
  • Thread starter lbsf1
This is an interesting possibility. It's happened many times before, if I'm not mistaken, although none in recorded human history. If the field took a protracted amount of time to rebuild in the opposite direction, then that would have consequences.

Yes you are right, it has happened many times before. If I remember things right, electronic devices in general would have a hard time running. Maybe somebody more knowledgeable on the subject can explain it further but I think it has something to do with the electronic device's interaction with the EM field.

I put this possibility in the same breath as the super volcano in Yellowstone National Park. While the media seems to inflate the possibility of these events occurring in the NEAR future, I think that these possibilities are actually so slim that they aren't worth worrying about.
Or you could read all the posts that have come before yours so we don't have to start the whole discussion over again.

But anyways, what answer would I garner from the Bible?
End is hard to predict. We won't know how or when unless it is very close probably. Short term, it's probably asteroids. Long term, I can't say. I think the Sun going Red Giant is moot, we'll have left Earth in 5 billion years barring the possibility of collapse/regression of civilization due to war/disease/etc.
It will happen. Eventually. Hopefully not in my lifetime, no matter what people say about December 2012. Sidenote: I may not believe in the whole Mayan prophecy thing but with the sheer number of people who do, I wholly intend to spend the month of December somewhere where there are no other people. I think the biggest problem we'll face then will be the number of people who go silly over it, and part of me suspects it could get dangerous.
You wish.
No, I hope not. But so many people have put so much significance on the date despite no proof of it (personally, I just figure the Mayans decided they didn't need to keep making their calendar - what with it already being good for the next five hundred years - or ran out of room on the actual calendar to keep going with it), there's probably going to be more than a few people who think the end of the world is here and go stupid over it. It won't be the actual end of the world, but we'll be living in interesting times.
No, I hope not. But so many people have put so much significance on the date despite no proof of it (personally, I just figure the Mayans decided they didn't need to keep making their calendar - what with it already being good for the next five hundred years - or ran out of room on the actual calendar to keep going with it), there's probably going to be more than a few people who think the end of the world is here and go stupid over it. It won't be the actual end of the world, but we'll be living in interesting times.

No, I mean I believe you're hoping for dramatics so you can sit back in your chair and lullz over the hysteria, waiting for the moment to say "I told you so".
No, I mean I believe you're hoping for dramatics so you can sit back in your chair and lullz over the hysteria, waiting for the moment to say "I told you so".
Well, I do like to say "I told you so" on the occasion I'm proven right when no-one believed me, however, I intend to be somewhere else entiely in December 2012 so as not to witness the insanity, and since the worst case scenario sees people going mad and injuring and/or even killing others or themselves (ie some kind of unspoken mass doomsday cult), a) an I-told-you-so moment would be entirely inappropriate and b) I certainyl hope it doesn't come to that.
Well, I do like to say "I told you so" on the occasion I'm proven right when no-one believed me, however, I intend to be somewhere else entirely in December 2012 so as not to witness the insanity, and since the worst case scenario sees people going mad and injuring and/or even killing others or themselves (ie some kind of unspoken mass doomsday cult), a) an I-told-you-so moment would be entirely inappropriate and b) I certainly hope it doesn't come to that.

You have a very, very demented perspective of the general public if you actually think society is going to descend into mayhem come December 2012. I can't even tell if you're joking it's just so asinine.
Well, I do like to say "I told you so" on the occasion I'm proven right when no-one believed me, however, I intend to be somewhere else entiely in December 2012 so as not to witness the insanity, and since the worst case scenario sees people going mad and injuring and/or even killing others or themselves (ie some kind of unspoken mass doomsday cult), a) an I-told-you-so moment would be entirely inappropriate and b) I certainyl hope it doesn't come to that.

Nobody actually believes 2012. Nobody.

(When I say "nobody", I mean 0.005% of the population)

There won't be riots over 2012.
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Nobody actually believes 2012. Nobody.

