April DLC Thread - Out Now

  • Thread starter Northstar
Forza games are regularly on sale, in fact they were all at least 40% off during the Spring sale a few weeks back. They also regularly feature in the "Deals with Gold" promotion.

On Forza 7 and its DLC though? If they did then I apologise to those so offended.
I can give a pass for oddness like the speciality dealers and what not but if you cant keep a schedule on paid monthly DLC then you cant really keep promises on anything else.

We haven't hit April 30th, so rein in the horses there man. Again, the first Tuesday of every month thing has been a pattern - not a requirement or a law for T10's DLC pattern. It's quite likely that whatever problems T10 has encountered means it has only pushed it back to this Tuesday.
I generally quite happy to give a break to just about any individual especially here however to a big multimillion dollar company its just doesnt give a lot of confidence to the product. Not that its even that important at this late stage of the game but I just wish these companies just did these things better what with their limited 10yrs experience at this.
I generally quite happy to give a break to just about any individual especially here however to a big multimillion dollar company its just doesnt give a lot of confidence to the product.

Yet, you're here defending GT Sport, an entire game that was delayed by a year and made by a company (with a history of delaying games) that has at least 7 years of extra experience. :confused:
Whats wrong with being informed?

It has nothing to do with being informed. It's manipulating the comparison to come to the conclusion you want.

It's like me saying that, because I was gifted Game X, but have to buy Game Y, that Game X is infinitely better value. It's missing the point entirely.

The MSRP of both games is the same.

Further to this, that is PD's sales decision.

Wait, you actually think that?

That's abiding by the strictest terms of the law and not the spirit of the law (such as it is).

If you want to pay a monthly bill can you pay one month on the 1st and then next month on the 30th? It tends to rub people the wrong way just like it has here.

Hey its your money, if your happy to get bent over then by all means.

Further to that they could have a strategy of releasing the DLC over a 59 day period and stretch that out to 12 months. I'd be there'd still people here saying thats ok. Is that ok?

IMO these games, timing is everything. A game is only 'hot' for so long... look at how stale FM6 is now there's no audience. Is that how they want FM7 to go?

Comparing monthly DLC to paying a bill is a terrible comparison. Monthly bills have a specific date in which they have to be paid by, FM7 DLC has never had a promised date, just an established pattern.

It seems to me like none of your arguments hold water and you are just a PD/GT fanboy.
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Let's get back to talking about the Car Pack, shall we?


I guess that makes 3 delays now, because if you went to that store page a few days ago it said it was coming out on Tuesday instead of Thursday.
While most of these cars in my opinion are valuable additions, there's not one of them I have an urge to drive. Partly because I'm still not finished collecting all the cars I want - not even close. My point is, the release date doesn't really matter to me as long as people are getting the April DLC they were promised.
I guess that makes 3 delays now, because if you went to that store page a few days ago it said it was coming out on Tuesday instead of Thursday.
They* didn't.

  • Original date: April 10
  • Original pushback: April 12
  • Second pushback : "Some time next week" (April 16-20)
*[Edit] I see you're talking about the Microsoft Store listing; I was referring to Turn 10's communication.
You know, I'm starting to think it might have been something similar to what happened with that FH3 pack that ended up leaking a bunch of things, only this time they caught it at the last minute.

Edit: I can't english.
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You know, I'm starting to think it might have been something similar to what happened with that FH3 packed that ended up leaking a bunch of things, only this time they caught it at the last minute.

Following on from that theory, it must have something to do with an expansion or the details for DLC outside the season pass.
You know, I'm starting to think it might have been something similar to what happened with that FH3 packed that ended up leaking a bunch of things, only this time they caught it at the last minute.

Makes sense, and I would imagine that T10 would rather nip it in the bud then have egg on their face like Playground did when it happened.
I see that the Forza Subreddit fanbase is going on a crusade against the addition of the 2018 Honda Odyssey Elite. They seem to not like car variety.

It seems like variety just for the sake of variety is the only way you can justify this off the wall (or parking lot) addition.
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They seem to not like car variety.

