American Trans Am Series Season III

  • Thread starter Kalmiya117
I would love to keep the series going, but I just don't really have the ability. I was really looking forward to how the stock muscle cars would have played out.

Now that the crazy holidays are over, I should be able to put some more time into GT5, which I have only played a few times in the last several weeks. Partially because I've been having horrible horrible horrible connection issues. Which is making it almost unplayable. Not to mention that PD FUBAR'd the tire wear. The Z28 & Challenger RM's are drivable on hards, but the Z06 (which was barely drivable with softs) is completely undrivable with harder tires. So that makes it only a 2 horse race in the G1 class. (we could REALLY use a mustang RM)

I think it would be cool if we could get a few spot races lined up in the next few weeks in a public lobby. Run the format that we talked about. 5 lap heat race(s) with the stockers, then pull out the RM's for a 10-30 lap race (pending number of racers). Do this for a few weeks, see if we can get some more people interested/involved then maybe we can fire up another series.

I should be around more this week and weekend.
Sorry Kal, I didn't see your post. I was watching the 49ers let me down on Sunday anyways.

I did try racing the old muscle cars with out ABS (since no muscle car was ever equiped with ABS). A few tweaks with the brake bias, and it wasn't so bad. I actually enjoyed it. Felt more 'realistic'. However, this is probably way out of the comfort zone of most people.
I've had the flu all weekend, so I pretty much jumped online for 30 minute stints all weekend In between passing out from the cough medicine. I have been spending some time driving various stock muscle cars, and I've found using cockpit view and driving around Nurb 24hr is suprisingly relaxing. My favorites so far at stock specs are the '69 Convertable Vette and the Mach 1. PD did a nice job with those two in stock trim, looks and sound.
Yeah me too. I would play GT5 more if it wasn't so inferior to Forza. Maybe if they put a Mustang RM as DLC in but that will never happen.
^ Traitor! :D I stumbled across Titus and Skel in a public "Street Car" room a couple nights ago and I broke out the old '69 Z... Had a blast beating up some much newer imports. Since then I've been refreshing and updating a couple of the Vintage T/A cars, I'd like to see if I can't start a trend in the street car rooms with them. :P You guys up for a meet this Sunday?

Would it work any better if we switched to Saturday evenings?
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Someone who we have raced against in a SuperGT based league on Tuesday nights, Mudd. ;)

Also, some of you may have recently learned that I have recently gotten the dreaded Blinking Red Light of Death on my PS3, so it looks like I'll be out of action for quite a while until I can get the necessary money needed to get the thing fixed and completly back up and running. Sorry fellas. :(
I did hear that Cam, it's not a difficult fix, ya know. I've done the repair myself 3 times, and I think Skel has done it about 12 times. Search YouTube for "YLOD repair" and there's a dozen step by step videos on how to fix it.
This Sunday, Racing time. starts around 7.

Cam, do the fix. I did it on mine even though I am sure it didn't need it. While in there make sure to put on some artic silver paste for improved cooling abilities.
Oh yeah, My jeep earned it's badge today.



Nice Kal, it's amazing how those cars can perform so well stock. Since were on the topic of real life cars, here's my new cruiser:

Hope to see ya'll tonight!
Cool! Nice to see this thread revived again!

Tonight 7pm Eastern. You know I'll be there.

I like the jeep Kal! Looks like a cool trip!
I'm gonna be just a little late, guys. Maybe 7:30 ish, but I'm looking forward to knocking the dust of my T/A cars.
Well, in all honestly I saw no responses past two days so I figured no one care or had time so I preoccupied myself with other things.

Looks like GT5 is going to start collecting dust for a while.
Mudd, crazy bassist, and I had some fun tonight. We were all waiting for you and Skel to show, but that never happened. I hope we can have you two next time we run. And Cam get your RLOD fixed so we could race with you too. Having a wheel and some good fellas to play with brought the spark back with me and GT5. You might see me on a lot more now.
I gotta admit, I was hesitant when you guys kept preaching the 'no tuning' stock muscle cars to me. But last night while I was waiting for people to join me, I spent about an hour just driving around Nurb 24h with time change on, and I've never enjoyed Nurb as much. I used sport hards on 3 or 4 different Muscle cars and what a blast. Whenever the nose would start to push I could just drop a gear and hammer down to spin the tail around and drift it around the turn. I'd love to get a bunch of these cars together for a couple laps there.
Damnit. Sorry guys. I really wanted to join you guys, but other things came up.

Mudd, glad you enjoyed trying out the stock muscle cars. I know I really got a kick out of it. I remember 1st turn at laguna a while back, right front & left rear tires burning red exiting the turn.

Regardless of making another series or not, we should try to keep the Sunday night tradition going.