People were very quick to point out it's just a game, no reason to point how you're too busy to think about a game. I don't see it as a problem to be really excited over a game.
Yes, but I think that has more to do with my cold.
Anybody else being nosey?
I've brought my little brother a PS3 Slim for Christmas with Uncharted 2 for Christmas. However I'm seriously considering buying a PS3 Slim just for this demo, so yes, I am losing a little sleep about it!
C'mon guys I can't believe that there's someone who really can't sleep because of a tiny demo. I would be happy if they put this indianapolis track in Prologue, anyway, it's a chance to try on the new physics, until we wait for the end of March.
I consider myself a freak and a nerd when it comes to great games (Freard), i dream almost every day from Gran Turismo, so i think its normal to get nervous so close before the release of a demo.
Err no that's not normal. Is your life really that empty the only thing you have to look forward to is a video game demo?
C'mon everyone's life gets to a point, usually at multiple points in their lives, when they care about unimportant things more than anything else.
Heard of the term mid-life crisis? Or of single men below the age of 25?
Read my post again.I've already mentioned going on a holiday, getting a car, getting married, whatever.
Don't get me wrong, I like unimportant things as much as the next guy but we are talking about a very rough preview of a game that we have no idea when it's ever coming out. It seems like there are more important unimportant thing that are worth getting worked up over and losing sleep. I've already mentioned going on a holiday, getting a car, getting married, whatever. Heck I could even understand being excited the day before full game was actually released.
I guess I just don't understand the mentality of a lot of people when it comes to a video game. The saying "Gran Turismo, Serious Business" still hold true.
Yes. 8(
Oh, do you work? How old are you? When I was fourteen the only thing that can keep me awake was Jenna Jameson...., anyway, for some people GT can be really attractive, that's your feelings and I must say I respect them. I can't remember when this happened, but I had a dream in which I was driving a 458 italia around the nurburgring, and there was two fast guys trying to overtake me, one of them was driving a SLS AMG, and the other was riding a Murciélago SV. So GT brings me only good dreams...
You should find a doctor, there might be other causes related to your sleeping problem, but maybe he can forbid you to play GT.....,, stay at home and enjoy GT as much as you like..
Man, what's up with these fanatic GT guys....
Oh, do you work? How old are you?
Read my post above again (seems like no one does it in this forum) and look at my profile, im 19.
You should find a doctor, there might be other causes related to your sleeping problem, but maybe he can forbid you to play GT.....,, stay at home and enjoy GT as much as you like..
Don't think of it as a video game, but more as an experience that will last some people years of enjoyment. That's something to get excited about imo.
I don't think he has a sleeping problem...
Read my post again.
And you also forget that when i say im extremely excited for this, that it doesnt mean i dont care for anything else.
Don't think of it as a video game, but more as an experience that will last some people years of enjoyment. That's something to get excited about imo.
I did read your post again. I'll leave it at that.
Video games shouldn't be a life changing experience, in my opinion at least.
I'm a huge gamer but they don't run my life. They are there for enjoyment and I do get excited when something cool comes out. I've been looking forward to Mass Effect 2 since I've completed the first one but I don't lose sleep or count down the days till it comes out. It comes out when it comes out, and when it does I'll play it, complete it (eventually) and move on with my life.
When you go to an amusement park, or something similar do you get excited? For some people, playing a game like GT can be just as much fun as doing that. There is nothing wrong with getting excited for something you know you will enjoy. It's completely normal getting excited for something you know you will enjoy for years to come.
Brought or bought? Where did you bring it?