
  • Thread starter lbsf1
It's a challenge to imagine the situation if every electrical wire, transformer and appliance on Earth caught fire and burned up!!! It would be even funnier if this happened only on one continent, say North America or Europe.

Not only is this possible, but it's happened before, in 1859. And it will happen again, possibly in 2012 or 2013, according to nervous NASA scientists.

We current worshipers of technology may be reduced to simpering wimps praying to the Sun God for salvation, if what they are talking about comes true.

Is this enough to make you become a Mormon or a survivalist, and start stocking up on food and candles? Or maybe it's best to be a fatalist, and just let it come without a worry for yourself and your family? What's best for a rational person with a family, animals and property to do?


Will there be an end to the world? It depends.
World = earth as we know it, certainly our solar system will not go on for ever.
World = the universe, unlikely, I do not believe it will retract, but it is a theory.

If so how?
There is no certainty, most probable for me is when the sun will change drastically. Possible a gigantic meteorite, ecological catastrophes, alien invasion, world wars, pandemics, but getting very unlikely at the end.

What would you do?
Die, like all the others. There are some things you have to accept, if you can foresee it, you can put up a fight, the odds are just too low to fight for me at this moment.

Enjoy live while you can.

I quote "Mary Schmich":

Don't worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.
Will there be an end to the world? It depends.
World = earth as we know it, certainly our solar system will not go on for ever.
World = the universe, unlikely, I do not believe it will retract, but it is a theory.

If so how?
There is no certainty, most probable for me is when the sun will change drastically. Possible a gigantic meteorite, ecological catastrophes, alien invasion, world wars, pandemics, but getting very unlikely at the end.

What would you do?
Die, like all the others. There are some things you have to accept, if you can foresee it, you can put up a fight, the odds are just too low to fight for me at this moment.

Enjoy live while you can.

Agreed. +1

My own personal opinions....

Mayan calendar = crap
Jehovah Witness beliefs = crap
Holy Bible = Holy crap

These are all just stories when people had nothing better to do.
No TV, radio, videogames, skate parks, motorsports, porn, etc...
They had nothing better to do than tell stories that would freak out thier grandchildrens decendants.

Be happy for the life you live now. You ARE going to die one day anyway.
It's a challenge to imagine the situation if every electrical wire, transformer and appliance on Earth caught fire and burned up!!! It would be even funnier if this happened only on one continent, say North America or Europe.

You have a warped sense of funny if you don't mind me saying. If I understand correctly, this would be considered a natural emp emitted by the sun, considerably more powerful than that emitted my a nuclear detonation. If this is the case, then a total blackout the size of a continent, would potentially kill in the millions. In that case, I don't particularly see the funny side.
You have a warped sense of funny if you don't mind me saying. If I understand correctly, this would be considered a natural emp emitted by the sun, considerably more powerful than that emitted my a nuclear detonation. If this is the case, then a total blackout the size of a continent, would potentially kill in the millions. In that case, I don't particularly see the funny side.

The funny for me is more a nervous laughter, since it is a situation is that we can hardly imagine (so extreme it seems funny), even when it could happen. As you say when you realise what you are talking about, it is not funny at all.

For example, a country that believes the US abuse their power, put this theory (wikipedia)

The pulse can easily span continent-sized areas, and this radiation can affect systems on land, sea, and air. The first recorded EMP incident accompanied a high-altitude nuclear test over the South Pacific and resulted in power system failures as far away as Hawaii. A large device detonated at 400–500 km (250 to 312 miles) over Kansas would affect all of the continental U.S.

in practice.

Except for your stated obvious effect on the people on that continent.
What would the effect be on World Economy?
Can the other continents provide sufficient support to reestablish the normal way of life?

I do believe the probability is very low of this happening.
My opinion is that conventional petroleum oil is abiotic, but that production rates are in any case limited. Further, that should global population and industrial development be so great that the following scenario eventuates, then humanity must find new and presently unknown alternatives or gradually slip back into pre-industrial lifeways. Neither way will be easy.

