Annoying Social Habits of people you've met

  • Thread starter L_Hamilton

War is a rather annoying social habit ;).

Seriously, though, what do you mean by war? Do you mean how people allow themselves to get caught up in the idea of war without thinking about the consequences and horrors of it? I'm just trying to see what you mean here.
People who don't just shut up on MSN sometimes. I'm usually on 'away' or 'busy' for a reason, yet they still talk to me and repeatedly nudge or keep saying, "helooooo, u theree?" or some crap like that. It annoys the hell outta me.

Wouldn't it be easier to sign out?
I actually want to be online but just don't want to talk to some people. When I talk to GTP'ers usually they want me online in some way.
People who don't just shut up on MSN sometimes. I'm usually on 'away' or 'busy' for a reason, yet they still talk to me and repeatedly nudge or keep saying, "helooooo, u theree?" or some crap like that. It annoys the hell outta me.

Solution for you.

Set the auto-responder to say "Piss off." everytime someone tries to speak. Works a treat for me.
Be careful though, some people may take offence etc. A less offensive way is to set it to something none too offensive but witty enough so they get the message. "See the away bit? Understand it? That's good, 'cos I'm away". Usually stops people speaking but without offending them. Depends on your mood IMO. Telling someone to "Piss off.", when you've always wanted to, but couldn't. Is a good feeling. Plus, it's easier to get out of if they retaliate.

"Sorry, it was my cousin" is a classic and has saved my ass many-a-time.

Ps: While we're on the subject of MSN. I got another one to add...

- People who have an "emoticon" for every. flipping. letter. of. the. alphabet.

It's worse when the internet is slow. Because they don't load, and all you see is "he o o ho u?"

Translation: "hello lol how you?"
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While we're on the subject of MSN conversations, it absolutely drives me mad when people contact me just because "Oh, I saw you in my contacts and wondered who you were" and then ask me every question under the sun, including "So what music d'you like?" to which they'd give the same limpwristed response regardless of what I say. Usually, I get bored and say something ridiculous like "Neo-Nazi-feminist-based Christian rap". And what follows? "Oh cool." I mean for god's sake, if you don't know who I am, don't talk to me! Particularly when you don't even appear to be listening.
Be careful though, some people may take offence etc. A less offensive way is to set it to something none too offensive but witty enough so they get the message. "See the away bit? Understand it? That's good, 'cos I'm away". Usually stops people speaking but without offending them. Depends on your mood IMO. Telling someone to "Piss off.", when you've always wanted to, but couldn't. Is a good feeling. Plus, it's easier to get out of if they retaliate.

"Sorry, it was my cousin" is a classic and has saved my ass many-a-time.

Ps: While we're on the subject of MSN. I got another one to add...

- People who have an "emoticon" for every. flipping. letter. of. the. alphabet.

It's worse when the internet is slow. Because they don't load, and all you see is "he o o ho u?"

Translation: "hello lol how you?"

:lol: I'm not using 'piss off', more rather "I'm away so stfu". Just as bad but since it's 'stfu' they won't take it as harshly. Also agreed with the emoticon thing, they never load for me and I can never understand what they're trying to say. I also hate the type that talk like this, "hy wts up hru, wt u doin tday" Translation: "Hey what's up? How are you? What are you doing today?"

Jondot I hate random's too. Some people (usually stupid girls) randomly start talking to me as if they've known me for 10 years. Usually starts out with, "hey what's up?" or something similar. Drives me absolutely mad.
People with a 1001 emoticons get annoying after awhile, I only have maybe 3 that use regularly.
I only have ones that are actually faces and stuff.

I also have another kick ass one where Optimus Prime kicks Bumblebee in the balls. Then he falls to the ground, and 'OWNED' appears in bold red letters. That's sweet.
I only have ones that are actually faces and stuff.

I also have another kick ass one where Optimus Prime kicks Bumblebee in the balls. Then he falls to the ground, and 'OWNED' appears in bold red letters. That's sweet.

