America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
The Major League Baseball Players Association executive director says he is open to moving this years All Star game that is supposed to take place in Atlanta after the Georgia GOP enacted their ridiculous voter restriction laws. There is precedent for this as the NBA moved their 2017 All Star game out of Charlotte, NC after that state's GOP legislature enacted laws that limited anti-discrimination protections for the LGBTQ community.

This is something that should happen immediately.
A move on MLB's end seems a bit more tangible because the idea is getting traction internally. Calls for the PGA to pull out of Augusta are certainly something, but so far it seems largely external and I get the sense that the base may skew more Republican if the golfers I know are anything to go by.

I've seen some indication that Georgia's film industry may take a hit as well, and while the people you see on screen and the red carpet may be liberals, I'd bet dollars to donuts there's a pretty significant conservative contingent on the production end.

This whole thing is insane. These laws are solutions desperately seeking a problem. Voting options should be expanded and the security of each bolstered if need be. There is no legitimate reason someone...anyone...should have to decide between supporting their family--or even spending time with their family--and casting a ballot.

The GOP is ****ing garbage. Worthless sacks of ****; every single one of them. They saw their position imperiled and did everything they could to hedge against losses, and having suffered losses, are going to even greater lengths to prevent losses in the future. **** them all.
I kind of want to go to Georgia and hand out coupons for 1 free bottle of water and then have someone with a wagon behind me collecting coupons and handing out bottles. Or charge $1 for a bottle of water, but the purchase of every bottle comes with a $1 bill. Malicious compliance is the best compliance.

With the MLB All-Star game, they can just go ahead and cancel it for all I care. Ever since they took away the prize of home-field advantage during the World Series, it's increasingly pointless. I can't see The Master pulling out of Augusta though. Augusta is The Masters and it's not really something you can move to another course.
The Masters isn't going anywhere or being canceled, unfortunately. That place is deep, deep, DEEP, with conservatives. You're talking about a place that didn't have a black member until 1990 and no women members until 2012. It's co-founder Clifford Roberts once said "As long as I'm alive, all of the golfers will be white and all the caddies will be black." The only reason they finally admitted a black member in 1990 was that another golf club steeped in racism here in Alabama, Shoal Creek in Birmingham had refused to admit any black members so Augusta National thought they could say, "see, we're not racist".
I dare say that golf is too Republican to be moved out of Augusta but moving the MLB All-Star game would be a lovely, significant gesture.
I dare say that golf is too Republican to be moved out of Augusta but moving the MLB All-Star game would be a lovely, significant gesture.
I might be wrong, and I don't follow golf or Tiger much at all, but I didn't hear his voice much throughout 2020. Maybe he's just in the habit of laying low, especially after his scandals, but I feel like if he wanted to say something he could influence golf. But like you said golf is highly conservative and highly white so maybe it would only kill his fanbase.
Augusta is The Masters and it's not really something you can move to another course.
Only males being equal is the Constitution and it's not really something you can change for the better.

Except it is, and it can. I don't think I've ever heard you say something so conservative :lol:
Only males being equal is the Constitution and it's not really something you can change for the better.

Except it is, and it can. I don't think I've ever heard you say something so conservative :lol:

No I mean The Masters has always been at Augusta, it's the course's tournament. You can certainly just not play it and make some other tournament a major, but it's not The Masters if it's not at Augusta.

I'm all for dropping it as a major and making something else a major though. The Memorial in Dublin, Ohio would be a good replacement since it's at the same course and doesn't carry a sponsorship name. It probably wouldn't be the worst thing either since The Masters is by far the most restrictive of the majors, has the smallest field, and is probably the least interesting of the four majors (the US Open is the most interesting by far).
GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz reportedly under DOJ investigation for possible sex trafficking of 17-year-old; he says he’s being extorted

I've had a feeling this guy was up to something ever since he defended Democratic Congresswoman Katie Hill (CA) back in 2019. For one of the trolliest, Trumpiest members of the GOP, it made ZERO sense at the time unless you assumed he was projecting. Then it made tons of sense.

