American Trans Am Series Season III

  • Thread starter Kalmiya117
I will be hosting next Sunday guys. I am sure the GT40 will destroy my hopes and dreams with frustration as well!
Glad to hear you'll be hosting, I hate responsability. I don't think any of us have driven a G1 Vintage in a bit, maybe tomorrow night we can meet up for some open room 'vintage trans am' racing. If we set up an open room, we will either meet some new racers or find some punks to beat up on. Either way, should be fun. :P
Glad to hear you'll be hosting, I hate responsability. I don't think any of us have driven a G1 Vintage in a bit, maybe tomorrow night we can meet up for some open room 'vintage trans am' racing. If we set up an open room, we will either meet some new racers or find some punks to beat up on. Either way, should be fun. :P

I'll be there if time permits. I have a football game to coach. We're in the Semi-Finals in one of the most competitive divisions in America. And to be really honest this is what has been taking my PS3 time. Wish us luck!
So room is open, but nobody even online really.

Be a shame if the sunday I get off and am able to freely run and no one shows up on a finale race.
I'll be there in just a few minutes, just finishing some dinner.
Sorry I can't join tonight, I have papers due tomorrow. Next season or maybe of you guys get together for a practice I'll give this a try.
No problem, rb. You did miss some great racing tonight, though. A last lap pass (on a 40 lap race) landed me an unexpected podium finish, though that was pretty cool. Aside from Titus not making it, I don't think the points standings changed much. Next week will be the final race of the season. The races will be at Laguna Seca and we'll be using Modern American Muscle for both classes. There's a list of cars on the first page, but pretty much we'll start the night with a 10 lap race in any 'street legal' American Muscle Car (built after 1980) set to 530pp on sport softs. Then we run 40 laps in the Group 1 'Race Modded' cars set to 611hp and 1250kg. We encourage anyone reading this to join us for some fun racing. Over the next couple weeks we'll be discussing the next season setup which will be starting probably in mid to late January.

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Damnit, I forgot the flash drive at home again. But right now, in G1, Kall is 3 pts behind me. There's a very good chance it will end in a tie. If he wins and I take 2nd. Unless I can pole.

Speaking of pole, how should I score that? I was going to not award any pole points for G2, and give the winner of G2 (CAMikaze) 3pts for pole in G1. Does this sound ok to everyone?

If there is a tie, tie-breaker would be most wins?
Hmm...I think a tie would cancel you both out! All that for nothing, congrats CAM and Mudd! :D
How about we make every race end in a tie. That way, no one wins, no one loses, and no one has to go home "bummed out". It will be like professional soccer.
Lol. Point taken, I would say it goes to most wins, then.
Damnit, I forgot the flash drive at home again. But right now, in G1, Kall is 3 pts behind me. There's a very good chance it will end in a tie. If he wins and I take 2nd. Unless I can pole.

Speaking of pole, how should I score that? I was going to not award any pole points for G2, and give the winner of G2 (CAMikaze) 3pts for pole in G1. Does this sound ok to everyone?

If there is a tie, tie-breaker would be most wins?

I was thinking of not doing any poles, but you can do it this way.

Now, I do hope you guys are okay with allowing the race to start a bit late (9:30ish est) so I can run.
I was thinking of not doing any poles, but you can do it this way.

Now, I do hope you guys are okay with allowing the race to start a bit late (9:30ish est) so I can run.

Factoring in poles is kinda critical at this point. I'm going to go ahead and NOT factor them in. I don't know why the "game plan" was changed now. But anyway, not factoring them in will have the same end result as it would have been anyway......

9:30 est works fine for me.

Standings are up.

Oh, here's some photos.






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Reason behind not doing poles, was regardless of our placement having me and you start in the rear. (for fun) But I said you could do is whatever way you saw fit seeing you are doing the scoring. Which is 100% fine with me.
Well, to compensate for the late start this weekend, I'm gonna host an extra 10 lap RT vs. TC Challenger race at our normal start time. I think the race will be at Deep Forest. So, everyone that has one, bring your new Challenger TC and those that don't bring your '70 Challenger RT (Race modded). I'm not sure of the pp limit yet, but I'll work it out by then. My thoughts with this is if we can race these two cars competitively against each other, it could make for an interesting series.
I would be down for that Mudd. I got my 70 Challenger RM a day after the 69 camaro RM (over a year ago). and the only time I have really driven it, was to do this:


Still cracks me up.
Lmao. I swear I was literally waiting for that pic to pop up after I posted that.

