Anniversary Of 9/11

  • Thread starter Crispy
I know that a message has to be sent that we dont tolerate terrorists, but Bin Larden was not Afaginistan.

But i don't bother paying attention on things relating to wars as i find them stupid.

Mainly cause america was went from after Bin Larden to after Saddam.

And America declared war on terrorism not Afghanistan.
A country going to war cause of 1 man who was not acting on behave of the other country is crazy to me.

Isn't that more or less how World War 1 began?


As for Sept 11th, it really was a tragic day and no matter what the actual cause of it was quite a few innocent people lost their lives. Not to mention the skyjackers and whoever was behind the attack pretty much put the whole country into paranoid mode, made our security into an over-advanced puppet show, created untold amounts of Islamic hate and help fuel out economic downturn.

I look at all the security in place at the Sept 11th memorial, soldiers dressed to the 9's with M-14's, X-ray machines, metal detector after metal detect, badges that only allow access for like an hour and Big Brother's eyes all around. That's no way to honour the dead.

And the new Freedom Town being built in the same area will have even more heighten security and ironically, less freedom. Something being called the Freedom Tower should be, infact, free.

I don't believe you'll see another terrorist attack, they've already won. Our country in in numerous wars, causing a huge financial burden to the country, the security now only has the illusion of being safe, which gives a sort of paranoid false security, and we are even less free then we were 10 years ago.

I mean don't get me wrong, some security is need but I shouldn't frisked, x-rayed, have my personal luggage ripped through and my hair gel taken away because it's .1oz over the limit, because there was trace amounts of sand found in my suitcase while boarding a plane.

None of this honours those who lost their lives, whether it was the people in the Towers, the Pentagon, the planes or the vast number of soldiers and civilians that die in our many conflicts since then.

I may be off on my opinions but that's just the way I've seen the world become, and that saddens me.
And the new Freedom Town being built in the same area will have even more heighten security and ironically, less freedom. Something being called the Freedom Tower should be, infact, free.

From what I've seen about the area so far that isn't the case. The security has been raised obviously, but not oppressively so. It's just simple, intelligent things like preventing traffic from getting too close to the new towers, having delivery trucks scanned on the way in and depositing to a central location underground etc.

If anything, the new treatment of the ground zero site is more open than it was before - there are two new roads cutting through the site that weren't there before, and much of it is very open.

I don't blame them upping security for the memorial, but then much of the site is still a building site so there's the protection of the public at stake as well.

And the design for the new subway station is stunning.
To be honest all they really did with security is expand it from what it was after the '93 attack. Come on guys this isn't new just cause of 9/11, but instead was just allowed to expand from what was already in place because of 9/11.
I keep hearing about an attack in 1993 on the WTC. What happend because i hadnt heard of it before today?
I keep hearing about an attack in 1993 on the WTC. What happend because i hadnt heard of it before today?

A supposed agent of Al Qaeda name Ramzi Yousef attacked the North Tower parking garage back in '93 and before that wrote letters demanding that U.S. break ties with Israel. Thus the bombing of the North Tower to him was justified due to the acts of Terrorism employed by Israel. The attack blew a large hole under the tower but due to structual innovation did not truely hinder the building, thanks to the hurricanes it was meant to withstand more powerful than the bomb used. However, the bomb did kill 7 and injured 1000+ which in turn made security very tight from there after. With automobiles going in to being scanned, I.D. cards worn by all security and people having to be checked in and out among other security measures.
Oh and one last tid bit, due to the attack evacuations proceedures were improved and probably helped 30,000+ people escape during the 9.11.01 attacks
A supposed agent of Al Qaeda name Ramzi Yousef attacked the North Tower parking garage back in '93 and before that wrote letters demanding that U.S. break ties with Israel. Thus the bombing of the North Tower to him was justified due to the acts of Terrorism employed by Israel. The attack blew a large hole under the tower but due to structual innovation did not truely hinder the building, thanks to the hurricanes it was meant to withstand more powerful than the bomb used. However, the bomb did kill 7 and injured 1000+ which in turn made security very tight from there after. With automobiles going in to being scanned, I.D. cards worn by all security and people having to be checked in and out among other security measures.

