Answers To All Of Your GT4 Questions

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If Anyone Know how to save in a Endurance 24h race in Gran turismo 4 Please tell me how and when i can do the save. Because.. I've play 4h30 minute on Nürburgring and No save possible........
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Hey guys,

I just had Gt4 on friday and it's a blast.

My question is, I'm now at the end of the Professional Hall at the Gt World Championship,
I drive a Nissan 350Z Motul JGTC 500, tuned to 924 HP and I'm getting totally OWNED by the LeMans car, GtOne, R390, Bentley, Peugot, you get my point.

Now, what do I do? On the first race I got washed by 23 sec by the GtOne, any tips ?
Tune your suspension? Or use Racing Medium tires?
Is there anyway to speed up endurances in b-spec, or do the people at PD expect you to start the race and go to sleep? I apologize in advance if this is a stupid question or if it has been asked before but I couldnt find anything on it.
Tune your suspension? Or use Racing Medium tires?

I won the Toyota Minolta, it's a great car but, I use sometimes B-Spec, and I must tell you, I think it's good but damm, it made me loose a race, first of all, they pit on their own, at the last lap, he pits, what the hell?!

I'm having a war with the Peugot race car, his clutch is slow but I don't know why, he still is fast.
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L'icone pratice c'est comme des qualifications.

Thanks for trying to help, but the problem is that there is no practice option when racing on a specific track ( like Midfield ii in the beginners FF cup for example ).
The only options available are:
race A-spec
Race B-spec

and that's it. Do you have the PAL version ? lol
I haven't tried this yet, but if you do the practice, is it a combo practice-qualify session. I've done the practice once and it is the same set up as the old qualifying system; i.e. you start in the pits and everyone else is spaced out on the track, and it dosn't start timing your laps until you complete a warm-up, but I quit before any of the AI drivers crossed the line, because it was a championship face and my closest competitor was slated to start from third without qualifying, so I wanted to keep him hemmed up by the two cars in front of him.
Div is back
I have the NA version, on some races I noticed you can't qualify, bad luck!

Oh I see, so far I only raced with a b license and maybe qualifying sessions are introduced at a higher level.
That's still looks weird to me. Imho qualifying is the 2nd most important thing after racing so it should be present at any level. from europe so i dont own gt4 yet.
from what i have seen in the videos it seems like there is still audience making some noise in the time trial or single time attack races. is that true?
if so...that definately sucks ass. i mean i want to hear my engine and not the stupid noise of the crowd.

um, they arn't THAT loud, most of the time i dont notice them unless they're using air horns or somthing...but even then its still very faint
The practice / qualifying seesions are only available in series races not sigle race events.
The practice / qualifying seesions are only available in series races not sigle race events.

This is very annoying, especially for the endurance races where I would like to tune (or detune) my car for the competition. You can always quit the race and then select "retry" - you can then modify your settings before starting again. I don't think you get another day added to your game for this, but I do think it hurts your W/L ratio.
How to turn off the in-race start/finish music? I have all music set to off in my settings, but still have to endure the tedious little music fill at the beginning and end of every race... They just sound cheap and gamey; sure makes me miss the peace and quiet (and revving engines) of GT3.
Hey all, I got a question. Firstly, I have come back to the boards after a while so forgive if its been done before but:

As in GT3, if you drive a new car with its original oil for awhile and then change the oil when the red light comes on, will you get a HP increase after the oil change or doesnt it matter?
Hey all, I got a question. Firstly, I have come back to the boards after a while so forgive if its been done before but:

As in GT3, if you drive a new car with its original oil for awhile and then change the oil when the red light comes on, will you get a HP increase after the oil change or doesnt it matter?

Yes, even an immediate oil change seems to give about a 5% increase in HP. Interestingly, my oil light didn't go on for my entire 24 hours and Nurb race.
Maybe this has been asked before but i heard that you can save pictures from photo mode on a usb flash drive is there any particular flash drive you need or can you use any

Yes you can... plug in your thumb drive into one of the two USB slots and once you have the perfect picture taken to your taste press the start button and where it asks you to save it change it from the memory card selection to the usb storage... now just wait patiently due to it taking a while if its on "Super Fine"... very simple.
My question is this... I tried joining the Spyder/Roadster match in Beginners and it wont let me with the car's I picked. I first tried the 350Z Roadster but it wasn't a convertable (or so the game thought) so I later then purchased a Mitsu Eclipse Spyder, and the same thing... I tried a lot of times to get the same result... what did you guys use?
ok, i would appreciate an honest answer cus something has got me real worried....

i've read in the latest PSW that they thought it graphically doesnt look all that. it said that some of the tracks look even worse then they did in this true? also graphically i've read somewere on the Net ( dont know were alas) that the car models themselves dont look as good as they did before in prologue...

whats going on here??? how can this be, please someone setmy mind at ease here and tell me this isnt true?? do the tracks and cars really look bad???? cant be!!!

another quick Q, when GT4 loads for the first time, does it automatically read your Gt3 and prologue saves? cus i dont want to upload money or licenses and i dont want to delete my is this manual, can you chose not to do it?

A dutch guy that has to wait 3 more days......sleepless in my room i guess:)
Am I missing something? GT4 seems really short to me, I got 52% in 4 days ( but then my game file got corrupted so I had to start over ). It just seems like there arent as many races in GT4 I keep getting the feeling that when I hit 100% the game will laugh at me and say "Ha-Ha you thought you were done, here is the rest of the game, you have only really completed 50%" Seems to be a waste to have 750+ cars but not enough races to make use of 80% of them. I think they screwed us, yeah all those cars is nice but I really think they did that for bragging rights. I will never use more than like 20% of the cars in the game :crazy: They need more tracks too, I am tired of racing on the same 10 tracks over and over in every championship.