Are you a collector?

  • Thread starter binici
Hot sauces. I use them, though. Finding new and favorite sauces is part of the fun.
Collecting rare cards is an unnecessarily expensive hobby IMO. Trading cards to me are a fad more than a trend, and it being a card game doesn't have a whole lot of value to anyone who isn't into the hobby.

Rare things are one thing, but cards are simply just prints on a piece of paper, and it's not like it's tied to any sort of world history or of similar status of that caliber.
My 2 cents on the matter.

Rare Hunter it's just a term used in the Anime for the bad guys seeking rare cars... just used it as a reference :sly:

But yeah, it's been pretty expensive... over the years, I've spent a total of... maybe 1000 US dolars in Yu-gi-oh! Cards... :crazy:
Monster Energy cans. Once I've finished them, I wash them out and stack them. So far I have 9, one can still needs to be washed out and I've got another several in the fridge waiting for me to drink them. Recently Monster have started a Ken Block car competition, meaning he's on the cans, so I'm buying even more now. Strange hobby, I know, but I like it.

I also sometimes collect Hot Wheels and Matchbox. I rarely open them unless I have two of the same. I'll probably wait until I'm about 50 and start selling them lol.

I collect vintage signs, too. Sadly I don't really have enough room for any more, but there's so many I want. I currently have about 6, we've also got 2 in the kitchen, I want to put some more in the living room but nobody agrees with me. I've probably got enough wall space in my room for another 2, unless I re-arrange my walls. I very nearly bought a Route 66 sign at Santa Pod Raceway the other week, but for some reason I couldn't remember what my walls looked like and said I didn't have enough room. Turns out there's a spot on the chimney breast above my VW Campervan sign that'd fit just right. :dunce:
Black(really dirty(really lucky)) quarters and recently 35mm cameras, preferably rangefinders. The camera collecting is just a spell and is already wearing off.
Monster Energy cans. Once I've finished them, I wash them out and stack them. So far I have 9, one can still needs to be washed out and I've got another several in the fridge waiting for me to drink them.

I go through that many cans of Coke in a few days. My last collection had upwards of 200 Coke cans; I made a wall out of them. :P

I recycle them each month though when they start to take up space in my hallway, now I only have around 40 from last month.
I go through that many cans of Coke in a few days. My last collection had upwards of 200 Coke cans; I made a wall out of them. :P

I recycle them each month though when they start to take up space in my hallway, now I only have around 40 from last month.

I'm flagging behind, actually. I'm buying more cans than I'm drinking. I'll buy them then put them in the fridge, and then totally forget I have them! :lol:

So far I have two stacks on either side of my window sill, in between some of my model cars I have on there. Strangely enough, the shine of the cans attracted a magpie the other day. The Sky dish is just outside my window, so I have a wire going from the dish, through my window and down to my TV. The thing decided it would mess with the wire, which knocked my cans and sent them tumbling down - all whilst I was asleep! Not the first time a magpie has woke me up. One sat on the window ledge and started tapping on the window about a year ago.

Oh, and I collect Ken Block/Monster Energy merchendise. So far I have 2 hats, 12 posters, a belt, a tag, 2 t-shirts, a hoodie, a pair of shoes, a few stickers, an autograph book and of course the cans. 6 of my posters are signed - 5 of which I was there at the time of signing. My autograph book has the signatures of Paul Smith, Buttsy Butler, Liam Doran, Vaughn Gittin Jr. and Ken Block. I'm quite sad, really. :lol:
I've already checked out model cars which are so cool, but I don't want to have lots of things hanging around that I feel tied to. Maybe I should collect atoms. Any ideas?

Have you considered 1/87 scale diecast? they take up so little room, and depending on price, the quality and level of detail of the more expensive ones puts the typical Hot wheels/Matchbox's (1/64 scale) to shame.
Monster Energy cans. Once I've finished them, I wash them out and stack them. So far I have 9, one can still needs to be washed out and I've got another several in the fridge waiting for me to drink them. Recently Monster have started a Ken Block car competition, meaning he's on the cans, so I'm buying even more now. Strange hobby, I know, but I like it.

Let me guess the Ken Block cans are UK only? I was trying so hard to find a Pastrana RedBull can with him on it.

Now back to topic.

I pretty much collect desert racing/offroad related diecast, posters. NASCAR diecast and sheetmetal along with random stuff from drivers I like. You could say Tshirts based on a driver but I don't have them all.
I didn't know that they came that small!
Diecast goes smaller still. Kyosho do some nice (quite reasonably priced for the quality) 1/100 diecast scale cars.

