April DLC Thread - Out Now

  • Thread starter Northstar
But this is true. The reason why i don't play it Much more is all of the bugs, to me they are boring car packs that screw us supercar fans over. And they put them most likely when car pass expires. But worst of all its the sounds it almost ruins the game for me. They are just that horrible. Fm6 and fh3 had great sounds what is turn 10 doing. Its like they are taking the previous gt style in terms of bad car sounds. And gt has improved Massively in that departement
Amount of SUVs in Forza Motorsport 7: Approximately 30
Amount of supercars and hypercars in Forza Motorsport 7: Approximately 110
Amount of SUVs in Forza Motorsport 7: Approximately 30
Amount of supercars and hypercars in Forza Motorsport 7: Approximately 110

Or, presented in a slightly different way:

Number of Ferraris, McLarens, Lamborghinis, and Porsches in FM7: 111 (roughly 1/7 of the car list)
Number of Ferraris, McLarens, Lamborghinis, and Porsches in GT Sport: 26 (roughly 1/8 of the car list)
Number of Ferraris, McLarens, Lamborghinis, and Porsches in PCARS2: 44 (roughly 1/5 of the car list)

Yes, some of those marques won't be offering only supercars (specifically Porsche), and there are other makes that could also be included. But the gist is this: if you're looking for a game featuring plenty of supercars, FM7 is the one. That's just what happens when you've got 750-ish cars. The lineup is so much bigger than any of the competition that the game wins in terms of bald lists in nearly all categories. The exception is GT3/GTE cars, where FM7 is fairly outdated outside of a handful of post-launch content.
You obviously haven't been in the GT Sport section of GTP in a while. :lol: Some of the posts I've read on here makes the Forza fanbase on Reddit and the official forums look like a positive bunch.

OMG... Well said! Nice to see some common sense around here.
You paid $60 for the base game. The rest is added later on for no extra cost over the base game.
No. We paid $60 for a full game that they are giving to us over a period of time that works for their development schedule.
1970 Porsche 917 LH
1970 Ferrari 512S
1965 Chaparral 2A
1982 Lancia LC1
1972 Matra MS670
Corvette C6R GT1
Maserati MC12 GT1

I’d like the GT1/GTS cars we had in FM4 as its own class.

Heh. I'd lose my wastage too, but in a completely different way. Although the presence of two GT1 cars would only make me want MMMMMMMMMMORE V12 GLORY.

I doubt T10 would implement a new category for GT1 cars - after all, we already have the DBR9 that competed against the C6R and MC12 in the omnicomprehensive "Forza GT". Hopefully, if they will decide to return some of the older GT cars from past iterations of the game and/or add some more GTLM and GT3 cars from here to the release of FM8, that game will feature separated GT divisions. I can see that happening, even taking into account T10's sloppy track record, since they've already separated P2 and P1 cars (and 80s/90s prototypes).

No. We paid $60 for a full game that they are giving to us over a period of time that works for their development schedule.

When it comes to polish, maybe (although the number of game-breaking bugs was extremely low, and most only produced annoyances). But when it comes to sheer content, T10 was already a cut above the competition, and FM7 was at launch a full game and a half.
Then what do you call Forza motorsport 5 charged you for adding cars in dlc and that did not feel like a full game either.
I call that even worse then what GT Sport did. But not sure why you mentioned that.

We are NOT getting free content with GT Sport. We received a bare bones game and they are giving us content we already paid for that they didn't include in the game.
We are NOT getting free content with GT Sport. We received a bare bones game and they are giving us content we already paid for that they didn't include in the game.

Received? You consented to buying that barebones game didn't you? So, you are getting content you didn't pay for - or free content in other words. :rolleyes:
If that is how you want to spin it sure :rolleyes:

I am sorry, but in this day and age you can't really claim you were not privy to the contents of the game at launch; especially in the case of driving games, you know very well what you're paying for (if you have kept up to date, of course). T10 and PDI haven't made false promises about the content of their games, indicating that they would've featured more cars, tracks or gamemodes than those found "on disk" (or, in T10's case, being very clear they would't have been available at launch). Neither have they deliberatedly locked on disk content behind a paywall. Both are things that happened recently in the history of gaming - the No Man Sky and Mass Effect 3 D1 DLC fiascos come to mind.

