anybody beside myself hope PD goes light on the endurance races?

  • Thread starter A2K78
Personally I reckon there should be only one or two 24h races; and the B-Spec mode should be able to automatically reset itself at 3x the normal speed after pitting.
What would you consider Nascar then? Daytona 500 is 800km and 200 laps, if that doesn't take endurance then I don't know what does.

I wouldn´t mind that at all. Infact I hope for the NASCAR series of events to be in their real length, just as the F1 races are in GT4.
I hope they do go light on endurance races. I'm planning on getting PlayTV early next year and I won't be in my mum's good books when I tell her that she can't watch TV as I'll be letting B-Spec Bob do my endurace races.
Heheh, it's very odd to listen GT series fans who claims that it must keep it's own spirit, giving a no to the endurance races, these races are part of the GT mode, then no matter what we say we will do get 24h endurances and maybe a good count of 12h ones. Wheter B-Spec or Pit-save will be present, is the real question.
FYI, I've already successfully run several enduros, with Prologue, over at the US PSN boards.

Sure the driving's not continuous, but, we matched in to race after race, for several hours on end, swapping drivers between races. If there's a will, there's a way.
I would be incorrect to eliminate the endurance races which are a tradition on the GT series. However, I feel that endurance on GT4 were too long. It was cool when I first saw the 24 hour races, but then I felt very dissapointed to see that there was no save point in the middle of the race. I´m a GT fan, but I seriously would not spend 12+ hours in front of my tv. Not only is time consuming, but it is also unhealthy for your equipment and yourself. I´m dissapointed that I did not reached 100% in GT4 because of this. Would I like endurance to be taken off GT5? HELL NO!! I love 60 lap races, 200 mile races, or 3 hour endurance races. But I would surely appreciate a save point between endurance races, and more decent endurances that won´t take more than 2 hours. I really enjoyed them in GT3, and thats why I got 100% on remember that I still have unfinished events on GT4, takes my sleep away...
I was never that keen on endurance races in previous GT games. They ere the kind of race you only wanted to do once so you always picked a car that you knew could easily win and after a bit you were so far in the lead that the race became boring. If PD decide to put day/night cycles and changing weather into the game then that would make it much more exciting. If they don't then I hope there isn't too many endurance races. Plus they are talking about the game maybe following more of a GTPSP approach and that seems to favour a game that can be played in smaller chunks.