Because they can't profile people since it's wrong, & everyone has to be treated equally so no one gets butt hurt.
In seriousness, I highly doubt they assume you're a criminal. If that's how they assume people, then goddamn, send me to jail now. Taking my shoes off & putting my coins and belt, & baggage through a metal detector and then getting waved over with a wand sounds like heaven compared to what I'd heard about what they actually do to criminals.
But wait, I seem to recall doing most of that before when I had to get on a plane.
The Fourth Amendment comes into play here. There is nothing that gives the TSA agent reasonable cause to go ahead and pat me down, feel around the waistband of my pants, or subject me to X-rays. If there was a legit reason, like have a gun like object show up through the baggage X-ray or a bag full of a powder substance, then I'd understand since that is reasonable cause. But rummaging through my bag of work clothes and medical documents because the TSA agent made up some story isn't understandable.
Also people aren't treated equally. It's well known that Arabic looking people are racially profiled by the TSA.
There's hundreds of stories out there? Do you have links to these stories? Are they legitimate stories, or do a large number of them involve a "victim" getting ass hurt over a simple gesture like most American news articles today.
Six year old being patted down:;contentBody
Elderly women being subjected to embarrassment by being strip searched and having a soiled adult diaper inspected:
Making a mother of four pump out breast milk:
Alaskan Representative, you know an elected government employee, who'd survived breast cancer and had prosthetic breasts was told that she need to take the device off so it could be searched:
There's obviously more out there, but these are a sample of some of the more well known cases. I mean I suppose the TSA can justify this in some round about way, but it appears common sense and their desire for more smoke and mirros gets in the way.
That being said, when was the last time you went to the airport & was the experience anything what the media made it out to be? Because I found it nothing to be what the media spewed; I was never even physically touched & neither were the dozens of people with me. It wasn't even time consuming. Shoes off, baggage through the machine, step through, wand, "Have a nice flight", put shoes on, grab baggage. 5 minutes of absolute outrage indeed.
When I flew in September 2010 and the TSA agents made a mess of my bag and subjected me to more searches for some really stupid reasoning. I got this both going to and coming home from Baltimore.
Because the middle aged man I saw at DFW or the Asian fellow wearing square glasses at Orlando definitely looked like criminals or McDonald's workers easily.
Ignoring the fact that your stereotype could go for people in a gigantic range of jobs, again, when was the last time you actually went to the airport to verify this?
I never presented it as all TSA agents are like that, I'm saying every airport I've ever been to that's what they've been like. Obviously I haven't been to every US airport. But it is a face is doesn't take much to be a TSA agent, you basically have to pass a background check, not have an substantial debt, pass a drug check, been registered with selective services and posses at least a GED. They also start around $30,000 depending on what airport.
Maybe it's because I've mostly flown out of run down cities, such as Detroit, Flint, Baltimore, Columbus and Minneapolis, but I've never seen any TSA agent that looked like they were anything other than a dud in society. Possibly more annoying was the power trip they were on because they'd been granted "rights" to pretty much do whatever they wanted in the name of "safety".
Last time I was at the airport was in May, I'll be returning to the airport on the 30th of this month, I don't expect much has changed.
You allow yourself to assume, come to a conclusion even, that airport security personnel are akin to people who perform one of the most menial jobs in the nation. Based off their apppearance. Interesting choice.
It's observational evidence, I have not presented it as fact in anyway. I do feel every TSA baggage handler/security check point operator I've come across could easily fit into the rent-a-cop stereotype. Are there legit people working in the TSA that want to make a difference, of course.
But they are not allowed to have every person take off their shoes, empty pockets, walk through the portal, etc? Should they just pick and choose by sight on who gets inspected and use physical appearance to make conclusions, like you do? We're that to take place at Ny terminal you were at, you wouldnt get on the plane Sir.
The TSA has been accused numerous amounts of time of selecting people on sight to be inspected; racial profiling, as I've said, is well known within the TSA.
You are not "assumed" to be a criminal. No one is. If you feel that way, do you avoid driving past any and all Speed Limit signs? They are there for the speeders, right? You would have to avoid driving past any of them daily, or your above sentiment is invalidated.
I'm not sure how you think you aren't been labelled as a criminal by the TSA, they are assuming you're guilty of something and doing searches of your person and your belongings with no probable cause. As I've said this could be seen as a violation of the Fourth Amendment.
I'm not entirely sure what connection you are trying to make with the speed limit signs. It's just some lettering on a sheet of metal, it assumes nothing about the drive and certainly doesn't assume I'm a speeder. It's just providing information.