And as for the usual accusations of developers holding back content that was ready on day one to release it piecemeal later on, keep in mind that a) the developers are free to consider that the overall value of the initial game and additional content exceeds the retail price for a game (which is 70€, give or take)(1), and b) the delay of the April content update would seem to prove that, at least in the case of T10, that is simply not the case and additional content is finalized post-launch.

And if you're going to say that "yeah, but the content FM7 or GT Sport offered at launch isn't worth the ticket price to me", well, you're free to think that. But it's an individual opinion based on your expectations and the value you give to your money, not some objective reality. The truth is, there is no metric to what a "full game" is other than "people are willing to pay the price of a full game for it". And after all, we live in an age in which no matter how much content the developers will put in their games, there will always be someone complaining about the price.

(1) in the past, this would've resulted in that additional content not being developed at all. Game development is a business, and as all businesses, it operates under the assumption that investments will generate a financial return
I am sorry, but in this day and age you can't really claim you were not privy to the contents of the game at launch; especially in the case of driving games, you know very well what you're paying for (if you have kept up to date, of course). T10 and PDI haven't made false promises about the content of their games, indicating that they would've featured more cars, tracks or gamemodes than those found "on disk" (or, in T10's case, being very clear they would't have been available at launch). Neither have they deliberatedly locked on disk content behind a paywall. Both are things that happened recently in the history of gaming - the No Man Sky and Mass Effect 3 D1 DLC fiascos come to mind.

And as for the usual accusations of developers holding back content that was ready on day one to release it piecemeal later on, keep in mind that a) the developers are free to consider that the overall value of the initial game and additional content exceeds the retail price for a game (which is 70€, give or take)(1), and b) the delay of the April content update would seem to prove that, at least in the case of T10, that is simply not the case and additional content is finalized post-launch.

And if you're going to say that "yeah, but the content FM7 or GT Sport offered at launch isn't worth the ticket price to me", well, you're free to think that. But it's an individual opinion based on your expectations and the value you give to your money, not some objective reality. The truth is, there is no metric to what a "full game" is other than "people are willing to pay the price of a full game for it". And after all, we live in an age in which no matter how much content the developers will put in their games, there will always be someone complaining about the price.

(1) in the past, this would've resulted in that additional content not being developed at all. Game development is a business, and as all businesses, it operates under the assumption that investments will generate a financial return
I never complained.
I have a feeling if that they will delay the releases of DLC, the seemingly irregular releases would make Turn 10 have to delay other priorities, such as other future content or even newer titles (likely with Horizon 4 on the rise).

And yes, I always keep on hearing a lot of people whining and crying about whatever's in a DLC pack, I mean really, to be honest, I wouldn't really mind what's on a DLC pack in Forza, any new car, regardless of how its purpose may serve, is welcome for me to try out. With the variety of cars I can see that ever since Motorsport 4, Forza has become like a long-term franchise inspired by Enthusia.

These people complain because all they see are SUV's, pick-ups, vans and other utility vehicles, classic and/or modern sports and/or everyday cars, and what they don't appreciate are classic race cars, even. All they want is the latest hypercars and race cars. We will get them eventually, we just have to wait...

After this, it's just two more expansions and perhaps four paid packs. Typically a Forza game would add around more than a hundred cars post-release.
Dang, you are sensitive then. Good thing I never called anyone poopyhead. Internet police would be knocking down my door. :rolleyes:

I never said I was offended, and I am not. You did prove that you are immature at best, and at worst you lack reading comprehension.
This thread sure got testy.

