America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
I had never seen or heard about that before. I guess it didn't get much play in the press because the media doesn't want to hurt Biden by alienating the Antifa vote.

Of course. The Antifa voting block is huge. From Fox News I have learned how Democrat-run cities are crawling with Antifa rioters who, when they are not torching police cars & looting, are casting fraudulent mail-in votes funded by Soros & the Clinton communist pedophile ring.
He's so brave...
tenor (1).gif
Getting out of the helicopter, taking his mask off and saluting for a photo op in front of the White House while barely being able to breathe is even better than tear gassing protestors in order to stand in front of a church while holding a bible he found somewhere. At least the latter he didn't have to do twice.
Poor Chrunch, too far down the hole to realize if someone asks you to denounce white supremacy & you say, "Sure", you don't respond with:

The proper response would've been, "I denounce racism of any form & violence it promotes".
He got ganged up on. He is the President of the United States, and he's got these two guys yelling at him.

see for yourself

the Antifa vote


He got ganged up on. He is the President of the United States, and he's got these two guys yelling at him.

He started, eventually, to get a little pushback from Biden after constantly interrupting him all night. And Wallace was, belatedly, trying to do his job as moderator. Neither of those scenarios constitutes Trump getting picked on. His childish behavior was met with far less resistance than it deserved.

the Antifa vote

He got ganged up on.

That's a monumentally terrible excuse for why Trump was unable to condemn a group of well-known, violent neo-fascists.

Trump constantly bullies his opponents. Trump spent a very healthy portion of that debate yelling at and interrupting Wallace, as well as yelling at, interrupting, and insulting Biden. And yet you accuse Wallace (who was just trying to ask the man a question, which was literally his job that night), and Biden (who, quite frankly, gave Trump way more patience than he deserved) of "ganging up on him?" Sorry, but the idea that Trump is somehow the victim in this is hypocrisy at its finest. He was given the easiest question in the world, a question that probably would;ve gotten a significant number of people, including his opponents, to rally behind him. Instead, he consciously told these idiots to "stand back, and stand by."

Maybe Trump should learn not to act like a child with his opponents, and to not dish out crap if he can't take it in return. But that would require him to show an ounce of personal accountability.
Satire is dead

Jesus H. Christ. That music. All hail the protagonist of the story of the world. I don't know how he finds time to run the country with so many people desperate to smuggle his budgies.

He got ganged up on. He is the President of the United States, and he's got these two guys yelling at him.

The leader of the most powerful military in the world, the man with the codes to the world's largest stockpile of nuclear weapons, this man can't hold it together long enough to say "I denounce all violence" with two men yelling at him? Two whole men?

How exactly is this supposed to show Trump's fitness to serve as President if he can't form a basic political platitude while more than one person is talking?
He got ganged up on. He is the President of the United States, and he's got these two guys yelling at him.
Guy spent nearly 90 minutes talking over both them simultaneously, but was suddenly flustered over that softball pitch of a question?

Jesus H. Christ. That music. All hail the protagonist of the story of the world. I don't know how he finds time to run the country with so many people desperate to smuggle his budgies.
What? How dare you not recognize his patriotism & the most American man in the world by saluting twice (:30 & :34).
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There's a full medical suite at the White House. I'm sure while he's out of the hospital, he will still be spending some time hooked up to monitors and probably getting oxygen.

Yea I think this is a bit overlooked. I thought he was headed to the hospital on the early side, but it might have been late (compared to the average joe) because he practically has a hospital at the whitehouse. He can leave the hospital early too for the same reason. So it might have looked like a short stay, but it's not like he's just at home with no doctor or assistance of any kind the way basically anyone else would be.
I'm really curious to see if there's an uptick in cases and deaths due to Trump's message. I have to imagine his faithful are going to be even more idiotic now when it comes to COVID, probably up to the point where they're going to try and actively get the virus.
I'm really curious to see if there's an uptick in cases and deaths due to Trump's message. I have to imagine his faithful are going to be even more idiotic now when it comes to COVID, probably up to the point where they're going to try and actively get the virus.
The message about not fearing Covid, or the one he made this morning about how 100,000 people die from the flu with a vaccine and we don't shut the country down? Would they be distinguishable from the few reports claiming the US is seeing another uprise in cases again?

