I would be incorrect to eliminate the endurance races which are a tradition on the GT series. However, I feel that endurance on GT4 were too long. It was cool when I first saw the 24 hour races, but then I felt very dissapointed to see that there was no save point in the middle of the race. I´m a GT fan, but I seriously would not spend 12+ hours in front of my tv. Not only is time consuming, but it is also unhealthy for your equipment and yourself. I´m dissapointed that I did not reached 100% in GT4 because of this. Would I like endurance to be taken off GT5? HELL NO!! I love 60 lap races, 200 mile races, or 3 hour endurance races. But I would surely appreciate a save point between endurance races, and more decent endurances that won´t take more than 2 hours. I really enjoyed them in GT3, and thats why I got 100% on it...to remember that I still have unfinished events on GT4, takes my sleep away...