Another Record For Users Online!

Originally posted by Saleen Man

Yeah, I noticed that. Very odd:odd: Went down real quick

The record is 69 USERS, not members. Right when the record jumped to 69, there were only 44 MEMBERS signed on, the rest were either invisible, or guests. SO really it didn't go down that much, just 5 MEMBERS...:D
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
Get back to me when you get 250 members online.

:lol: That's pathetic considering how may active members that site had. I'm looking at another site right now with about 6k members, 210 online right now, and over 375 was their record.
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
Get back to me when you get 250 members online.

Shouldn't take long considering most of those who set that record are on their way here...:lol:
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
Still, that site has twice as many members so you should be able to reach about 130 users at once.

Yeah, it has twice as many menmbers, but how many ACTIVE MEMBERS does it have? Probably 5 times as many as we do...
actually, i think most people who come to the GTF get flamed out in the GT forums for posting the same thing everyone else has 5000 times over :D
Thats the good thing about being there for over 2 years... no worries about posting the wrong thing.. :D :P

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