Arab spring uprises Tunisia/Egypt/Libya/Syria

The US President just loves to use his army. Can't blame any of them, with so much awesomeness at their disposal.

With a million and 1 ways to kill people and blow up buildings I guess so!

I love how Obama and others like to make groups feel guilty when they don't side with him. Oh politics you make me laugh :lol:

Obama is damned if he did, damned if he didn't anyway.

Just send Seal Team Six. They found Osama, Carmen San Diego, and Waldo. They'd find Assad.

This ^ and operation Polar North showed them unveil Santa Clause.
So if he's not lying about seeking congressional approval, then it won't happen.

We'll see I don't believe him, but time will tell. However, he didn't answer the crucial question and it seems if Senate is willing to do this he'll take that as a go ahead and further divide himself from the congress that he claims to try and give an ear to.
Obama is damned if he did, damned if he didn't anyway.


Nobody wants the action to happen, except for Obama and their "oldest ally" ( :lol: ) the Frenchies.

If Obama wants any of his credit back he waits for the UN to finish their inspection. If he doesn't he will tick off a lot of people.

I just wonder, if poop does go down, will France bring a white flag?
In an astonishing development, Obama has taken himself out of the game by turning the matter over for debate and vote by both houses of Congress. Congress will not reassemble until September 9th. The party is over here, but just starting in Syria.
In an astonishing development, Obama has taken himself out of the game by turning the matter over for debate and vote by both houses of Congress. Congress will not reassemble until September 9th. The party is over here, but just starting in Syria.

He did?

This just shows he is a true politician. 180 ftw.
He was being sarcastic.

I'm just pointing out the obvious.

And I listened to the speech by Obama and I have to say that he's right when he says that the use of chemical weapons must not become a normalized way of conducting war. Syria cannot be the prejudicate that shows the rest of the world that it's totally fine. Something needs to be done.

Now, wether that "something" includes a hundred Tomahawk missiles or not is another discussion. In the best of worlds, Assad would be arrested and taken to court, but that's not really a realistic option here.

In an astonishing development, Obama has taken himself out of the game by turning the matter over for debate and vote by both houses of Congress. Congress will not reassemble until September 9th. The party is over here, but just starting in Syria.

I know. During the first part I was like "Yep, he's going to war. He's going to war alright."
And then "Nope, he isn't."
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Somewhere people are shrieking and tearing their hair out in frustration. And somewhere people are rolling on the floor in laughter.

The prez talked himself into a box, and now he has boldly slashed his way out! Who says you don't get do-overs?

Britain has the Rock of Gibralter. The US has the Rock of Jell-O.
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Somewhere people are shrieking and tearing their hair out in frustration. And somewhere people are rolling on the floor in laughter.

Number one would be the Syrians and probably Obama, and number two are all the other politicians!

Silly Obama with his big mouth.
Surprised they're going through congress. Wouldn't be surprised to see them go in regardless in some capacity.
Surprised they're going through congress. Wouldn't be surprised to see them go in regardless in some capacity.

No, it's all over for now.

This intervention crisis has fizzled like a damp firecracker, and attention will turn to other matters.
Surprised they're going through congress. Wouldn't be surprised to see them go in regardless in some capacity.

Technically speaking he didn't rule anything out. He still played the national defense card, in addition to the "Alright, just because I'm a nice guy I'll talk to the congress about this first"-card.

Which is rather impressive, after the "withdraw the UN inspectors"-move and Syria's "we're prepared, our army has the finger on the trigger"-reply. It's like he's saying "Well, how long can you keep that finger on the trigger, punk? One day? One week? One month? Huh? I'm not the one in a hurry here, I don't have a civil war to fight. In fact, I'm on a boat!"
I guess the most unsettling thing is that the POTUS actually obeying the Constitution is so shocking and newsworthy.
I guess the most unsettling thing is that the POTUS actually obeying the Constitution is so shocking and newsworthy.

He only did it for the reason others told you, because at this moment in time he can't make the move, so he wants people to believe he is doing the right thing by using congress. There is plenty to still show he wants it both ways.
There is some indication he changed his mind all by himself. After pushback from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin E. Dempsey.


CNN reporting suggests one or more resignations from the President's National Security Council may be imminent.
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France has the best battle record of any European nation. It's only its recent battles that let it down...
France also has a lot of Dassault Rafale to sell, and there's nothing better than a good strike sortie to boost your product's credibility.
Obama and their "oldest ally" ( :lol: ) the Frenchies.

All of a sudden ....
France - just stay home and guard your precious airspace, we don't need your help.

If Obama wants any of his credit back he waits for the UN to finish their inspection. If he doesn't he will tick off a lot of people.