(When I say "nobody", I mean 0.005% of the population)

There won't be riots over 2012.

Nobody as in about 25% of my class. Anyway once a couple of people start making a fuss about it people will start to worry because there is no proof it won't happen and it will be the fear of the unknown so will just follow others like sheep. People will worry because if in the tiny possibility it does happen how would you feel if you egnored it then it happened and you never saw your family and friends again.
Nobody as in about 25% of my class. Anyway once a couple of people start making a fuss about it people will start to worry because there is no proof it won't happen and it will be the fear of the unknown so will just follow others like sheep. People will worry because if in the tiny possibility it does happen how would you feel if you egnored it then it happened and you never saw your family and friends again.

This is rational and predictable.

Unless you believe in the guiding hand of a divine providence, and few here at GTP do, then you must believe that humanity and its works could be wiped out in any one of a hundred ways. Every last civilization that has ever existed on Earth has perished, and ours can't be any different.

If I were you, I would heed the humble admonition of lbsf1 and always be concerned enough to let your family and friends know that, no matter what may come, that you love and appreciate them.

People will worry because if in the tiny possibility it does happen how would you feel if you egnored it then it happened and you never saw your family and friends again.

Those are comparatively small problems once Earth is bombarded with meteorites and we find ourselves without SPF20000000000 sunblock. (Provided, you know, something actually happens come Dec. 2012 - which it won't.)
Those are comparatively small problems once Earth is bombarded with meteorites and we find ourselves without SPF20000000000 sunblock. (Provided, you know, something actually happens come Dec. 2012 - which it won't.)

Scientificaly its not a huge problem however.In the human race we have strong bonds with our family and good friends. We wouldn't want to let them down or to if the worst came to the worst not be able to say a final goodbye. To people friends and family are very important.

What did the people who were on the plane that crashed into the hudson bay do before it crashed?
They texted friends and family to say a goodbye.

This is all presuming it happens, However as I said it wouldn't need to happen to cause disruption.
Scientificaly its not a huge problem however.In the human race we have strong bonds with our family and good friends. We wouldn't want to let them down or to if the worst came to the worst not be able to say a final goodbye. To people friends and family are very important.

What did the people who were on the plane that crashed into the hudson bay do before it crashed?
They texted friends and family to say a goodbye.

This is all presuming it happens, However as I said it wouldn't need to happen to cause disruption.

Thank you for the explanation, however, if the world is annihilated, I don't think 6.6 billion dead people will worry too much about texting.

. . . Because they will be dead. Or did I say that already?
Thank you for the explanation, however, if the world is annihilated, I don't think 6.6 billion dead people will worry too much about texting.

. . . Because they will be dead. Or did I say that already?

No I didn't mean it litteraly.
What I mean is.
Those people on the plane thought they were going to die, The first thing they did was to text friends and family to say goodbye and that they loved them. What I meant was that their family was the first think they thought and was the most important thing to them even faced in a situation of death.

I used this as an example when you said that family wasn't the most important thing to people when faced with death.
I used this as an example when you said that family wasn't the most important thing to people when faced with death.

I think what PT is trying to say is that you're not going to be able to text people to say you love them and all that crap if they were wiped out suddenly by a meteor, volcano, earthquake or 1,000 Palin-launched nukes.
It was an example of how people faced with death would first think of their family.

It wasn't relivant to the actual situation of the apolcalypse.

Please read the posts before.
Nobody as in about 25% of my class. Anyway once a couple of people start making a fuss about it people will start to worry because there is no proof it won't happen and it will be the fear of the unknown so will just follow others like sheep. People will worry because if in the tiny possibility it does happen how would you feel if you egnored it then it happened and you never saw your family and friends again.

There is proof that 2012 won't be the end of world because of the Mayan calendar, I already addressed that point with this post.

:lol: Thanks Famine.