Sounds terrible. Thanks.
R.I.P. to those who died. I remember seeing very little on tv. I was at my grandparents house while my parents were at a doctors appointment. I was four so sadly i didn't know that much since back then i was shortly diagnosed with ADHD but i now re learn it on tv. Ten years later, Bin Laden is dead and we honor the 9/11 victims.:nervous:
I was in first grade....I remember when they sent us home, I walked in the door and saw a replay of the second plane crash into the tower....That will haunt me for the rest of my life. I'll never get on a plane because of it.
I was sitting in 8th grade English class when the principal announced over the PA system that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. At first I thought it was a freak accident, but walking between classes, I overheard teachers talking about this being a terrorist act. Surprisingly, us students were not sent home early, although being just 30 miles south of NYC in Avenel, NJ, the logic was not to have the school buses possibly create a traffic jam to delay fire and rescue vehicles from getting to Ground Zero for the recovery efforts. When I got off the bus that day and was walking home, I remember seeing a dust cloud from the collapsed towers. My family was all watching the news coverage in a state of shock and disbelief. In the days after the attacks, as me and my dad were traveling from Avenel to Rahway on US 1, I vividly remember looking to the NYC skyline and not seeing the towers there anymore. To this day, the images of the towers being hit and the subsequent collapse still sadden me when I think about all the people we lost that day. R.I.P. to all the victims of this tragedy and may God bless their souls.
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That window cling(as well as one on the other side) has been on my mom's car windows for nearly 10 years now(we got them shortly after). It's never been removed and hasn't really faded much. Every once in awhile I forget it's there, than I look and see it's still there, hasn't moved at all or anything, it also makes me remember that day.
It seems the emotions I feel get stronger the older I get. I just got done watching the same live coverage I watched in school ten years ago and I was just speechless. I can't believe I saw that happen, and I can't imagine what the feel felt who were actually there and saw it in person.
I think the sheer horror of the day is what makes me get so wound up when people spew that conspiracy garbage. I can barely remember it actually happening, I was too young to remember. But every year, as I get older I start to really understand what happened, and the horror of that day really hits me. It's just such a terrible event. To imagine these people, just living their daily lives...
I think the sheer horror of the day is what makes me get so wound up when people spew that conspiracy garbage. I can barely remember it actually happening, I was too young to remember. But every year, as I get older I start to really understand what happened, and the horror of that day really hits me. It's just such a terrible event. To imagine these people, just living their daily lives...

The conspiracy idiots that say there never was a plane wind me up. The rest of it is believable but that... :yuck:
I don't think the conspiracy discussion belongs in this thread (we have threads for that).

I was at work when it happened, and each new piece of news hit harder than the previous. It was literally shock, and then horror. I remember hearing that a plane hit one of the towers, and then that it was a passenger plane, and a fully sized one, and then a second plane, and a third plane hit the pentagon, and people falling to their deaths, and the towers fell, and a fourth plane had crashed, and what was likely to be the target of that fourth plane.

It all started to blur together after the first image of the burning tower, but I distinctly remember a slow steady sinking feeling as each new piece of news that day got darker and darker. I felt bad as I spread the news, telling people who had just come from home without seeing the news, people who had no idea. I almost wanted to just let them stay oblivious.

The news coverage afterward was staggering. I remember news anchors looking like they'd been up all night, especially Jennings.

Horrible day that needs to be remembered.
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The conspiracy idiots that say there never was a plane wind me up. The rest of it is believable but that... :yuck:

Sadly, I agree.

At around 7 minutes the guy discusses tower 7, that is the most suspicious part to me.

edit- Happy Birthday, mom. :indiff:
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I don't think the conspiracy discussion belongs in this thread (we have threads for that).

I'm sorry I even brought it up. I only meant to bring it up as part of the emotions involved with that day for me.
The conspiracy idiots that say there never was a plane wind me up. The rest of it is believable but that... :yuck:

I agree when people say that there was no plane or that the people on the plane didn't die that they were just names to add to the lure...that really pisses me off and makes me feel bad for the families. Same with those who think a mini-nuke did the buildings in...that just sounds so asinine. Yes there are some questionable areas but more so with the national security. Oh and Danoff part of what came with this attack was the so called "conspiracy" which is an out of context word that people that don't want to do any research label others or better yet used by those who follow alot of what mainstream media says.
Give them to someone who can raise them with honesty and integrity, and teach them their heritage and what it means to be strong enough as a people to be hated for what your way of life represents to those who are not allowed to enjoy such life.

I think that is romanticizing the issue. I doubt people hate Americans for the kind of so-happy lifestyle they have an opportunity to live. Anger like this, directed towards America, usually stems from people upset at America's involvement in areas of the world that aren't America.

To add some balance, there are even more people around the world who love America for what it represents.
I was in 8th grade, taking natural history classes when the news arrived. Although I was 14 and honestly didn't get the sheer dimension of such tragedy at a first time. When I got home and the news channel still was covering the incident, I finally realized the size of it.

I know this day will be forever kept as a memento to those who had their lives taken away and their families, friends and pets who will miss them. But I also tend to believe in this day as a date for everyone in the world to reflect about their actions, I dream with the day when dictators, terrorists, murderers and corrupts realize that no matter how blind their are in pursuit of their said causes, they are just harming their brothers. I wish everyone had at least a tiny idea of how small we are in the universe, confined in a small blue oasis of life which somehow might be, the only place on which we can found humans as we know them, the only place where you can find relief from your grief and sorrow, the only place where you can help each other and feel better and more complete just by doing it. And it's right there, surviving in the vast universe, no matter how much harm we do to it.

How hard is to have a little bit of humanism?