Yes, because people who aren't excited for the Honda Odyssey obviously want a game with 800 nearly identical cars. :lol:

Cars that would fit perfectly into existing divisions still add variety - variety within existing divisions. That's something most Forza players appreciate. With the Honda Odyssey we're possibly looking at a 'Forza Specials' car having no real competitors other than itself, so have fun partaking in minivan one-make races. Now, is that so varied after all?
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Yes, because people who aren't excited for the Honda Odyssey obviously want a game with 800 nearly identical cars. :lol:
It sounds more like they like to grasp at things that weren't said, actually.

Cars that would fit perfectly into existing division still add variety - variety within existing divisions. That's something most Forza players appreciate. With the Honda Odyssey we're possibly looking at a 'Forza Specials' car having no real competitors other than itself, so have fun partaking in minivan one-make races. Now, is that so varied after all?
So the problem isn't the variety introduced, but the class system itself? I can agree with that.

I hope they add more oddball, everyday vehicles. That'll be the day, seeing it return to what I thought made it so great in FM4.
Because that is what Forza ultimately is?
Even though there are several more iconic and requested cars that have yet to be added...no I'm not just talking about supercars for the people who hate them by default.
Even though there are several more iconic and requested cars that have yet to be added...no I'm not just talking about supercars for the people who hate them by default.
Yeah, like the trusty ol Nissan Versa and Toyota Aygo. Unfortunately, with how much a cesspit the internet is, I think the day that we get normal everyday cars is long gone. It's all Top-Tier or bust, and that probably has to do with all the requests for anything but.
It sounds more like they like to grasp at things that weren't said, actually.

Aren't you the one who always say something like - if you are going to post something on the edge, don't be surprised to get a reply on the edge? His oversimplified statement got the reply it deserved.

So the problem isn't the variety introduced, but the class system itself? I can agree with that.

If you ask me, the problem here is that it's a minivan. It better not become part of the Modern SUV division because that would mess up a division I can just barely tolerate as it is.
Aren't you the one who always say something like - if you are going to post something on the edge, don't be surprised to get a reply on the edge? His oversimplified statement got the reply it deserved.
By posting that Reddit is steaming because the inclusion of a minivan, and that they dont like variety? What exactly is extreme about that? Whether the class system is your issue or not with how these cars are introduced, it doesn't take away from the fact that it's adding to the game things that aren't in any game, nor is the class of car it is, either. Therefore increasing the variety, even if the class system is broken.

So again, it seems like they just like grasping at things that aren't said. Literally.

If you ask me, the problem here is that it's a minivan. It better not become part of the Modern SUV division because that would mess up a division I can just barely tolerate as it is.
Ok, but you just claimed that it's because of the classing system itself. So what goal post is going to move next I wonder?

If that's all it takes for you to go wild, I can say the same thing for the vast majority of the season pass as I wasn't fond of most of it in the first place. That would just be foolish on my part though.

Oh the Modern SUV division. The one that has a Nissan Juke racing against high horsepowered, massive, SUV's? That must mean that the game no longer has variety, because a car doesn't fit its class right? It's the only vehicle of its kind in a class of behemoths, when to be honest, it more resembles a pure hatchback than a straight SUV. The classing system needs a massive re-haul, as does the PI system, but that doesn't take away from the point the poster was making.
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I think people will just complain in general. There will always be someone who doesn't like something. And the internet was made for people like that to complain. We are never grateful for what we have, only envious of what we don't have. Human nature. Can't live with it, can't live without it.
Just because someone dislikes the minivan, it doesn't mean they don't like variety at all, that is a complete exaggeration. It means that they don't like *gasp* just the minivan! Wouldn't that argument be considered a strawman anyway? Correct me if that's not the right term but part of me thinks it.

I, myself, couldn't have been more disappointed when I found out that a Soccer Mombile of all things was coming to FM7, but I'll try it and see how useless or useful it may be, just as I do with all the DLC cars.

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