Any way the Mayan calendar does not call for an Earthly end. It's an end of one of the cycles in the calendar, it's no different the going from a Sunday to a Monday to start a new week. The Mayan calender doesn't end for 41,341,049,999,999,999,999,999,994,878 years...or there abouts.

Basically the media got a hold of this idea the Earth will end when the Mayan calender ends a cycle, blew it way out of proportion and now people seem to think it's actually going to happen without a good understanding of what it all means. I blame the Discovery Channel/History Channel personally since they have Apocalypse Week and air all these shows that have nut jobs saying the world's going to get hit by Nibiru, have the magnetics of the Earth flip flop, or just have something explode. My personal favourite is the Nibiru collision because the planet has a cool name.

The apocalypse has the same of chance of happening on 23 December 2012 as it does tomorrow, 25 minutes from now, or in several million years. While there is no proof to say the world won't end, there is proof that the world won't end on the account of the Mayans.

And trust me, I'm an archaeologist :lol:. (that's meant to be a joke).
There is proof that 2012 won't be the end of world because of the Mayan calendar, I already addressed that point with this post.

The apocalypse has the same of chance of happening on 23 December 2012 as it does tomorrow, 25 minutes from now, or in several million years. While there is no proof to say the world won't end, there is proof that the world won't end on the account of the Mayans.

And trust me, I'm an archaeologist :lol:. (that's meant to be a joke).

Sadly in this world there are people with more power than you who don't know that about the mayan calandar and would stirr up belief of the apocalypse in other not as intelectual people. Then that would cause the problem. As I said their wouldn't need the to be the apocalypse to make people panic.
On the infamous day in 2012, I expect to make myself a cup of cocoa, post on GTP, do my other assorted things, watch TV, and laugh. Laugh at all the people who committed suicide, or tried to, or went out and did crimes because it was their last day, or used their life funds because they wouldn't need it. I would laugh and laugh and laugh, go out, drive my car, get some food, then go out with my buddies.

EDIT: This is the day after.
I wonder if the world economy will lose the Christmas boost? Why buy for Christmas if the world's going to end on the 21st? :D
Why buy for Christmas if the world's going to end on the 21st? :D

I'm going to use that excuse with my little brother for Xmas 2012. He annoys me so bloody much! :grumpy:
:lol:, interesting thread, I know some people who believe in this "scheduled Apocalypse". Actually, they're my friends, so I asked them to quit drugs, ;) erhm, I don't know if they still are my friends after that.... ;)

Anyway, it's very hard to believe in such prophecy, I don't know if people are biased to believe it after watching that silly movie, even in the high unlikely ( I want to say impossible, but I can't hurt the feelings of the believers ) scenario of the Apocalypse happening in the foresaw date, I can't think in anything else to do other than live my own life until the "final day" comes.
I expect that there will be many, many Aztec-themed parties come the week of Dec 21; I should book the time off work now just to ensure any potential drunkenness can go unimpeded.

Electric Spaceweather threatens Earthlings and their technology.

"The sun is waking up from a deep slumber, and in the next few years we expect to see much higher levels of solar activity. At the same time, our technological society has developed an unprecedented sensitivity to solar storms. The intersection of these two issues is what we're getting together to discuss."

is a quote in the article.

This doesn't really give us a good context for the impact of the sun's changes, however, as the sun has been at its' most inactive in the last 24 months.

This change in activity is likely just going to be resuming at the levels witnessed beforehand.

(TM or Famine feel free to make corrections here.)
The entire world is to disappear with lots of people currently living at the end of 2012(Exactly the date is Dec, 22th of the year)if the prediction of mayan people and Nostradums is correct, but I guess it won't be the last year we have on the earth.

But if it comes to be clear that it really happens on the infamous day in 2012, I'll do whatever I can do, eat food, play video games, drive my own car if I have a driving license, listen to music, see everything I wanna if I can. I'll think of doing as many things as I can, since it's expected to be the last day and I might not probably be born anymore.