Edit: I removed the snarky image and replaced it with this photo of a delicious pancake taco which we can all agree is a wonderful thing and we should all go and enjoy one now instead of getting cranky at each other for having differing opinions.
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Edit: I removed the snarky image and replaced it with this photo of a delicious pancake taco which we can all agree is a wonderful thing and we should all go and enjoy one now instead of getting cranky at each other for having differing opinions.

'Delicious'..... Hmmm, hate to say it but everything's wrong; scrambled egg in a breakfast product :yuck:, bacon's not cooked enough and no maple syrup. Apart from that, it's perfect :D

It does seem that some people won't be happy with whatever they get - remember that most of the models, particularly SUVs, come in because of manufacturer demanding them as a sweetener for approving some of the more preferable models. Me, I'm just happy to be getting what I am; there's no other equivalent on the PC, and PCARS2 that much worse that I haven't touched it since the first month I bought it.
From my perspective, PD are doing more 'right' than T10.

I picked up GTS once they released the GT Leagues for half price.... that's about USD$25. That's great value. I know I'm getting regular updates every two months or so at least to the end of the year. If they release paid DLC then I'm going to consider that based on the content.

I knew there was only 200 odd cars and I'm good with it.

Turn10 did everything bad with this one that you all know about.

If you want to discuss just the DLC, I'd be unhappy if I paid $60 for this game then $30 for the 6 car packs and they delayed it over what was promised.

A car pack every month.

There's two issues, the problems with the game itself and the timely release of the monthly dlc. Dont mix that up.

If you want to discuss locking content, even at the point, then that's a seperate issue. THe fact that so many of these issues meld into one another says it all.
If you want to discuss just the DLC, I'd be unhappy if I paid $60 for this game then $30 for the 6 car packs and they delayed it over what was promised.

A car pack every month.
Actually, this isn't correct. They promised a car pack every month; they've still got 15 days to deliver an April Car Pack. I don't recall seeing anything originally promising a car pack on a specific date every month.

There are definitely issues with the game and its content, but this isn't one of them.
That's abiding by the strictest terms of the law and not the spirit of the law (such as it is).

If you want to pay a monthly bill can you pay one month on the 1st and then next month on the 30th? It tends to rub people the wrong way just like it has here.

Hey its your money, if your happy to get bent over then by all means.

Further to that they could have a strategy of releasing the DLC over a 59 day period and stretch that out to 12 months. I'd be there'd still people here saying thats ok. Is that ok?

IMO these games, timing is everything. A game is only 'hot' for so long... look at how stale FM6 is now there's no audience. Is that how they want FM7 to go?
I picked up GTS once they released the GT Leagues for half price.... that's about USD$25.

If you're comparing one game's sale price to the other's MSRP, you're intentionally stacking the comparison.

Hey its your money, if your happy to get bent over then by all means.


Once it's May 1, by all means, you'll have a point. As is, there isn't one: the Car Pass covers six monthly car packs. So far, five have released, all in a different calendar month.

It actually brings up an interesting point about both games. Talking with some friends, it seems all of us have different ideas of what something like "50 cars by March 2018" means. To some, it means 50 cars available by the time March begins. For others, the end.

With the gift of hindsight, we see that PD hit that goal for the tail-end of the month. If Turn 10 does the same thing — well, how is it not the same thing?

Further to that they could have a strategy of releasing the DLC over a 59 day people and stretch that out to 12 months. I'd be there'd still people here saying thats ok. Is that ok?

Ah, reductio ad absurdum.
I cant give them a pass or any sympathy on this. I can't when its my money. Have some professionalism.

I can give a pass for oddness like the speciality dealers and what not but if you cant keep a schedule on paid monthly DLC then you cant really keep promises on anything else.

I'm also not the type to think that its all ok on the 31s but once it clicks over to the 1st its not ok.

Again thats not with the spirit of what was promised.
If you're comparing one game's sale price to the other's MSRP, you're intentionally stacking the comparison.

Whats wrong with being informed? There's a few responses up there that put the onus on the customer having the best information before purchase.

Further to this, that is PD's sales decision.

T10 could very well provide discounts over that same time period but they dont, that's not on me.