Joey D
- 47,571
- Lakes of the North, MI
- GTP_Joey
- GTP Joey
" I need an additional document to get my passport or other identification? I need to go home and get it and come back? Not convenient, but no problem."
- Ben Franklin XXI
Don't even begin to compare Revolitionary desire to escape British suppression to post 9/11 "intrusions." It's not even apples to oranges... That's apples to diapers, with one being "full of it."
I can't seem to find that quote by this Ben Franklin XXI gent.
There are many parallels from a 9/11 era to the Revolutionary War, you just need to flip the sides around. Britain, like the US is now, was the biggest superpower on the planet, and a group of extremists, in British terms at least, committed acts of terror against British citizens within their own country in the name of an ideal. It's all a matter of perspective. Also before you try to make some absurd connection, no, I don't believe what happened on September 11th was justified.
Giving up freedoms and allowing our own government to overstep Constitutional rights in the name of "supposed" safety is not what any of our Founding Father's would have wanted for this country. By doing so we've let the terrorist win, yes they took the lives of 3,000 people, but in the big picture that's not even close to the destruction they caused. Our economy is in shambles, we are fighting wars with no purpose or funding which has had many countless soldiers die for no reason, Arabic looking people are subjected to unjustified hate, I can't get on an airplane without being groped, and my every move is tracked and recorded.