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No, I'm not allowed to dictate what you post. I am allowed to demand proof of you're claims, since this is the second time in this discussion where you've completely made up your entire argument and claimed that it proved your point. Similarly, you are perfectly allowed to ignore my demands since I am not a member of the moderation staff; but since you haven't done either of the things asked of you for any of your claims, and the AUP is very clear on intentional misrepresentation of facts, you've been reported.Firstly, you're not allowed to dictate what other posters can or cannot post about, not to mention actually make demands regarding another posters immediate content.
Ridiculous behavior is fabricating statements of fact ("Prior to 9/11, many hijackings occurred, including those involving American planes, airspace, take off locations and destinations, as well as American Passengers."), and then lying about your ability to back them up ("I can provide links for hijackings which occurred before current security measures were put in place. This includes American planes hijacked in the 70's 80's 90's and 2000's."), and then resorting to increasingly desperate and blatant attempts to change the subject when someone legitimately asks to see your information about them ("Your five reasons explaining why no commercial planes taking off from Americna soil have been hijacked in 11 years, in order of importance, are.... ") before ultimately dropping any pretense of continuing the discussion ("You said that new post 9/11 safety measures have made airline travel less safe and that more weapons than ever are now on planes."). And I know you know that.Get over yourself. That's ridiculous behavior and I suspect you know it.
I'm not doing your legwork for you when you made the claim, and I'm sure as hell not going to call up the chief of security at Rochester International Airport and ask him (or, even more helpful, "ask some terrorists") about terrorist hijackings. It isn't my job to prove or disprove things you said. Especially not when you've said multiple times that you have proof of the matter that you can easily give.I've already posted who you could talk to regarding how many potential attacks involving air travel may have been averted, abandoned, cancelled or simply not even planned due to how the world and America now handles air travel regulations and security at the airport, so there will be no more from me on the subject.
Demanding that you show proof for your increasingly outlandish and fabricated looking claims is not against the AUP. Making those claims, claiming you can prove them and then refusing to do so when asked is.Notice how I'm not demanding others answer previously raised questions or requests for opinions that are currently unanswered in what appears to me to be a childish, demanding method against the AUP?
You apparently didn't see this the first time:*Irrelevant, equally absurd comparison to speed limits*
I don't care what ridiculous side comparisons you want to come up with to justify your viewpoint. I don't care how much you want to claim I'm taking your words out of context despite quoting them, asking for clarification on them and then responding directly to what you said you were really saying. I want you to prove all of the claims that you made in this thread since this discussion started that are outlined above. Provide the information that you so happily lorded over everyone with before it was questioned.Explain where I said anything like any of that or retract the claim saying that I said anything like any of that.
While you're at it, provide the links for the claims of American hijackings that happened "many" times during the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, or retract the claims of American hijackings happening "many" times during the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s.
And provide some sort of proof that the reason that there hasn't been terrorist hijackings since 9/11 in America is at least partially derived from changes changes in TSA procedures since 9/11 or retract the claim that the reason that there hasn't been terrorist hijackings since 9/11 in America is at least partially derived from changes in TSA procedures since 9/11.
Don't bother posting anything else until you do.
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