Right now he is walking around like a scalded dog with his head bowed down and his tail tucked between his back legs.
Sorry, I'm not watching a 50 minute YouTube video just because you posted it... and we are capable of finding such videos ourselves... atleast summarise it or make a point about it in your post, don't just post videos and expect people to watch it.


Great to see that Obama has taken a leaf out of the book of those lilly-livered British and has sought governmental approval - notwithstanding his constitutional obligation to do so - it will be fascinating to see what happens now, but I sincerely hope that Congress is capable of the calibre and depth of debate that I witnessed last week, and with any luck they will come to same conclusion - that something needs to be done, but military action is not the right answer.
Great to see that Obama has taken a leaf out of the book of those lilly-livered British and has sought governmental approval - notwithstanding his constitutional obligation to do so - it will be fascinating to see what happens now, but I sincerely hope that Congress is capable of the calibre and depth of debate that I witnessed last week, and with any luck they will come to same conclusion - that something needs to be done, but military action is not the right answer.

"Great!" indeed describes these unexpected and fascinating developments. Since Mr Obama went to Congress and asked them for their votes, it will be open season on arm twisting and horse trading for each representative's vote, the leadership not being obliged to deliver them. The President has obviously placed himself in a deep hole if he expects to win the votes. On the other hand, if he loses, as I think likely, he is released from his big talk about red lines.
It could be viewed as something of a master stroke by Obama - he's made it clear what he wants to (be seen to) do, but if he is hamstrung by Congress voting him down, then he will avoid a personal embarrasment and end up doing the smart thing. I think Cameron was secretly delighted that he lost the vote in the Commons last week for the same reason - although his ire at losing the vote is a separate issue...

If Obama is sincere, however, and really can't face Congress undermining his presidential authoritah authority, then it will be interesting to see what deals he might strike in order to win the vote. Perhaps he will agree not to raise the debt ceiling next month... although one thing you don't need when trying to pay for a shiny new war is a maxed out credit card :ouch:
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Regarding the cost of war, there was a suggestion in the Sunday Telegraph that America would rely on cruise missiles as cuts had reduced flying hours to the point that it impacted on combat readiness.

That doesn't completely surprise me, especially as Syria is well equipped with Russian AA hardware, but also puts trans Atlantic sorties out of the question.
2011: Congress votes down proposal to use force in Libya, Obama administration goes ahead regardless.

With Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich gone I guess congress will be easier to "persuade" this time around.
I ask myself why, why it was that Obama turned a 180 overnight from Friday to Saturday. On Friday, Kerry delivered an impassioned call to war. Saturday, Obama tossed it to Congress. The claim is made he had been thinking about it all along. But not a soul in his inner council or anywhere else knew a thing about it. My initial intuition, supported by fleeting remarks on CNN, were that Dempsey had persuaded him that his planned hit-and-run strike was worse than useless, and the military establishment was firmly against it. My other idea was that an angel had sat on his shoulder and delivered him a message from God.

But now I think he had an advance tip-off from the UN team returning to Amsterdam with the evidence collection. I am going to guess that the chem agent used in the environs of Damascus was in fact not sarin. Sarin is a strategic binary weapon delivered in Scud missiles to deter Israel. It mixes in mid-air and is incredibly deadly. It makes no sense that it would be used in urban or guerrilla warfare, as whole neighborhoods would perish. It was probably an insecticide or pesticide based homemade kind of weapon that was used in Damascus, and this undercut his basic case for war.

John Kerry has well-earned his reputation as a good soldier. I think he may be excused if he should choose to step aside in the coming weeks.

2nd Edit:
Questions the intel.
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It could be viewed as something of a master stroke by Obama - he's made it clear what he wants to (be seen to) do, but if he is hamstrung by Congress voting him down, then he will avoid a personal embarrasment and end up doing the smart thing. I think Cameron was secretly delighted that he lost the vote in the Commons last week for the same reason - although his ire at losing the vote is a separate issue...

Pure politics and a shrewd move on Obama's part. He gets the credit for being a paper tough guy by puffing up his chest for a couple of days and wanting to go ahead regardless, then praise for being more level headed unlike those darned Republican warmongers who would be there shooting up civilians already along with the odd combatant. If Congress says yes to military action and it turns out well he gets the credit by saying he wanted it all along, and if it goes bad he just points across the aisle and says, "wasn't me. it was those darned Republicans in the Congress that voted for this mess. P.S. vote for Hilary".
Sorry, I'm not watching a 50 minute YouTube video just because you posted it... and we are capable of finding such videos ourselves... atleast summarise it or make a point about it in your post, don't just post videos and expect people to watch it.

These posts are getting really annoying, nobody forced you to watch or read anything. You don't have to be sorry, just don't watch it!
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