Sources citing Fauci & Professor Stephen Holgate say Trump is still more than susceptible of suffering serious illness that can come quickly after 1 feels much better. There's not enough humble pie to fill his plate if that happens.
Yea I think this is a bit overlooked. I thought he was headed to the hospital on the early side, but it might have been late (compared to the average joe) because he practically has a hospital at the whitehouse. He can leave the hospital early too for the same reason. So it might have looked like a short stay, but it's not like he's just at home with no doctor or assistance of any kind the way basically anyone else would be.
And this only goes to reinforce how astonishingly irresponsible Trump's comments are.

The man has unfettered, priority access to any and all possible treatments for anything, a private hospital and medical team in his house, as well as a private suite at a military hospital and a dedicated medical staff to look after him personally. This is about as untypical as it is possible to get, and yet Trump seems to think that he is justified in downplaying the health risks to the general public. It's utterly shameful.

Trump's comments on how he 'understands COVID' now because he has it was typical - and cringeworthy. I really do believe that Trump can only comprehend the world through how anything affects him personally. He thinks that 'knowing Kim Jong-un' was enough to solve the NK issue... and now he thinks because he has experienced Covid-19 that there's nothing he doesn't know about the subject (which, ironically, is also a tacit admission that he didn't understand it before...). He still doesn't, and yet now, very unfortunately, he believes he does.
Trump's comments on how he 'understands COVID' now because he has it was typical - and cringeworthy. I really do believe that Trump can only comprehend the world through how anything affects him personally. He thinks that 'knowing Kim Jong-un' was enough to solve the NK issue... and now he thinks because he has experienced Covid-19 that there's nothing he doesn't know about the subject (which, ironically, is also a tacit admission that he didn't understand it before...). He still doesn't, and yet now, very unfortunately, he believes he does.

I assume he had access to all the available information on Covid six months ago. Why did he not learn about it then? Could it be that he only really has interest in something that affects him personally?
Trump's comments on how he 'understands COVID' now because he has it was typical - and cringeworthy. I really do believe that Trump can only comprehend the world through how anything affects him personally. He thinks that 'knowing Kim Jong-un' was enough to solve the NK issue... and now he thinks because he has experienced Covid-19 that there's nothing he doesn't know about the subject (which, ironically, is also a tacit admission that he didn't understand it before...). He still doesn't, and yet now, very unfortunately, he believes he does.
I assume he had access to all the available information on Covid six months ago. Why did he not learn about it then? Could it be that he only really has interest in something that affects him personally?
But he did understand it back in March, when he was visiting the CDC. He said so:
I like this stuff. I really get it. People are really surprised I understand this stuff. Every one of these doctors said "How do you know so much about this?" Maybe I have a natural ability.
As they say, there's always a Tweet...
The GOP (I'm counting Alito and Thomas in that group) does seem fairly determined to shrink their constituency. Are they not aware that the LGBTQ bloc is fairly politically diverse?

I think at this point there is a lot of support for gay marriage even outside of the "everyone but straight people" bloc. If it's not being done for political reasons, it starts to look like straight-up religious fanaticism.
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It looks about right except I would probably rate MSNBC and Washington Examiner a little more reliable and WSJ as quite a bit more right. Also, I'm dubious about how high OAN & the Blaze are in the reliable axis...higher than Fox News? Yeah right...

edit: The Root should be pegged out to the left...
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Daily Mail would be way more right to someone from Britain but its centrality probably better reflects its American perception.

Unless the US edition is significantly different.
Daily Mail would be way more right
True. It's also a bit high up for my liking too. Perhaps the graph could use a third axis to rank them according to 'How much do they reek of hatred?' too, in which case you would need binoculars to see their logo.

Otherwise, it's pretty good. I'd personally say that The Guardian is a bit low on the y-axis... it's pretty good in terms of 'reliability'. Meanwhile, it would be interesting to see where the BBC would come out on that plot. I reckon pretty much the same as CBS.
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I think at this point there is a lot of support for gay marriage even outside of the "everyone but straight people" bloc. If it's not being done for political reasons, it starts to look like straight-up religious fanaticism.
It looks like Republicans are outnumbered by Democrats, although the number of people in the US who identify as politically independent is greater than either group, if these Gallup figures are accurate.

Whether or not GOP loyalists are unfairly overrepresented by your electoral system it seems white, evangelical Protestants are a breed apart on the issues of not only same sex marriage (as your article indicates) but gay rights in general, as well as abortion.
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