Anyways, the only reason that I know of so far to dismiss Shift 2's physics is, what, the fact that it's named NFS Shift?
Actually, the game is called simply "Shift 2 Unleashed" and NFS has been dropped from the title. One LESS thing to worry about! And, in truth, perhaps an indicator of how willing EA are to allow the SMS guys to forge their own path.
Look, boys and girls (of all ages!)... When Shift 1 came out, EA had NO current NFS franchise (and the game's direction had been changed by games like Undercover and Pro Street) and EA wanted a game that might appeal to the NFS fans. They didn't find it in Shift, no cops, no helicopters, no open world tracks... But they TRIED to make it accessible to the kinds of players that would normally have preferred another Seacrest County title and made the handling too arcade, despite some serious physics underpinning, for the semi-serious racer (let's face it, if you aren't on iRacing, you are prepared to play something semi-arcade!).
Now it's further down the line, EA have Hot Pursuit, which seems to be popular with the NFS kids, and SMS no longer have the need to pander to the arcade players. In fact, EA probably don't WANT them to compete in the same market, as that will dilute sales. Most every article SMS have written details physics improvements and additions, they have answered me directly when it comes to wheel FFB improvements (the 'wobbles' are apparently gone! Yea!) and it is getting VERY hard, unless you are simply another franchise fanboy, to NOT take them seriously.
Will it be enough to persuade GT5 fans? I doubt it. They are so blinkered to the faults of their OWN game's physics that we are more in the realm of religion than established facts. Remember, there are some that refuse to admit that evolution occurs. In games, as well...
But I have high hopes for the Shift franchise. At least they don't deliver a game that is half watching someone ELSE drive your car. And taking six years to do it. There is SO much more to racing than just physics. A game that forgets this, and merely delivers clinical physics has no more succeeded at it than a game with NO physics, but everything ELSE captured well. Currently, it looks like SMS have nailed everything ELSE about racing quite well. And, if the physics are only mildly improved from Shift, it will be a much better RACING game than GT5.
Just look at the tracks and cars. Something from THIS century! Something from last YEAR, in fact...
Before anyone else comes on this thread, and makes an idiot of themselves slamming a game they haven't even played yet, and before you start to bring up physics, explain to me about the drafting in GT5. Explain to me the bad lift off oversteer in FF's. Explain to me the inconsistent tire wear between racing tires. Explain to me the noticeable difference between physics online and off (if that was a Shift problem, you guys would be all OVER that!). Explain to me about the lack of modeled damage accuracy, or why the AI's physics are totally different from yours.
Please... I'd REALLY like an answer to those that wasn't mere excuses.