Answers To All Of Your GT4 Questions

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Downloading cars, GT4 won't have downloadable content or online races, at least not until the online version comes out later in the year, if it does come out at all.
Simple answer is money, Sony may not have ben willing to spend as much as was required to get thoes licenses, the real answer is no one outside the companies involved knows.
I've heard the Sauber C69 (#63 Le Mans LMP) described as 'the 787B of GT3' ... would someone mind explaining this statement to me?

And I'm still waiting to find out what races are in the World Championships and how long they are ...
When in 180 degree mode with the Driving Force Pro, is there still steering assist? And is there an option to turn it off, and still be able to countersteer? (Simulation mode in GT3 was nearly impossible, you couldn't countersteer, you'd just spin out.)

I just didn't like the steering assist in GT3 at all, and I'd like to play the game in 180 degree mode, especially when drifting, without feeling like the game is driving for me to some degree.

first of all, i just saw ENTHUSIA by konami, in and i think it could be more real than GT4, which i hope im wrong!!!!!!! cuz if not, it would be depressing. i am totally getting enthusia, but obviously wont miss gt4.
FORZA totally sucks, in my opinion, it will go third best game of car simulation.
it has online, but i just don't like xbox, and i own one.
now i gotta sell it in ebgames for 70 bucks after buying it for 300 a year ago.
:ill: *palms himself in the back

i am trying to get some friends with same likes, specially cars, so if you feel like adding a buddy into your life, check my proffile.

you can call me MAKU, i am 22 years old, straight and argentinian.
speak english well enaugh, spanish fluent, some japanese and lil german.
i play guitar and im a locksmith.

i don't have many friends who are into the racing thing, and i was wondering if someone wanted to sometimes come across and talk about it on internet or perhaps near my zone.
i live in MARYLAND, USA. (east coast)

i llike anime, love rx-7 mazda, metal of all sorts, games (racing, espionage, ninjas (with katanas) and first person shooter like doom, half life 2 and CALL OF DUTY (which i am really good at and will accept a challenge anytime)

my screen names on aim and xfire are, makushikun

contact me anytime to email or chats.

see ya!


PS: sorry if i put this thread in the wrong place. i dont see any buddy chatting arround and i cant come out with any questions since most of them are answered.
I believe than nothing can beat Gran Turismo !!! :)

Since the release of GT 3 in 2001, no racing games have exceeded .. I think ...the graphic and the quality of this game.

Already 4 years...

👍 11 days from now (GT4) 👍
^ No, it will be the best racing game on PS2 almost unarguably depending on one's personal tastes. For some GT4 won't be as good as say LFS and to say it's going to be the best racing game ever is stupid, why wouldn't GT5 on the PS3 be better than GT4 exactley?
I have some questions?

1. Is rain possible on every track?
2. Is NOS avaliable or is it sadly in every race?
3. Is there a way to turn off the penalties?
4. Are there more rolling starts or standing?
Okay Viper, so what prevents any future racing game (including GT5) from being better than GT4?
I have some questions?

1. Is rain possible on every track?
2. Is NOS avaliable or is it sadly in every race?
3. Is there a way to turn off the penalties?
4. Are there more rolling starts or standing?
1. Nope, there will be only Tsukuba Circuit Rain, i think they took off Special Stage Route 5 rain.
I have some questions?

1. Is rain possible on every track?
2. Is NOS avaliable or is it sadly in every race?
3. Is there a way to turn off the penalties?
4. Are there more rolling starts or standing?

1 No, Tsuskuba is the only track you race in the wet.
2 NOS is available, you can use it in any race but it's up to you, if you do use it you can set it between 50 shot and 100 shot.
3 No, at least not in the GT mode and I've not seen any for arcade but I've not raced much in that.
4 Theres more rolling starts in the GT mode than in GT3.
^ No, it will be the best racing game on PS2 almost unarguably depending on one's personal tastes. For some GT4 won't be as good as say LFS and to say it's going to be the best racing game ever is stupid, why wouldn't GT5 on the PS3 be better than GT4 exactley?

For the same reason that a lot of people think that GT3 on the PS2 is not as good as GT2 on the PS1. Now GT6 (release date Smarch of 2023) will OWN ALL!!! :)
Which is better:

Supercharger or Turbocharger?
I think it would depend on who you ask and what you use it for. Superchargers give you boost throughout the powerband wheras the turbo will take time to spool. turbos will give you more net horsepower. Im a big fan of turbos myself.

As for in the game, I wouldnt know(1 more week). Sorry
I think it would depend on who you ask and what you use it for. Superchargers give you boost throughout the powerband wheras the turbo will take time to spool. turbos will give you more net horsepower. Im a big fan of turbos myself.

As for in the game, I wouldnt know(1 more week). Sorry

can someone do me a favor and list the offical car list i need it so when i get the game nnext week i can print the list out please. and it superspeedway in this game by change. i got really good at that track. -Gt_2005- Gene
The most officeial list we ave is for the Japanese version, you can just manually add the 13 new cars for the PAL version yourself of course if you copy the list onto wordor whatever. It can be found here .

And the Super speedway is still there only the scenery has changed to match the real track now Motegi is fully licensed.
hey guyz noe if u can h00k up ur car w/ uber stuff lik in ndergrnd2!!!

tht game is s00 sw33t

i luv 2 put on hot rices like spinnaz, nozzz, and hydrolix..

i need to h00k up my escalade w/ some kewl stuffs

on btw can you buy an escalade..

thankz, i didnt find my answer on the thread name so i azked ya'll

chill dudes,

The Official Ricer-Moe.
