Ancient History, Ancient Mystery

  • Thread starter Dotini
In the Amazon the indigenous people are linked by DNA to Australian aborigines. Under the canopy of jungle are many geometrical structures with astronomical alignments to be found. There are legends of lost, advanced civilizations and buried treasure.
In the Amazon the indigenous people are linked by DNA to Australian aborigines.

Here's an interesting article on the same for those who prefer to see all the words in one go :)

Under the canopy of jungle are many geometrical structures with astronomical alignments to be found.

As we see many times people recognised the power of dark and light, sun and water, and so on. The only things that consistently changed in their world were the far-off lights that seemed to move through that inaccessible upper space of their own accord, the sun phases that made food grow and the floods and fires that stopped them from standing on the earth that gave them sustenance. It's easy to see how they created meaning from that, it's human nature.

There are legends of lost, advanced civilizations and buried treasure.

Also human nature, particularly the buried treasure. John lost his crown jewels in the wash and people still hunt for them today. Is there a particular "advanced civilisation" of interest? I know it's lazy but I'm not up to watching one of those videos :D
Is there a particular "advanced civilisation" of interest? I know it's lazy but I'm not up to watching one of those videos :D
Nope. Any particular "advanced civilization" in Amazonia has yet to be properly found and studied. It's not as nearly as easy as studying the (remaining) ancient earthworks in North America. One odd thing though, the shape, size, particular "henge" (ditch inside of wall, not outside as in a fortification) construction and celestial orientation of some of the Amazonian earthworks has a roughly similar appearance to the earthworks well studied in parts of the upper Mississippi River network of tributaries. But again, the Amazon awaits better study. Many of these new finds are from the air or by amateurs.
Nope. Any particular "advanced civilization" in Amazonia has yet to be properly found and studied. It's not as nearly as easy as studying the (remaining) ancient earthworks in North America. One odd thing though, the shape, size, particular "henge" (ditch inside of wall, not outside as in a fortification) construction and celestial orientation of some of the Amazonian earthworks has a roughly similar appearance to the earthworks well studied in parts of the upper Mississippi River network of tributaries. But again, the Amazon awaits better study. Many of these new finds are from the air or by amateurs.

Just heard the theory in rogan's podcast with Graham Hancock.
LiDAR has allowed researchers and archaeologists to find ruins in the rainforests that they have walked right over.

LiDAR has allowed researchers and archaeologists to find ruins in the rainforests that they have walked right over.

Just to correct them slightly... lidar doesn't "remove the forest canopy", the data is post processed to remove the canopy that's returned in the original set, although sometimes the accuracy is incorrect... but the more stuff there is to find the higher the accuracy becomes. The bit about "things they have walked right over" is entirely true, there are stories of archaeologists discovering things in places where they've camped for several weeks in the past and have been unable to see any structures through the dense jungle.
Enigmatic ancient Iraqi clay tablets are reinterpreted for modern relevance.

A scholar at the University of Cambridge in the U.K. has suggested that the "earliest ever example of fake news" exists in a 3,000-year-old Babylonian tablet that describes the story of Noah and the Ark, widely believed to be the inspiration for the Biblical story.

Researcher Martin Worthington notes that nine lines in the clay tablets that tell the story of the Gilgamesh Flood can be understood in several different ways, thanks to deceitful language from the Babylonian god called Ea, whom he believes was motivated by self-interest.

“Ea tricks humanity by spreading fake news," Worthington said in a statement. "He tells the Babylonian Noah, known as Uta–napishti, to promise his people that food will rain from the sky if they help him build the ark. What the people don’t realize is that Ea’s nine-line message is a trick: it is a sequence of sounds that can be understood in radically different ways, like English ‘ice cream’ and ‘I scream’."


The Adda Seal featuring the god Ea second from the right Credit: The Trustees of the British Museum

“While Ea’s message seems to promise a rain of food, its hidden meaning warns of the Flood," Worthington added. "Once the ark is built, Uta–napishti and his family clamber aboard and survive with a menagerie of animals. Everyone else drowns. With this early episode, set in mythological time, the manipulation of information and language has begun. It may be the earliest ever example of fake news.”

According to the statement, Worthington is an assyriologist who "specializes in Babylonian, Assyrian and Sumerian grammar, literature and medicine."

The two lines in question from the flood story in Babylonian are:

ina šēr(-)kukkī

ina lilâti ušaznanakkunūši šamūt kibāti

A positive-sounding interpretation:

At dawn there will be kukku-cakes,

in the evening he will rain down upon you a shower of wheat.

A negative interpretation from the poem:

By means of incantations,

by means of wind-demons, he will rain down upon you rain as thick as (grains of) wheat.

Another negative interpretation:

At dawn, he will rain down upon you darkness,

(then) in (this) pre-nocturnal twilight he will rain down upon you rain as thick as (grains of) wheat.

The ancient epic poem of Gilgamesh is widely believed to be among the earliest known works of literature and the second oldest religious text. The Gilgamesh Flood story is known from clay tablets that date back approximately 3,000 years, including the Flood Tablet, discovered by Assyriologist George Smith in 1872. It is currently located at the British Museum.


