make his followers probably more open to the idea of wearing one.
No attempt to answer the question, or even acknowledge it was asked. What a surprise.
This question?
Is it really because he thinks it makes him look like someone from a TV show from the 50s, and that's the extent of thought he's put into sesible preventative measures for a respiratory virus?
How the hell should I know? I thought it was a rhetorical question.
So how many times have you watched Gone With the Wind in the past week?
Not once, the thing is like four hours long.
Good thing HBO Max unerased history.
I just checked HBO, no Gone With the Wind. But Xfinity says they will be adding HBO Max to their X1 platform 'soon'. So I will get to watch it 'soon'.

Something about this video didn't seem quite right to me. Could it be leftists trying to rewrite history like they always do? We see them on the streets nearly every night trying to erase bits and pieces of it.

The video claims Columbus was an "historical footnote", but was elevated in 1828 after the Sleepy Hollow guy wrote his biography.

So if that is true, why was the capital of Ohio, named for him in 1816? And why was DC named after him in 1791? Just wondering.
So if that is true, why was the capital of Ohio, named for him in 1816? And why was DC named after him in 1791? Just wondering.
According to this article the cartoon got it wrong and the turning point was in 1775.

It looks like it got everything else about him right though. Less "leftists trying to rewrite history", more like a simple error of research.

Unless you can provide a rightist article telling us how he was benevolent towards natives and really did "discover" America before Erik The Red, Hudson and Portuguese fishing fleets did, it seems like it was the Revolutionary era Americans which were rewriting history and that the only thing leftists are trying to do is set the record straight. Problem?
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And why was DC named after him in 1791? Just wondering.

I can help with that, although I'm astonished it's not on every American's history curriculum already. It was named indirectly after him but in direct reference to the "Territory of Columbia", one of the names by which the US was formerly known. There was always an awareness of the idea that "Columbus Discovered America", however inaccurately applied. In fact Columbus' descendents were still active in claiming fiscal reparation from the Spanish government in the late 1700s.

why was the capital of Ohio, named for him in 1816?

More directly named for Columbus, good evidence that people knew about him. He was never a secret, after all, but not a widely celebrated figure. Almost a footnote, you might say.

Could it be leftists trying to rewrite history like they always do?

What a strangely sweeping generalisation.
We see them on the streets nearly every night trying to erase bits and pieces of it.

Indeed you do. Every night, all of them, huge leftist meetings they have, all the the leftists attend to plan their next leftisms. Nobody remembers of course, the history gets erased.

Has it occurred to you that human action is what actually makes the history? I can't think of any cases of history being erased and nor can you, if you're honest.
I can't think of any cases of history being erased and nor can you, if you're honest.
See? It's working! And they would have got away with it if it wasn't for normal people keeping the true history on stone tablets under their bed. Or something.

If, against the odds, D.C gets renamed it seems less to me like it would be an erasure of history and more that people don't want to celebrate genocide any more. Flavorton too.
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I can't think of any cases of history being erased and nor can you, if you're honest.
One really good example of history being erased is the case of the tens of thousands of North American native tribal mounds, barrows , pyramids and earthworks being literally erased by colonial farmers. Fortunately, there were so many that not all of them could be erased.

Another example closer to your home is the practice of castle slighting.

Corfe Castle was slighted in 1646 during the English Civil War. Parliament slighted or proposed to slight more than 100 buildings, including castles, town walls, abbeys, and houses.[1]

Yet another example is that of the Great Library of Alexandria. Over the course of centuries, it was erased by various purges, fires, rebellions, and counterattacks, including deliberate vandalism, demolition and destruction.

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
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One really good example of history being erased is the case of the tens of thousands of North American native tribal mounds, barrows , pyramids and earthworks being literally erased by colonial farmers. Fortunately, there were so many that not all of them could be erased.

Perhaps I should have been more clear that I was talking about the accusations that modern society is erasing history. But yes, colonialism is a good example of entire cultural eradication, particularly when the oppressed culture is one with oral traditions and un-invasive engineering.

Another example closer to your home is the practice of castle slighting.

No, it isn't. Meticulous records exist of most courts and the interregnum, slighted battlements are well known to have been so. It's a part of their history that can still be examined (and in some cases visited) today, ergot the history was not erased.

Yet another example is that of the Great Library of Alexandria.

Again, not really, it's ancient history itself. That's if it even really existed.
Something about this video didn't seem quite right to me. Could it be leftists trying to rewrite history like they always do? We see them on the streets nearly every night trying to erase bits and pieces of it.

The video claims Columbus was an "historical footnote", but was elevated in 1828 after the Sleepy Hollow guy wrote his biography.

So if that is true, why was the capital of Ohio, named for him in 1816? And why was DC named after him in 1791? Just wondering.

I wonder how sleepy hollow guy even found out about him. It wasn't observed as a holiday until well after 1828, it didn't become a federal holiday until the early 1900s. I took the cartoon to be mainly concerned with the holiday.


The Adam Ruins Everything episode was posted on youtube 3 years ago, not exactly coinciding with any recent protests.
Something about this video didn't seem quite right to me. Could it be leftists trying to rewrite history like they always do? We see them on the streets nearly every night trying to erase bits and pieces of it.

The video claims Columbus was an "historical footnote", but was elevated in 1828 after the Sleepy Hollow guy wrote his biography.

So if that is true, why was the capital of Ohio, named for him in 1816? And why was DC named after him in 1791? Just wondering.

Leftists. What in your mind is a "leftist"?

