- 87,570
- Rule 12
- GTP_Famine
The entire world is to disappear with lots of people currently living at the end of 2012(Exactly the date is Dec, 22th of the year)if the prediction of mayan people and Nostradums is correct
There is no Mayan prediction of the end of the world then. Or ever. It's based on a misunderstanding of the Mayan calendar, addressed at the very beginning of this thread.
You're really going to regret saying this if and when Joey_D sees it.
I'll fill you in on the basics though. No it doesn't, it merely ticks over to the 13th Baktun from the 12th - on 20th December. The Mayan long count runs out of numbers on 12th October 4772 (, but the next day sees the start of the 1st Piktun -
Thanks Famine.
Any way the Mayan calendar does not call for an Earthly end. It's an end of one of the cycles in the calendar, it's no different the going from a Sunday to a Monday to start a new week. The Mayan calender doesn't end for 41,341,049,999,999,999,999,999,994,878 years...or there abouts.
Basically the media got a hold of this idea the Earth will end when the Mayan calender ends a cycle, blew it way out of proportion and now people seem to think it's actually going to happen without a good understanding of what it all means. I blame the Discovery Channel/History Channel personally since they have Apocalypse Week and air all these shows that have nut jobs saying the world's going to get hit by Nibiru, have the magnetics of the Earth flip flop, or just have something explode. My personal favourite is the Nibiru collision because the planet has a cool name.