America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
It's too much winning.

Too much winning is for losers.

Nobody should care - either way. Facebook is a private company. They can ban whatever they want.

This, there's not much to it in itself. The question about the data control that companies like Facebook, Twitter, Amazon and Instaflix have over us is a much wider one of course, but it seems that more people are interested in whether Zuckerberg is a lizard or not than what Facebook is vacuuming out of their private devices.
You changed your profile pic pretty sharpish @Ten. One could say that there are no flies on you.
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Michigan militia members arrested in plot to kidnap & kill Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer

The Michigan Militia acting like a domestic terrorist group?


To explain the Michigan Militia to people outside the US or really outside of Michigan, picture Ted Nugent, now picture a huge group of Ted Nugents playing army man in the woods of Northern Michigan. Now sprinkle in a dose of white supremacy with a dash of end of the world preppers and boom, there's the Michigan Militia. Oh, and both Terry Nichols and Timothy McVeigh were sort of involved with it at one point too (the men responsible for the Oklahoma City Bombing in '95).

Article III, Section 3, Clause 1:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open court.

I'm not an authority on constitutional law. But this tweet flirts dangerously close to that definition, within the context of what just happened in Michigan.
Trump on his health from an interview with Fox' Maria Bartiromo

Come on people...this guy has completely lost his mind. He is clearly, dangerously unfit to the commander-in-chief. It's pretty clear why he's not participating in further debates.

We are all suffering, over here. It's still wild to me that there is a very vocal, ravenous science denying group of people who worship this warthog and are willing to sacrifice their families and themselves to maintain their idea of "winning", which seems to include them sacrificing their families and themselves.

And according to stats, they are the minority.
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We are all suffering, over here. It's still wild to me that there is a very vocal, ravenous science denying group of people who worship this warthog and are willing to sacrifice their families and themselves to maintain their idea of "winning", which seems to include them sacrificing their families and themselves.

And according to stats, they are the minority.
I get serious Jonestown shivers from them.
Apparently Trump is still taking dexamethasone. No idea though if it's to still combat the virus or as I saw one person comment, he's having to taper off it.
The Twitt is from 6 months ago...
"The FBI became aware of the scheme, first reported by The Detroit News, in early 2020 through a social media group of individuals, according to the federal criminal complaint.
Court documents say the FBI planted a confidential informant to travel to Dublin, Ohio, on June 6 for a meeting with Croft, Fox and about 13 others."
Seems like perfect timing.
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"The FBI became aware of the scheme, first reported by The Detroit News, in early 2020 through a social media group of individuals, according to the federal criminal complaint.
Court documents say the FBI planted a confidential informant to travel to Dublin, Ohio, on June 6 for a meeting with Croft, Fox and about 13 others."
Seems like perfect timing.

Honestly, in the firestorm of information we have right now, I feel like this isn't getting enough traction (even though it is getting some). The man literally tweeted "liberate michigan", referring to coronavirus and the governor's actions, and a group of terrorists actually did create a plot to violently seize (and apparently murder) the top member of the michigan government, presumably over coronavirus.

It's so absurdly dead on, one should be considering (I'm not saying actually, but maybe attempting to line up evidence) arresting Trump for conspiracy in the crime. Seriously. Trump is aware that there are groups like this. At a minimum, I think it rises to the level of criminal negligence, and I don't say that as hyperbole. Add it to the (long) list of impeachable offenses.

So what does he do at this point? Does he acknowledge that he went too far and apologize for apparently helping to foster the environment that this occurred in? No, he says she should thank him, and criticizes her politics. His bit about condemning the violence is buried in the tweet, and is greatly undermined by the rest of the tweet. If he's effective at all at communicating, he should know that this is not now you get the message out that you will not tolerate these activities. Not even close.

She should thank him... jesus tapdancing...

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We have the right to form a militia to defend from a tyrannical government.
Forms militia, called domestic terrorism.
A little hypocritical... Don't you say?
And don't act like we(America) don't overthrow governments. Maybe it is time for a change in America?
We have the right to form a militia to defend from a tyrannical government.
Forms militia, called domestic terrorism.
A little hypocritical... Don't you say?
And don't act like we(America) don't overthrow governments. Maybe it is time for a change in America?

What the actual...

You're advocating that the method for change is for the president to call for the violent seizure and execution of government officials and then for people to act on that call.

That's not America. That's strict authoritarianism. It doesn't resemble anything American. I don't remember being more disturbed by anything anyone has posted on this site.


I'm honestly considering contacting the FBI.
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We have the right to form a militia to defend from a tyrannical government.
Forms militia, called domestic terrorism.
A little hypocritical... Don't you say?
And don't act like we(America) don't overthrow governments. Maybe it is time for a change in America?

The issue is the Michigan Militia isn't a militia in a standard sense. They really are a domestic terrorist organization and don't act in the defense of Michiganders or seek to defend rights. They might think they do, but their core philosophy is very skewed. Both Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were apart of the early founding of the Michigan Militia and the ideals of the organization compelled them to carry out the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. The founder of the Michigan Militia, Norm Olson, also tried to start a conflict between Japan and the US, by claiming Japan had carried out the bombing in Oklahoma City in response to the sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway in 1995.

To this day, they hold some really extreme views, even though they tried to clean up their image in the early 2000s.

If they just wanted to play GI Joe in Northern Michigan, I doubt most people would care. But they don't and have tried to intervene in a number of things they had no right intervening in. They're also closely related to the Hutaree group in South Central Michigan, who are a group of "Christian Warriors". About 10-ish years ago the Hutarees wanted to kill a police officer, then blow up the funeral. They were arrested, but due to the government being completely incompetent, most of them were freed and only charged with possession of illegal firearms.

Really, if you want to join a militia group, you really should join the National Guard since that's more or less what it is.
That's not America.
You must have forgotten how we were formed...
That said is there any proof that the militia did it on Trumps orders or that they even support Trump or did some lucky idiot on Twitter with nothing better to do than dig through old Tweets and conveniently found said Tweet that had nothing to do with the situation and said oh how convenient!
Do you know why everyone of the 6 joined or are you going off of what people are telling you that they think?
People in Michigan have every right to be pissed off at their governor. Detroit job losses and the Flint water situation comes to mind. Remind me how many people died or got sick from the water? They literally put their citizens in danger without zero :censored:given.
But hey, the 6 guys are the bad guys...

Oh and feel free to report my post if you find it so disturbing.

I'm honestly considering contacting the FBI.
Ok... Have fun.
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