Are intentional taps (little bumps) considered acceptable racing technique?

  • Thread starter Brainhulk

Are strategic taps acceptable racing technique?

  • yes, rubbin is racing

    Votes: 161 31.4%
  • yes, but dirty

    Votes: 133 26.0%
  • never, unnacceptable dirty behavior

    Votes: 218 42.6%

  • Total voters
It seems that many people online like to unsettle the rear of the car by tapping on turns to make a pass. Is this an acceptable racing technique?
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my take in RL is the 'higher' the class(F1 for example) the less rubbing is tolerated, and the more street car like the race cars are the more rubbin is part of the deal (Nascar comes to mind)...I know the full body cars in general seem to rub the most which makes sense considering the results of rubbing open wheel cars :D
as to GT5, how could there be a single answer considering all the factors involved?
Intentional contact between cars is wrong unless it's a demolition derby. The legal way to gain positions in racing is to pass, not move faster people out of your way.

My question is, are you sure that all these hits were intentional? In a heated race, it's easy to overshoot the braking area and tap the guy in front of you.
Although it is a technique sometimes used in certain forms of motor sport like the BTCC, it's most certainly not something that GT Planet members should be doing according to our rules which state:

"05: Rules Governing Car Contact:

Contacts and collisions must be avoided at all costs.

Pushing other cars in turns or pushing them off the track is strictly prohibited.

Leaning on other cars is strictly prohibited in any situation."

Follow this link for more info:

Intentional contact between cars is wrong unless it's a demolition derby. The legal way to gain positions in racing is to pass, not move faster people out of your way.

>Implying that you caught him because HE'S faster...

If a slower car in front of you is getting in your way and not letting you pass, then a little bump to get him moving is perfectly acceptable. Dive bombing a car in front of you who is faster than you because you can't pass him any other way is not.
Sometimes I get really close to my opponent to cause pressure, it usually works, especially on Daytona where they sometimes get a little too nervous and spin on the grass.

But bumping is just dirty.
I hate it. So many times I've had a driver just stick the nose of his car on the inside of a turn, push my car out wide and take the place. The other one is the bump under braking to make you run wide and take the place that way. It is very dirty and there is no skill involved.

In F1 such tactics are not allowed. However go down to touring car racing that is just how you pass (crashes and contact make for higher ratings, who cares about clean racing...). Personally I don't do it and dislike those who do. But I can see how someone can watch professional racing and assume it is a valid tactic.
On long straights in NASCAR, bump drafting has become an acceptable form of contact, albeit with much controversy.

Other than that, avoid it at all costs. When I played Prologue, I'd frequently trail brake the noobs, and watch my rear view as they skidded off from side to side. During one such race, I was able to do an entire lap watching my mirror.

Unintentional contact is, however, unavoidable. Anytime two people compete for the same piece of real estate, they're bound to clash. It's up to both parties to ensure that such clashes are kept to a minimum and remain tasteful. Just saying "oops" doesn't freakin cut it, but if I know you're trying, I'll take my time and help you through a few laps to get you into a rhythm.

Major shout out to all the GTPers that gave me that opportunity, and allowed me to learn and grow in a friendly and competitive environment.


Unless your name is Ayrton Senna....
It seems that many people online like to unsettle the rear of the car by tapping on turns to make a pass. Is this an acceptable racing technique?

Isn't that the police technique in car chases called the PIT maneuver? Perhaps an acceptable technique in "Cops and robbers" but not when racing.
I've experienced other players trying it on me many times and learned my own 'technique' to counteract it (although it only works on straights), not sure how to explain it though, and not even sure how I do it either, but it more than often results in them spinning instead.
Remember, I don't bump them afterwards or anything, just when being pushed I somehow manage to keep the car in a straight line and they suddenly 'break free' and can't control their car anymore.
Doesn't always work unfortunately.....
It seems like the bobs do it quite often. That doesn't necessarily make it right, but it is common in b-spec and remote racing. Personally I think its unavoidable. Like someone said you have a bunch of cars fighting for the same real estate, there is going to be contact. However, if that is your only method and the only way you gain position, you should re do the licenses and learn how to properly overtake.
While I do consider it reprehensible behavior, a little tap mid-corner is vastly preferable to the outright ramming that took place so often in the early days of the game.

What I've noticed lately however is that drivers have begun stuffing it up the inside at every turn and pushing their way out thru others' cars. Quite unpleasant when you've intentionally left them enough room to get thru safely and you end up struggling to stay on the road as a result.
It seems that many people online like to unsettle the rear of the car by tapping on turns to make a pass. Is this an acceptable racing technique?

Your question implys that one is intentially trying to put another driver into a position where he/she no longer has control of his car at speed. If you stood infront of a panel of stewards to explain such an incident in a race and you basically stated you wanted to make him loose control and put the other driver in a dangerous position, not only would you be ejected from the series, but your applicible racing licence would come into question MOST forms of motorsport anyway.