When I were a lad, "leftist" actually meant something - you know like Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, the young Cristopher Hitchens, some members of the British Labour party. There were leftist terrorist groups like the Baader–Meinhof Group, the Red Brigades, the Provisional IRA, Action Directe & many others. Now right-wingers have taken to calling everything that is not right wing "leftist". Bill Clinton is a "leftist" - Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi. CNN is "leftist". Is Mitt Romney a leftist? John McCain? Where does it end?

As far as re-writing history is concerned, "history is written by the victors" - a quote apparently not written by Winston Churchill, but historically (ironically) often ascribed to him. The critical re-evaluation of the historical record is perhaps the most important aspect of post-modernism. Conservatives, wedded to their traditional & reassuring versions of the past will fight it every step of the way, just as they did in Galileo's day, or Darwin's.
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I can help with that, although I'm astonished it's not on every American's history curriculum already.

It's not, at least not when I went to school. I only learned about the name through the History Channel back when they used to show something other than reality TV with a healthy dose of Nazis.

Something about this video didn't seem quite right to me. Could it be leftists trying to rewrite history like they always do? We see them on the streets nearly every night trying to erase bits and pieces of it.

The video claims Columbus was an "historical footnote", but was elevated in 1828 after the Sleepy Hollow guy wrote his biography.

So if that is true, why was the capital of Ohio, named for him in 1816? And why was DC named after him in 1791? Just wondering.

Columbus deserves nothing. He never discovered America and he only bumped into the landmass because he was an idiot who thought the Earth was shaped like a pear and could somehow get to India quicker. If Americans want to truly celebrate Europeans coming to America proper, then we should be celebrating the Norseman, particularly Bjarni Herjólfsson or Leif Erikson.
According to this article the cartoon got it wrong and the turning point was in 1775.

It looks like it got everything else about him right though. Less "leftists trying to rewrite history", more like a simple error of research.

Unless you can provide a rightist article telling us how he was benevolent towards natives and really did "discover" America before Erik The Red, Hudson and Portuguese fishing fleets did, it seems like it was the Revolutionary era Americans which were rewriting history and that the only thing leftists are trying to do is set the record straight. Problem?
I don't need to read (even though I read most of it) an article out of that leftist rag.

I didn't post that to defend Columbus. I posted that because it didn't make any sense for people to be naming things after almost a footnote.

If I were going to take the time and expense to produce such a polished, kid friendly, piece of propaganda, I would at least get my facts straight before I started twisting them.
Leftists. What in your mind is a "leftist"?
I don't think Romney or even Bill Clinton are leftists. I don't think the majority of the Democrat party are leftists though leftists vote for them.
I think Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a leftist, and I think anyone that supports the Green New Deal is a leftist.
I think Antifa has lots of leftists, but is mostly made up of useful idiots. But I guess the same could be said for most extremist groups.
When did everything suddenly become "propaganda" and "an attempt to rewrite history"? I feel like you're putting too much faith in people's intelligence.
I don't need to read (even though I read most of it) an article out of that leftist rag.
The next time you ask a question which demands some kind of historical explanation, maybe you should post a list of approved and disapproved sources so that we don't post something that somehow offends you. After reading your somewhat paranoid rant I thought I was listening to Chairman Mao for a moment.
I lived in Tracy California for a bit in '89. I remember a Honda commercial that was running at the time.
It showed lawmakers in Southern CA getting into their giant, gas guzzling American cars and leaving smoggy LA, heading to Sacramento (the capitol).
Then it showed Northern CA lawmakers leaving clear skied San Francisco and the beautiful wooded Northern CA.
Then it just showed how much easier it was to park a little car than a land yacht.

The point is, that SoCal, back then was much more conservative than NorCal.

LA tonight.
Typical propaganda you were just bitching about. No one said celebrating America is illegal. Most places just cancelled them b/c of the gigantic crowds. Several places, including Kaboom Town here in Dallas went through with the fireworks, they just did them in a non-disclosed location so people can't gather nearby it.

BTW, Benny's tweet doesn't make any sense. Communists claim, "Celebrating America is illegal" & the response to that is "F you America"?
Typical propaganda you were just bitching about. No one said celebrating America is illegal. Most places just cancelled them b/c of the gigantic crowds. Several places, including Kaboom Town here in Dallas went through with the fireworks, they just did them in a non-disclosed location so people can't gather nearby it.

BTW, Benny's tweet doesn't make any sense. Communists claim, "Celebrating America is illegal" & the response to that is "F you America"?

Exactly. We always have 3 big fireworks shows every 4th including one right behind where I live. I can just go out on my deck and watch it. But they were all canceled this year so there wouldn't be any crowds. You could still hear people shooting off their store bought stuff.
No, it isn't. Meticulous records exist of most courts and the interregnum, slighted battlements are well known to have been so. It's a part of their history that can still be examined (and in some cases visited) today, ergot the history was not erased.
So if I were to come over there and tear down half the Tower of London, in no way could I be accused of erasing your history since the Tower is so well documented.

At one time, there were a pair of Princes locked up in the Tower. Whoever erased them from history actually did no such thing, since their lives were already well known and their erasure has no affect upon history.
So if I were to come over there and tear down half the Tower of London, in no way could I be accused of erasing your history since the Tower is so well documented.

At one time, there were a pair of Princes locked up in the Tower. Whoever erased them from history actually did no such thing, since their lives were already well known and their erasure has no affect upon history.
History erasure? No. Malicious vandalism and false imprisonment? Probably. If you were to vandalise the Tower you would be making history, all of it bad.

London Bridge was sold to the Americans. It sounds to me that according to your reasoning we should have retired the nursery rhyme since it no longer exists.
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