Edit: initial Chally comparisons show that the '70 R/T is much more effected by the power/PP limits. That means they are closest when they are both maxed. The newer TC Chally is much easier to dive into the corners, but it's lack of LSD adjustment hurts its exit speed just enough to even them out very well. In fact, at the moment, my practice lap 'top 10' list at The Forest show the R/T faster by a tenth. Looks like we will run them against each other with unlimited tuning, should be fun. Everyone wanting to participate please try to have both Chally's ready (if you have them) just so we can try to have an even number of each in the race. This will make for some beautiful race highlights.
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Looks like I will be opening Sunday. So I cna def host this the races. Should eb better now I have the PS3 wired to the net. Went from 16.7 Down 12.8 avg up to 29.8 down 27.6 up mbps.
That's cool. I allready stated I don't enjoy hosting, pretty much 'taking one for the team' when I do it. If everyone's gonna be there on time, I still wanna run the "Chally Challenge" after the league race, though. :D
So I was doing a little bit of messing around with the VG1 cars at the forest. I de-tuned the Z06 & Challenger to around 609pp. That made the Z06 much easier to drive & more fun. Since my experience with the Challenger is very limited, my results on it were inconclusive. I was able to turn high 1:10's with it same for the Z06.

I found that I was able to tune the cars more for handling instead of tuning them to handle ridiculous amounts of horsepower. Both Challenger & Z06 were at around 630hp @ 609pp.

Then I took the Camaro & ran some laps on racing medium tires & did some high 1:10's with it.

I think this is worth looking into. Might help some tire wear issues.
I did not have much tire wear issues with the Chally as long as I did not push extremely hard. I could make the tires last an okay amount if I kept the tires from glowing red.

You said you tested the Z06 and Chally, and then the Camaro, but the Camaro on Racing Meds. What ere the other on?

I was thinking of having both Group 1s run the 640pp limit deal, but far as the Group II. I would like to try just a Bone Stock deal. AKA no tuning allowed. I think that would be kinda interesting.....
I was using RS tires on the Challenger & Z06.
Then later I did a 1:22.0 at Laguna with Challenger in 3 laps at 609pp (RS tires). My best with the Camaro on RS tires there is around 1:21.7.

I'm starting to believe the Challenger can compete with the Camaro at the same level along with the Z06. Going from 730hp to 620-630hp makes them more driveable & less hanging on for dear life & less ridiculous.

We got some weeks ahead, I think we should try a 610pp limit and a larger scale & see what happens.

Kal, I like the idea of stock G2 class. What do you think about making it as a qualifier & have open selection each week?
I am all for g2 being 100% stock no tuning, on SS tires. And for it being a qualifier for the G1 race be awesome, and have it where you have to use a different car each time? I personally do not know if any of the cars are better stock than others by alot, as I have no stock cars in my garage. lol
I looked at some of the numbers on the stock muscle cars (pre 1980) & they seem pretty similar as far as pp goes. We'll see I guess. We were talking about after you win with a certain car, you can't use it again. Other then that, car selection would be open.

1.) Kalmiya117..............178
2.) Skeletor27................-2
3.) Titus001.................-37
4.) Mudd......................-42
5.) GTP_CAMikaze..........-50
6.) DriveTheGuard..........-86


1.) Skeletor27..........204
2.) Kalmiya117..........-44
3.) GTP_CAMikaze......-49
4.) Mudd..................-65
5.) Titus001.............-87
6.) DriveTheGuard......-90

Close battle for 1st & 3rd in G1. Not much I could have done. Even if I did take 2nd, Kal would have got the tie breaker since he won every MG1 race. CAMikaze made it interesting for 2nd in G2. While I completely ran away with it. 1st time Kal didn't win G2.

We did some testing with the bone-stock muscle cars, and I actually like the idea even more. I think we should try SH tires. I drove the camaro on ss tires, and I couldn't even break the tires loose. I thought traction control was on. At launch, it just want blaaaaaaaaa... Since they have a lot less power & speeds are slower, I think it would be more fun with less grip tires.
Congrats to our Champs!
I really enjoyed the racing last night. Figures, the final race of the season and my ZR1 comes to life like never before. I actually closed an entire sector gap between CAM and myself within about 5 laps, I think I caught him off guard. That was fun stuff, wouldn't mind bringing those modern cars back out for something in the future. As far as this Championship, I started comparing $$ at the beginning of the season so I could chose some prize cars to display before they were won...but then we started racing and I never thought about it again. :D So, if our two Champ's have a premium car they been eyeballing, (up to 1 million credits) they can go ahead and pick the prize themselves. Let me know if you want it upgraded or stock, and I'll even slap a coat of DLC paint on it.