German military report: Peak oil could lead to collapse of democracy

By Daniel Tencer

Peak oil has happened or will happen some time around this year, and its consequences could threaten the continued survival of democratic governments, says a secret Germany military report that was leaked online.

According to Der Spiegel, the report from a think-tank inside the German military warns that shrinking global oil supplies will threaten the world's economic foundations and possibly lead to mass-scale upheaval within the next 15 to 30 years.

International trade would suffer as the cost of transporting goods across oceans would soar, resulting in "shortages in the supply of vital goods," the report states, as translated by Der Spiegel.

The result would be the collapse of the industrial supply chain. "In the medium term the global economic system and every market-oriented national economy would collapse," the report states.

That collapse could, in turn, cause many countries to abandon free markets principles, the report states. Deals would be struck between oil-exporting and oil-importing countries that would fix prices and remove large amounts of oil from the global market place.
Story continues below...

"The proportion of oil traded on the global, freely accessible oil market will diminish as more oil is traded through bi-national contracts," the report states.

That would prompt some governments to abandon free market economics altogether, the report suggests. With peak oil causing "partial or complete failure of markets ... [a] conceivable alternative would be government rationing and the allocation of important goods or the setting of production schedules and other short-term coercive measures to replace market-based mechanisms in times of crisis."

But the report also warns that the economic crisis caused by shrinking oil supplies and skyrocketing prices could be seen by the general public as a failure of market economics as a whole -- and with it, the political institutions that created those economic systems.

Public anger at the existing system would create "room for ideological and extremist alternatives to existing forms of government." Populations would fragment along political lines and "in extreme cases" this could "lead to open conflict."

Peak oil -- which refers to the moment when the world's production of oil begins to shrink -- is a controversial concept, but few doubt the basic logic underlying it: That eventually the world's finite supply of oil will run out, and nations will have to turn to other sources of energy, or face economic disaster.

With the report, Germany joins the growing ranks of Western governments apparently alarmed by the prospect of peak oil.

Last Sunday, the UK Observer reported that Britain's Department of Energy and Climate Change is refusing to release documents related to peak oil, even though, as the Observer noted, previously released documents argue the veil of secrecy around the issue is probably "not good."

The UK government is reportedly canvassing leading scientists and industrialists for their advice on how to build a contingency plan for peak oil.

And earlier this year, a report from the US Joint Forces Command stated that "by 2012, surplus oil production capacity could entirely disappear, and as early as 2015, the shortfall in output could reach nearly 10 million barrels per day."

The report continued, "While it is difficult to predict precisely what economic, political, and strategic effects such a shortfall might produce, it surely would reduce the prospects for growth in both the developing and developed worlds. Such an economic slowdown would exacerbate other unresolved tensions, push fragile and failing states further down the path toward collapse, and perhaps have serious economic impact on both China and India."

Not everyone agrees that peak oil is a reality -- at least not yet. Detractors point out that predictions of peak oil have been made since the 1950s, and the date for it was originally pegged at around 1995. But the discovery of new oil fields and the development of new technologies for oil extraction mean that oil production has continued unabated in new oil fields even as traditional oil supplies run dry.

Peak oil skeptics argue that rising oil prices are responsible for the continuing supply of oil -- as oil gets more expensive, extracting it from difficult places becomes more profitable. Some argue this process could continue for decades.

But environmentalists point out that these new alternative methods of extracting oil are more environmentally harmful than traditional methods. Producers in the Alberta oil sands, for example, use large amounts of water to push oil out of sand, and the thick oil produced by this process is significantly higher in carbon content than the light, sweet crude imported from the Middle East.
Well, Im sure some of us have heard the rumours and the facts and the myths and the legends and everything else associated with this date. Just a brief history on it:

"The 2012 phenomenon comprises a range of eschatological beliefs that cataclysmic or transformative events will occur on December 21, 2012,[1][2][3] which is said to be the end-date of a 5,125-year-long cycle in the Mayan Long Count calendar. Various astronomical alignments and numerological formulae related to this date have been proposed."