Who among us would look perfect if every ex leaked every photo/text? Katie isn’t being investigated by Ethics or maligned because she hurt anyone—it is because she is different.

Spoken like a person who felt vulnerable about his own "different" perspective about things like..oh...age of consent?
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I'm just amazed it was heterosexual. It seems like every time a far-right Republican gets caught with their pants down, it's because they end up getting frisky with a dude in an airport bathroom even though they are woefully anti-gay.
GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz reportedly under DOJ investigation for possible sex trafficking of 17-year-old; he says he’s being extorted

I've had a feeling this guy was up to something ever since he defended Democratic Congresswoman Katie Hill (CA) back in 2019. For one of the trolliest, Trumpiest members of the GOP, it made ZERO sense at the time unless you assumed he was projecting. Then it made tons of sense.

Spoken like a person who felt vulnerable about his own "different" perspective about things like..oh...age of consent?
Theory: Obviously Gaetz's dad can't hide the wire from his son, so the FBI fabricated this entire story to fool Gaetz. His dad is wearing a wire to help catch the recording the conversations of people close to him, such as his own son. Gaetz apparently took the bait so hard to ranted about it on Twitter.
Matt Gaetz: "I'm being extorted. The DOJ investigation into my activities (initiated under William Barr and the Trump administration, but we can keep that on the DL) is a political attack because I'm a vocal supporter of Donald Trump. This is very serious."

Also Matt Gaetz: "This is what I want the scandal in which I'm embroiled to be called."
“There is not a single conservative television station I haven’t had a passing conversation with about life after Congress. I have neither received nor solicited offers from any of them. But yes, I’ve talked to either executives, producers or hosts at Newsmax, OAN, Fox, Fox Business, Real America’s Voice and probably others I’m forgetting in this moment as I focus intently on refuting false accusations against me.”
A Fox News Media spokesperson said in response: “No one with any level of authority has had conversations with Matt Gaetz for any of our platforms and we have no interest in hiring him.”

Womp womp.

For convenience:


I know what you're thinking, but Scalise was actually shot in the hip, and what at first seems like the result of massive brain trauma is actually the sort of bad faith tactic Republicans are dependent upon to whip their base into a culture war fervor.
I know what you're thinking, but Scalise was actually shot in the hip, and what at first seems like the result of massive brain trauma is actually the sort of bad faith tactic Republicans are dependent upon to whip their base into a culture war fervor.

I mean when you're head is so far up your own backside, getting shot in the hip is dangerously close to your brain.
Matt Gaetz: "I'm being extorted. The DOJ investigation into my activities (initiated under William Barr and the Trump administration, but we can keep that on the DL) is a political attack because I'm a vocal supporter of Donald Trump. This is very serious."

Also Matt Gaetz: "This is what I want the scandal in which I'm embroiled to be called."
Let's not forget that he basically threw his dad under the bus in regard to an ongoing investigation, has now publicalled accused someone of extortion and attempted to use Tucker Carlson as some kind of alibi, which Carlson ran away from as quickly as he could.

Gaetz: Hey Tucker remember when we had this dinner with these people?
TC: I have no idea at all what your talking about (looks even more like he's taken a dump in his pants than normal).

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"Florida Man who voted against sex trafficking bill sex traffics underage girls in Congress" will be the next big headline.

The best part of that whole interview is the ending, when Tucker claims that it was one of the weirdest interviews he had done. I'm sure Gaetz trying to equate his own allegations to Tucker being accused of sexual harassment more than 20 years ago must have made him aggravated, to say the least.

Also, is it just me, or is the cadence of Gaetz's voice quite strange? He seems to make short, random pauses while he is in the middle of telling his story.
The Major League Baseball Players Association executive director says he is open to moving this years All Star game that is supposed to take place in Atlanta after the Georgia GOP enacted their ridiculous voter restriction laws. There is precedent for this as the NBA moved their 2017 All Star game out of Charlotte, NC after that state's GOP legislature enacted laws that limited anti-discrimination protections for the LGBTQ community.

This is something that should happen immediately.

As an aside, "Jim Crow on steroids" is a marked improvement over "Jim Eagle." That was...weird.