I had to bail on last nights testing so I could get up early today, so I'll have to do some of my own testing before I have an opinion on the stock cars.

One other thing I've been thinking about for the next season is the starting grid and qualifying. All of the regulars in here are very skilled and quick, yet some are just plain faster and there's no getting around it. I enjoy battling anyone in here for position, regardless of it being last or first. We are still deciding on specs, but for the G2/race/qualify/start grid thing, how about the ten lap race to decide G1 start line up...and we award points for pole (finishing 1st in G2) and posable 2nd and 3rd...but then start G1 race in reverse order of previous finish. Having the points would keep everyone racing for position, and the reverse grid would tighten up the pack while making our point leaders put in extra effort. (All points would only count for the one combined championship)
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Another thing I thought was kinda fun last night, in G2 the tire wear was turned off. I was throwing that camaro all over the place with complete disregard. Consider that for next season's G2 qualifiers on "Wal-Mart" tires (as Titus would put it). Everyone can then abuse these big heavy cars & toss them around as much as they want.

I really haven't even thought about prizes. I guess at this point in the game, I'm pretty satisfied with my garage. Let me think about that one.

1.) Kalmiya117..............178
2.) Skeletor27................-2
3.) Titus001.................-37
4.) Mudd......................-42
5.) GTP_CAMikaze..........-50
6.) DriveTheGuard..........-86


1.) Skeletor27..........204
2.) Kalmiya117..........-44
3.) GTP_CAMikaze......-49
4.) Mudd..................-65
5.) Titus001.............-87
6.) DriveTheGuard......-90

Close battle for 1st & 3rd in G1. Not much I could have done. Even if I did take 2nd, Kal would have got the tie breaker since he won every MG1 race. CAMikaze made it interesting for 2nd in G2. While I completely ran away with it. 1st time Kal didn't win G2.

We did some testing with the bone-stock muscle cars, and I actually like the idea even more. I think we should try SH tires. I drove the camaro on ss tires, and I couldn't even break the tires loose. I thought traction control was on. At launch, it just want blaaaaaaaaa... Since they have a lot less power & speeds are slower, I think it would be more fun with less grip tires.

Yeah. The only issue I saw is the limited Top speeds. The chebbies seem to have a higher top speed than the other guys. Mustang was 114mph, while the Camaro and Corvette was in the 120mph areas. However I enjoyed them alot, and with Sport Softs on they felt more grippy than tuned cars on SS.

Congrats to our Champs!
I really enjoyed the racing last night. Figures, the final race of the season and my ZR1 comes to life like never before. I actually closed an entire sector gap between CAM and myself within about 5 laps, I think I caught him off guard. That was fun stuff, wouldn't mind bringing those modern cars back out for something in the future. As far as this Championship, I started comparing $$ at the beginning of the season so I could chose some prize cars to display before they were won...but then we started racing and I never thought about it again. :D So, if our two Champ's have a premium car they been eyeballing, (up to 1 million credits) they can go ahead and pick the prize themselves. Let me know if you want it upgraded or stock, and I'll even slap a coat of DLC paint on it.

I had to bail on last nights testing so I could get up early today, so I'll have to do some of my own testing before I have an opinion on the stock cars.

One other thing I've been thinking about for the next season is the starting grid and qualifying. All of the regulars in here are very skilled and quick, yet some are just plain faster and there's no getting around it. I enjoy battling anyone in here for position, regardless of it being last or first. We are still deciding on specs, but for the G2/race/qualify/start grid thing, how about the ten lap race to decide G1 start line up...and we award points for pole (finishing 1st in G2) and posable 2nd and 3rd...but then start G1 race in reverse order of previous finish. Having the points would keep everyone racing for position, and the reverse grid would tighten up the pack while making our point leaders put in extra effort. (All points would only count for the one combined championship)

I am okay with the Grid reverse. Personally, I don't think I am going to drive as hard to win as much. I think 2 Group One and 2 Group Twos Champs I am content.

Also, I am believing the new PP limits should be in the 630 range for Group One. I honestly do not want to get rid of the Modern Group One. I highly enjoy it.

Far as a car I want, Take a new Challenger TC when they become available at the dealership in some sort of fancy purple chrome deal if there is one. (I haven't even looked at the pants I got from the DLC)