This clay tablet in inscribed with one part of the Epic of Gilgamesh. It was most likely stolen from a historical site before it was sold to a museum in Iraq. (Farouk Al-Rawi)
What's the mystery supposed to be behind this?
Very simply: Once there was a thriving technology that left such artifacts, then it was lost for a time - millennia - and now we do it again but with Industrial Age tools. What happened in the mean time? Possible answers in general might include the Bronze Age collapse, which raises the questions of climate change, wars and different/evolving belief systems. In prehistoric North America, having little to do with the Bronze Age, there have been periods of extensive mound building, but interrupted by other very long periods where no mounds at all were constructed. In most all cases, the people were more or less the same, but unknown changes in climate, economy and belief systems are thought to be possible explanations.
Very simply: Once there was a thriving technology that left such artifacts, then it was lost for a time - millennia - and now we do it again but with Industrial Age tools. What happened in the mean time? Possible answers in general might include the Bronze Age collapse, which raises the questions of climate change, wars and different/evolving belief systems. In prehistoric North America, having little to do with the Bronze Age, there have been periods of extensive mound building, but interrupted by other very long periods where no mounds at all were constructed. In most all cases, the people were more or less the same, but unknown changes in climate, economy and belief systems are thought to be possible explanations.
So nothing specific about the video, just in general?
So nothing specific about the video, just in general?
The only specific thing about the video is that it shows in rather beautiful close-up video quality some of the drilled holes and sawn surfaces with tool marks easily seen. It didn't say so specifically when the work was done, but I assume it all predates the Middle Kingdom in Egypt.
Aye @Dotini have you heard about the ancient civilizations in Antarctica yet?

Short answer, no.

I've been reading about Atlantis and all the other ancient stories, mysteries and research for many decades. But it was mainly for fun and entertainment, as the scientific status consists of a handful of facts and observations mixed with tons of speculation. Denial and skepticism is, properly, the dominant paradigm here. Antarctic civilizations are perhaps the least documented (like zero) and most speculative of all. All that said, I still find it amusing. Some few parts of it are emerging as archeological truth, such as the long distance ocean voyages of Polynesian civilizations. I think continued research is justified. But Antarctic research is obviously very challenging, particular in an era of economic recession.
Some few parts of it are emerging as archeological truth, such as the long distance ocean voyages of Polynesian civilizations. I think continued research is justified. But Antarctic research is obviously very challenging, particular in an era of economic recession.

If civilisations were using Antarctica it's more likely that they were on the coastal periphery (just as with Arctic travelling/dwelling peoples). There simply aren't resources "inland" to support more than a small group of people. It may well be that any visitors were nomadic or seasonal hunters, again that's more likely to be coastally-based.
In a strange twist, the mighty Rocketdyne F-1 that launched man to the Moon in the 1960's and early 70's has become lost technology of a bygone age, impossible to make in today's technological paradigm. A new F1-B engine could be built using modern technology, but curiously NASA has decided not to go there.

Images of "handbags" and actual "handbags" themselves have been found all over the world in advanced cultures dating back 12,000 years. There is no agreement what they were for or what they symbolized. They were the subject of the OP of this thread, and were discussed by @TenEightyOne , @Liquid etc. at the time.

I direct the reader's attention to ~3:28 of the video below. There will be seen images of "handbags", intricately carved, depicting different symbols. The symbols may be universal and may suggest certain ideas. Take a look.


I've decided on a new interpretation of this deity image from ancient Sumeria.

In general, the image is of a god-king, culture bearer, and shaman. The same general image is found repeatedly throughout this ancient culture.

The hand bag I believe has been discussed above but here it represents technology, specifically agriculture. It is literally a seed basket, but it symbolizes technology.

The pine cone, when viewed on end, is literally a spiral. It is a common ancient symbol of spiritual development and our identity with the universe. Here it symbolizes the source of consciousness, the source of the universe.

The fish-like appearance of the god-king or culture bearer is literally real scales, real fins and other functional aquatic characteristics, indicating his development in an aquatic environment. This half-human being came from out of the sea to bring technology, organization and a belief system to mankind. Civilization all tied up in a package, with a purpose and reason which evolves and continues to this day. But that is a story for another day.
The same general image is found repeatedly throughout this ancient culture.

Probably because many of the ancient civilizations borrowed from the civilizations before it. I assume that's Uanna, which the Greeks borrowed and renamed Oannes if I remember my ancient history classes correctly.
Probably because many of the ancient civilizations borrowed from the civilizations before it. I assume that's Uanna, which the Greeks borrowed and renamed Oannes if I remember my ancient history classes correctly.
Likely also the origin of Poseidon!
Compelling series of videos presenting peer-reviewed science regarding the shocking meaning/implications of Gobekli Tepe, the world's first megalithic temple.

Pillar 43 establishes date of 10,950 BC +/- 250 yr

Younger Dryas Cosmic Extinction/Cooling Event

Discussion of Coherent Catastrophism, Taurid Objects

Pillar 2, 18, 3, 33,

European Paleolithic Art, Catalhoyuk,
Implications for Archeology and Anthropology: Religion, Civilization, Wrting, Dating of Astifactrs
Implications for Astronomy: Zodiacal Constellations, Precession, Danish bicycles @MatskiMonk
Implications for Earth Sciences: Geology, Paleontology, Paleoclimatology, Evolutionary Biology

This series of videos is to be continued...................
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Rococo architecture not from18th century France, but from bronze age South America.

"Bronze Age" South America is a difficult term and doesn't equate to most Westerners' understanding of "Bronze Age". To be clear, this work isn't 18th Century but late 15th Century.