More likely it was white antifa thugs. If it were Republicans I think it would have made the news. Although I will admit most hard core white suprimisist thugs and malitia types, that would do that sort of thing, probably vote Republican.
I don't think the looting was from BLM. I have seen plenty of videos of white Antifa thugs smashing store windows, and encouraging black kids to go in and loot. Antifa wasn't looting, they would move on to the next store and get the looting started there.
There is a video of an Antifa punk with a pick hammer, chipping up chunks of concrete ammo from a sidewalk when BLM protesters grabbed him and dragged his happy ass right over to a group of cops.
Doesn't matter how predictable it was that you'd never even consider any thing that might counter your worldview, it's still funny when it happens.
Dude, there is no Antifa in my city. On the weekends, farm boys would come into town, smash some windows, spray paint some walls, and then during the week, it would magically calm way down again. Just peaceful BLM crowds gathering near the capital during the evenings, doing nothing more objectionable than staying out past curfew.
* I am not racist, Democrats are the ones that have to inject race into everything, I don't. Everything from 'you're a victim' to affirmative action. From the KKK to Jim Crow, to slavery, which, as I am sure you know, was ended by Republicans.
Sure, by a version of the party that doesn't exist anymore. Again, you're being black and white here, and leaning on the word "Republicans" without acknowledging the history behind it all. When Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act and ended Jim Crow, the Democrats suddenly and completely lost their long-standing grip on southern politics. Pretty much overnight, millions of former Democrats abandoned the party, and the Republicans' very successful "Southern Strategy" to win those voters over by stoking racial resentment and fear was born. And you don't have to take my word for it, many political strategists, probably most notably Reagan chief advisor Lee Atwater, openly admitted it.
In many very real ways, the parties pretty much switched places because of the Civil Rights movement. So to give credit for that to the modern Republican party is laughably uninformed and short-sighted. This, of course, has been pointed out many times in this very thread, but I suspect it won't be heard by any more ears now than it has been before.
EDIT: I just realized that you took me saying "Enough with your black and white nonsense" as an accusation that you were making everything about racism, or that you were racist. That's not at all what I meant by that. I was saying that you're being overly simplistic and binary with your statements. i.e., "Democrats do A, Republicans never do A."
There's grey area in everything, including the behavior of Republicans (or as you know them, the Greatest People Who Ever Lived).
When you denounce all "leftist" protesters as "lawless thugs," you're buying into and helping spread all the fearmongering nonsense from Fox and the like. I know that plays well on Facebook, but folks here see right through it.