I only ever use the laughing smiley, and that's rare too. I find it amusing that some people have an emoticon for every single thing they say.
People who hit the snooze more than once.

My bed is way to comfy for me to get up at precisely 5:30 A.M. So I let it wake me up every 5 minutes until 6:00. Then I get up, put my contacts in, then leave for school at 6:30. BTW I shower before I go to bed.
Adults (read people who are 40+) who go back to school and sit in on classes with 30 20 year olds and ask the dumbest questions in the world or ask the professor to repeat everything.

Professor: "World War II ended September 2nd, 1945"
Older Lady blurting out: "World War II ended on September 2nd, 1945 right?"
Professor: *blank stare* "Yes"

Seriously I am in a physics for dummies class right now (I'm not a physics dummy but would you want to take a hard class if you didn't have to?) and we spent 45 minutes going over the equation for force because some 50 year old lady could get it. Really how hard is force equals mass times acceleration? Then she jokes how her kids probably know more than she does...for the seventeenth time, not funny.
People who hit the snooze more than once.
Ugh, don't get me started on roommates who hit the snooze. Bonus points to them if they go to bed at 2:30 every night, and "just can't" get out of bed at 6:30. Your body does absolutely nothing with ten fragmented minutes of sleep. Just get up, and quit bothering the rest of us.
Haha well if you sleep in the same dorm room as them it gets annoying fast. :P

I'm glad I have slept through every alarm that any of my roommates have ever set :D.

I have to agree on the text speak, though. All of my text messages use the same grammar I post here, and on AIM I just drop the periods. As do all my friends at home. I know a couple girls from New York though, and it seems like they're talking a different language... I guess it gets worse the farther east you go in the country and increasing age too.
I used to type like what you're talking about Philly but ever since I was taught a computer typing program back in middle school it practically forced me to type like this.
I'm so not used to it that I have to stop and ask what they were trying to say...

That's definitely something I like about these boards, though.
Whenever I text on cell phones I try to spell correctly, I just don't use punctuation unless I'm asking a question, and I the only "text speak" I use is lol.
1. Passive aggressive people. It's become a way of life here in the US, our legal system almost demands it.

2. College students. I live in a small city with three universities. Sorry to throw a blaket over the whole group, but it gets more ridiculous every year. Every week there are damaged cars all the way from the bars downtown to UVM on the top of the hill. The general mentality seems to be, "The world exists just for me, please stop what you are doing, notice me, and cater to my every need. I will repay you by keeping you up until 4AM on a Tuesday and pretending you do not exist if you confront me about my behavior. My friend's dad is a lawyer. I'm going to sue you, you have offended me."

I can't take it anymore.
2. College students. I live in a small city with three universities. Sorry to throw a blaket over the whole group, but it gets more ridiculous every year. Every week there are damaged cars all the way from the bars downtown to UVM on the top of the hill. The general mentality seems to be, "The world exists just for me, please stop what you are doing, notice me, and cater to my every need. I will repay you by keeping you up until 4AM on a Tuesday and pretending you do not exist if you confront me about my behavior. My friend's dad is a lawyer. I'm going to sue you, you have offended me."

I can't take it anymore.


Being a college student is not a social habit. I'm one, and I don't do idiotic crap like that, and neither do most college students. I understand why you're mad and I know people who do the stuff you described, however, so I definitely see where you're coming from.
I'm not exactly sure if this is a social habit, but here it goes anyway:

People not leaving feedback on ebay/

I think I sold at least 10 things and I only received 2 feedbacks, one of them came a couple months after the sale.
Like I mentioned in one of the other threads, I hate on CarDomain how when someone posts a message on your ride's page, they say something along the lines of "Cool car, come over to my page and rate my ride!!!".
Like I mentioned in one of the other threads, I hate on CarDomain how when someone posts a message on your ride's page, they say something along the lines of "Cool car, come over to my page and rate my ride!!!".
People do that on my YouTube videos. I delete those.