I wonder if in a hundred years in the future, we'll remember this day and associate it to a past reality, when mankind didn't actually know the meaning of itself and used terrorism as a response for their stupidity. And we will celebrate those who fell as heroes and love them as our parents, because their sacrifices led to our common agreement and peace.

Too much utopia? Maybe, but believing that it might somehow be true in the future is what keep me considering the life worth to be lived for.
Isn't that more or less how World War 1 began?


As for Sept 11th, it really was a tragic day and no matter what the actual cause of it was quite a few innocent people lost their lives. Not to mention the skyjackers and whoever was behind the attack pretty much put the whole country into paranoid mode, made our security into an over-advanced puppet show, created untold amounts of Islamic hate and help fuel out economic downturn.

I look at all the security in place at the Sept 11th memorial, soldiers dressed to the 9's with M-14's, X-ray machines, metal detector after metal detect, badges that only allow access for like an hour and Big Brother's eyes all around. That's no way to honour the dead.

And the new Freedom Town being built in the same area will have even more heighten security and ironically, less freedom. Something being called the Freedom Tower should be, infact, free.
While you may be right about your other points, any security there today at the memorial was obviously so high because of President Obama, former President Bush, & the other high profile people there as well as to make sure nobody tried to do anything to "commemorate" the attacks themselves. Memorial or not today, that many important folks in one place will bring such high levels of security with them wherever they go.

I would bet in a month, the security present will be toned well down in the area until the Tower opens, which would probably bring the President back to the memorial as well as his security team.

Just my opinion.
I was walking the living room of my home, my newborn (3 month) old youngest son in my arms when the phone rang. It was my father, shocked-voiced, unbelieving, asking me to turn the TV on. I'm somewhat of a laid-back personality, so I wasn't too anxious - thought it was going to be another recap of someone going postal. I switched on CNN, and they were showing the first tower in flames which puzzled me - then I saw a plane approach. I thought, Oh crap, that plane is just going to miss hitting that building, hope he makes it, is he drunk? Then the pilot angled the plane towards the tower and I was totally stunned when it ploughed into the building.
I realized I was gripping my baby so hard.
A huge wave of coldness rushed through me - I realized immediately that the world would never be the same again.
I kept watching CNN Live. as they relayed what was happening. I really couldn't believe it was happening. Then the towers collapsed, and I really thought we were experiencing another of those H.G Wells 'Martians are coming' broadcast type of episode. A short while later, my wife calls from her workplace, shocked - asking for news (they only had the radio on at work.)

For some weird reason Hiroshima, and Nagasaki came to mind.
Yet . . . there was a madness to this that was beyond even human insanity.
I will never ever forget those images. We lost our humanity that day.
10 years ago today I awoke about 630 am as I had fallen asleep w/ the TV still playing, I thought I was watching a movie like the Towering Inferno or the like. As my slumber left me I saw the other plane hit and wondered WTF was I watching? My day had one event in it and it was to pick up my Mother from the airport. She was coming home from seeing her family in New York, putting 2 and 2 together I knew that this was all happening as my mom was leaving for her 6-8 hr flight. Had I done my math wrong? They were saying that the planes must have departed from the East Coast near New York. I thought that I might have just watched my mom get murdered.

I walked around in circles for hours not knowing what was up. How could anyone know what I was feeling? The hours felt like an eternity and after some 6 hrs. the phone rang and it was her voice on the other end.
I was in first grade when the twin towers fell. The only distinguishing things about that day i remember are me getiing up and my parents telling me that school was cancelled. It was a chill day and my bro and i played gt2 almost all day (car fan since youth :D)

The one thing i didnt understand back then was why my parents wouldnt stop watching tv. Looking back on it now and watching videos of the actual event kinda makes me grateful that i wasnt old enough to really grasp the magnitude of the situation.
I was standing atop the towers while holidaying in the US just 3 months before they were destroyed. I remember getting home from footy to see my family glued to the TV in stunned silence. We couldn't believe it was happening, especially seeing as I had just been there.
Me and my friend actually had a discussion on this, and he brought up a good point.

My other friend said that the Jihad warned of a fake threat, and my friend was quick to point out that an attack doesn't have to be explosions and people dying. That's the most common, but terrorism is about instilling terror in the minds of people, and with the threats, they worried many people. That's another reason why security has been high, is because we're scared of something bad happening. Just saying they were going to attack set 90% of the country on edge.

Thought I'd just point it out.
Me and my friend actually had a discussion on this, and he brought up a good point.

My other friend said that the Jihad warned of a fake threat, and my friend was quick to point out that an attack doesn't have to be explosions and people dying. That's the most common, but terrorism is about instilling terror in the minds of people, and with the threats, they worried many people. That's another reason why security has been high, is because we're scared of something bad happening. Just saying they were going to attack set 90% of the country on edge.

Thought I'd just point it out.

Very good point. And with the high security as a result of this, they are forcing us to spend money on extra patrols or other such things and forcing us to put a few things on hold which could result in problems down the road and the weakening of our country for an oppurtunity for something worse. I guess that is it bit far out there but it could happen.