Intentionally putting people in dangerous positions is not acceptable IRL, and it is nothing more than a cheap and skill-less move online. Liken it to a boxer intentionally putting his heel into the kneecap of another boxer as they are about to tap gloves.
Oh and one other thing. I race with the Steering wheel and I've noticed that when someone taps your bumper it's way easier to Adjust than with the DS3. I've had guys tap my bumper and I'll just tap my brakes on em and they'll lose control. Also I noticed usually the more out of control collision Causers are usually on DS3's.
Imo all contact should be avoided if possible. Accidents happen of course, and if I do give someone a tap I make sure I don't gain from it 👍
I think that little taps are ok aslong as it doesn't compromise the person. In UK karting bumping and tapping is used lots to pressure people and to "let them know your there". In higher single seaters then this isn't probably acceptable however in cars where you can do it without worrying about something catching on the cars and both of you crashing then its cool in my mind.

One of the best ways to pass is to pressure them into making a mistake, gentle taps in corners just to show them your there, not to hit them off, just to add to the pressure.

I'm supprised and worried on how many of you find any kind of contact bad, to me its all part of racing.
What I've noticed lately however is that drivers have begun stuffing it up the inside at every turn and pushing their way out thru others' cars. Quite unpleasant when you've intentionally left them enough room to get thru safely and you end up struggling to stay on the road as a result.

This. In close online racing on GT5 the sweeping racing line turn out-in-out across the apex is almost impossible, everyone just stuffs it up the inside and nudges you into understeer on the exit. You have to drive ultra-defensive most of the time, which a lot of tetchy room owners will take as an acceptable reason to boot you. Infuriating.
I was watching an episode of Initial D the other day, and one of the cars tapped another going into a corner.

Apparently it was a hit to make him lose control for a second but not enough to make him spin out. He managed to pass.
Your question implys that one is intentially trying to put another driver into a position where he/she no longer has control of his car at speed. If you stood infront of a panel of stewards to explain such an incident in a race and you basically stated you wanted to make him loose control and put the other driver in a dangerous position, not only would you be ejected from the series, but your applicible racing licence would come into question MOST forms of motorsport anyway.

Intentionally putting people in dangerous positions is not acceptable IRL, and it is nothing more than a cheap and skill-less move online. Liken it to a boxer intentionally putting his heel into the kneecap of another boxer as they are about to tap gloves.

Come on man...REALLY....

Intentional contact between cars is wrong unless it's a demolition derby. The legal way to gain positions in racing is to pass, not move faster people out of your way.

My question is, are you sure that all these hits were intentional? In a heated race, it's easy to overshoot the braking area and tap the guy in front of you.

yeah this doesn't really make wouldn't be harrassing someone who is faster....

I think that little taps are ok aslong as it doesn't compromise the person. In UK karting bumping and tapping is used lots to pressure people and to "let them know your there". In higher single seaters then this isn't probably acceptable however in cars where you can do it without worrying about something catching on the cars and both of you crashing then its cool in my mind.

One of the best ways to pass is to pressure them into making a mistake, gentle taps in corners just to show them your there, not to hit them off, just to add to the pressure.

I'm supprised and worried on how many of you find any kind of contact bad, to me its all part of racing.


>Implying that you caught him because HE'S faster...

If a slower car in front of you is getting in your way and not letting you pass, then a little bump to get him moving is perfectly acceptable. Dive bombing a car in front of you who is faster than you because you can't pass him any other way is not.


While I do consider it reprehensible behavior, a little tap mid-corner is vastly preferable to the outright ramming that took place so often in the early days of the game.

What I've noticed lately however is that drivers have begun stuffing it up the inside at every turn and pushing their way out thru others' cars. Quite unpleasant when you've intentionally left them enough room to get thru safely and you end up struggling to stay on the road as a result.

this is what I would consider unacceptable.
Looking at some of the posts here i can understand how playing online is so disgusting. No contact should be allowed or legal, there's motorstorm for that.
While I do consider it reprehensible behavior, a little tap mid-corner is vastly preferable to the outright ramming that took place so often in the early days of the game.

What I've noticed lately however is that drivers have begun stuffing it up the inside at every turn and pushing their way out thru others' cars. Quite unpleasant when you've intentionally left them enough room to get thru safely and you end up struggling to stay on the road as a result.

This is what pisses me off. The last few times I have raced at Nurb by the third curve theres always 1 or 2 people that love to power their way into the inside and when you give them room trying to be respectful and courteous they push you in the grass because they don't know how to hold a line.

I love kicking people when they do this when I am the host.

I know that it happens on accident but the OP is asking about it being ok if it is intentional so no.
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I'll do it on purpose to let them know that I'm consistently faster than them and they should provide more room to let me pass. If I'm tapping them after 4-5 turns, they usually get the point. I could make the pass but may result in more contact since some courses are bumpy and people are all over the track. In other courses, people refuse to deviate from the racing line to let faster traffic by. Rather than risk a collision with them, I'll hang back until I have a clean pass or until they move over.