See, knowing how long PD knew about the PS4, PD probably had time to make GT6/PS4 happen. I don't know what they could have done, and no one will until we see GT7. I would assume there's massive possibilities in what they could've done, so in that regard, I'm disappointed that they limited themselves.
It would've cost me $460 to get it, but GT isn't the only thing I would've been getting. The thing is, though, is that my PS3 is dead. I can repair it, but it'll die again in a few months (this assuming my 4th repair works…). I can get a new board, and the thing will be fine (But, I'll still be spending several hours on the repair). Or, I can spend around $100-150 (USD) to get a new PS3, but I'd like to keep my save data, which I don't have means of backing up right now. Then there's a twist - I have an old fat 80 GB backwards compatible edition (And I need that compatibility), so, I'd be doing heavy digging for either a new console, or a new board. Then, I have the problem of a maxed hard drive, with a good 5-8 GB of update data pending, plus system software updates. So I'll be coming by a 64 GB SD to expand the drive, which will cost me a bit extra as well.
What's the point of all of that info? Either way, I'd need to be spending a LOT more time, money, and/or energy than just the $60 on the new game in order to play GT6. Quite frankly, I'd rather go for the option where I'd get a new game (which probably won't be as good on old hardware) on new hardware - hardware that I wouldn't have to nurse and buy components to keep it usable.
I feel like PD could've made a better game where they had less limitations, and those circumstances just happen to be in my favor. But they've done a good job for the limits they have - I think GT6 will do fine as a PS3 game, but I still wish they just went to PS4, and forgot bout the PS3 era. Though they surprised me, showing what they really could've done with the hardware. An excellent farewell to the old box. Definitely enough to make my money and sweat worth it.