Just wanted to see what some of your guys/girls thoughts are on this matter and whether you believe in it or believe something about it.

I for one believe that we are going to face a cataclysm of a sort due to the mass hysteria involved with this date. I also believe that because the earth is switching magnetic fields, there are bound to be some effects. What are your peoples thought?
So you believe it'll be a self-fulfilling prophecy? People are crazy about the date, and that will cause something to happen? I can see that happening.

Might wanna fix your date.
Honestly i have no logical reason to believe i wont just get up on December 22nd and continue living my life.
I blame the Discovery Channel/History Channel personally since they have Apocalypse Week and air all these shows that have nut jobs saying the world's going to get hit by Nibiru,
Doomsday prophets?
events will occur on December 21, 2012


I for one believe that we are going to face a cataclysm of a sort due to the mass hysteria involved with this date.

This is the date when Kazunori Yamauchi announces that GT6 will be an Xbox 360 exclusive :ill:
Well, Im sure some of us have heard the rumours and the facts and the myths and the legends and everything else associated with this date. Just a brief history on it:

"The 2012 phenomenon comprises a range of eschatological beliefs that cataclysmic or transformative events will occur on December 21, 2012,[1][2][3] which is said to be the end-date of a 5,125-year-long cycle in the Mayan Long Count calendar. Various astronomical alignments and numerological formulae related to this date have been proposed."


Just wanted to see what some of your guys/girls thoughts are on this matter and whether you believe in it or believe something about it.

I for one believe that we are going to face a cataclysm of a sort due to the mass hysteria involved with this date. I also believe that because the earth is switching magnetic fields, there are bound to be some effects. What are your peoples thought?

My thoughts? People need to learn history. I'll requote myself:

Any way the Mayan calendar does not call for an Earthly end. It's an end of one of the cycles in the calendar, it's no different the going from a Sunday to a Monday to start a new week. The Mayan calender doesn't end for 41,341,049,999,999,999,999,999,994,878 years...or there abouts.

Basically the media got a hold of this idea the Earth will end when the Mayan calender ends a cycle, blew it way out of proportion and now people seem to think it's actually going to happen without a good understanding of what it all means. I blame the Discovery Channel/History Channel personally since they have Apocalypse Week and air all these shows that have nut jobs saying the world's going to get hit by Nibiru, have the magnetics of the Earth flip flop, or just have something explode. My personal favourite is the Nibiru collision because the planet has a cool name.

I do agree if anything happens it will because halfwits go into a histeria over it, but there is nothing to be alarmed about. I really wish people would spend 30 seconds and actually read some intelligent on the subject. Honestly it's like the people who think Nostrodomus was a prophet, he just wrote vague things and people were all like, "dude, this guy's a prophet!"

I'll be glad when this is all over to be honest, just like Y2K.
Doomsday prophets?

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings."

--the Bard, aka "Shakespeare"

Blaming disaster on astrology or prophecy is an all-too convenient way to avoid examining our own shortcomings.
Doomsday prophets?

They aren't prophets of anything, if anything they are "profiteers" looking to cash in on people's histeria. Nut job was the only AUP phrase I could think of for these people.

Seriously we all know the world is going to end on November 2nd because GT5 missed it's launch date....or at least that's what is to be believed if you read the words of the GT5 Forum prophets :lol:.
It drives me nuts that people keep falling for these ridiculous predictions. It's been happening ever since humans came about, over and over again, it never ends. I agree with you Joey that people should just read something written by a non-idiot. It only takes a minute. But they never do. They never have. Humans are perpetually thick, and it will never change. Never in future of mankind will all humans be educated enough to form intelligent conclusions. It's sad knowing that all the efforts we go through to straighten people out, there's always going to be another fool to replace them.
I'll be glad when this is all over to be honest, just like Y2K.

I'm sure that on December 22nd, 2012 I'm going to have a personal Apocalypse due to a hangover that'll last a week. Just like Y2K.

They aren't prophets of anything, if anything they are "profiteers" looking to cash in on people's histeria. Nut job was the only AUP phrase I could think of for these people.

Dooms day prophets is the name for these nut jobs. That's how they are called. These are the the people whom firmly believe in the 21 December 2012 apocalypse.
Dooms day prophets is the name for these nut jobs. That's how they are called. These are the the people whom firmly believe in the 21 December 2012 apocalypse.

And they are complete idiots. There is no more evidence the world will end on the 21st of December 2012 then tomorrow at high noon (Eastern Standard of course). People who buy into that Mayan calendar stuff have no idea what in the world is going on. I mean does the world threaten certain doom every time we go from Sunday to Monday? No, not at all.

It's all pseudoscience based on pseudoarchaeology that a bunch of numb skull "doomsday prophets" got a hold of and spun it till it became and overblown "theory". Just like aliens building the monuments of the ancient world.
I wouldn't call this apocalyptic but in the year 2012 the Sun and the Earth will be perfectly alligned.Scientists believe that this year will be at a time where the Sun is extremely active and there is a great chance that we could get hit by a Solar Storm from the sun.

If we get a direct hit from this it could cause catastrophic damage to everything electrical that we have.It could be weeks to even months before things could get sorted out,according to experts.
I wouldn't call this apocalyptic but in the year 2012 the Sun and the Earth will be perfectly alligned.Scientists believe that this year will be at a time where the Sun is extremely active and there is a great chance that we could get hit by a Solar Storm from the sun.

If we get a direct hit from this it could cause catastrophic damage to everything electrical that we have.It could be weeks to even months before things could get sorted out,according to experts.

There's been increased solar activity for a while now and think about it, life on earth has been around for hundreds of millions of years and the sun hasn't deep friend the planet yet. At worse it would fry some satellite in it's path which would be costly but it's not like we couldn't just throw a bunch of money at the problem and make it go away.

And the Earth and the sun lining up? Doesn't that happen, like, continuously?
There's been increased solar activity for a while now and think about it, life on earth has been around for hundreds of millions of years and the sun hasn't deep friend the planet yet. At worse it would fry some satellite in it's path which would be costly but it's not like we couldn't just throw a bunch of money at the problem and make it go away.

And the Earth and the sun lining up? Doesn't that happen, like, continuously?

Well yes they do line up continuosly,but it's not always in a perfect horizontal line.

This perfect horizontal alignment happens every 18 to 20 years.
Well yes they do line up continuosly,but it's not always in a perfect horizontal line.

This perfect horizontal alignment happens every 18 to 20 years.

Ah gotcha, well since I was alive during the last one and I'm still alive currently I don't think I'll be worried :lol:.
I wouldn't call this apocalyptic but in the year 2012 the Sun and the Earth will be perfectly alligned.

Well yes they do line up continuosly,but it's not always in a perfect horizontal line.

This perfect horizontal alignment happens every 18 to 20 years.

Can you describe this "perfect horizontal alignment"? I ask as if you have two points and draw a straight line between them, you always get a perfect alignment and, if the Earth's orbital plane isn't perfectly aligned with the Sun's equatorial plane, the Earth will pass a horizontal point twice a year...

I'm struggling to see how two points can ever be anything other than "aligned".

Scientists believe that this year will be at a time where the Sun is extremely active

Popular press believes that scientists believe this year will mark high Solar activity. In fact 2012 will mark a point four years into a solar cycle (cycle 24) with a maximum in 2014. The current solar cycle is one of the least active in recorded history, with lower activity at maximum than any cycle in 80 years - and half as much as the maximum recorded in 1989.
I will be playing gt5.......sip some drinks........ look at the window... and we will still be here.... But we truly don't know. None of us do.

Let me think.... oh yeah is supposed that the Mayan calendar follow a cycle,this cycle ends up in the apocalypse date,the thing is that the cycle of 365 its completed every year right,so therefore is logical to assume that the world will end at the end of every 365 cycle,and so far has been like 1'000'000.000 cycles so why bother,if the cycle its completed other one begins.

So far the only cycle that I want to be completed is the GT5 development's,which seems to be like a cycle of a really slow washing machine.

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