[EDIT] I think some of the proportions are a bit off, but they're still great considering the size (imo), though i guess they are quite pricey, having said that.. iv'e seen far more expensive 1/87 scale diecast from other manufacturers.

Kyosho 1/100 diecast:
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Eat OR Collect?

There's always that damn third choice. It's always 'This or That?' and someone says 'The Other!'

Selling it right now won't get me much - not as much as Fry of Futurama fame paid for a can of anchovies anyway. I wonder though if someone out there has a bottle of the original Coke - how much would it be worth now?

A cryo-cabinet would be kind of expensive . . . so these last of the Hostess cop-killers are probably going to be eaten. Slowly. Savouring an end to a sugary past.
Record yourself eating it. Post it on the web when there's no more Twinkies left in the world. Watch the world burn.
I do have a collection of many things, some things I started to collect, whilst others I still collect or don't collect anymore (*cracks knuckles again tonight*):

Pokemon cards-I don't know why I bought these cause I never used them

Yu-Gi-Oh-Only bought a few legit packs

Stamps-Have only collected a few

Stickers-Had an album and box full of them...
...Until my sister found the box

Shells-Have a few jars and bottles full dating back 10 years ago

Coins-I still collect these every now and then-especially the several variants of commemorative coins that they release here in Australia Such as this, celebrating 100 years since the founding of Canberra:

I also have foreign currencies such as US Dollars, Euros, Singapore Dollars and Vietnamese Dong.

My grandparents also have a tin containing lots of former currencies, such as the Australian pennies for the old Australian currency and the original banknotes for the current Australian currency, as well as Italian Lire, Yugoslavian Dinar, and the oldest coins of the lot, about a dozen Austro-Hungarian Koronas:


Model cars-Has waxed and waned over the years. I would like to collect them but space to display them is a real issue for me at the moment. I would love to obtain an AutoArt model (especially the Gran Turismo ones)

Video game Collector Editions-A more recent one, starting with the GT5 Signature Edition. Since then I have about half a dozen more, the most recent being the Titanfall Collector's edition :D
I am also considering paraphernalia, mainly in the form of posters and (maybe) press kits

Gran Turismo paraphernalia-Another more recent one, with recent purchases including the GT6 Collector's Pack (Asia Exclusive 15th Anniversary Edition) and Gran Turismo Tomica Car Set (I have a long way to go, and have my eyes on demos and Press Kits)

Adventure Time Comics-A couple of months ago I decided to buy one of the spinoffs to the main series (which consisted of 6 issues). Loved reading them (haven't been a massive comic book fan until now) and am considering getting more of them (including limited edition/exclusive prints)-the only downside is that I have to get them from America (as they don't sell them here in Australia-not that I've seen anyway), which means my wallet is effected by the postage and handling costs

Edit-Didn't realise until I posted that this was a dead thread for over a year! :indiff:
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I do have a collection of many things, some things I started to collect, whilst others I still collect or don't collect anymore (*cracks knuckles again tonight*):

Pokemon cards-I don't know why I bought these cause I never used them

Yu-Gi-Oh-Only bought a few legit packs

Stamps-Have only collected a few

Stickers-Had an album and box full of them...
...Until my sister found the box

Shells-Have a few jars and bottles full dating back 10 years ago

Coins-I still collect these every now and then-especially the several variants of commemorative coins that they release here in Australia Such as this, celebrating 100 years since the founding of Canberra:

I also have foreign currencies such as US Dollars, Euros, Singapore Dollars and Vietnamese Dong.

My grandparents also have a tin containing lots of former currencies, such as the Australian pennies for the old Australian currency and the original banknotes for the current Australian currency, as well as Italian Lire, Yugoslavian Dinar, and the oldest coins of the lot, about a dozen Austro-Hungarian Koronas:


Model cars-Has waxed and waned over the years. I would like to collect them but space to display them is a real issue for me at the moment. I would love to obtain an AutoArt model (especially the Gran Turismo ones)

Video game Collector Editions-A more recent one, starting with the GT5 Signature Edition. Since then I have about half a dozen more, the most recent being the Titanfall Collector's edition :D
I am also considering paraphernalia, mainly in the form of posters and (maybe) press kits

Gran Turismo paraphernalia-Another more recent one, with recent purchases including the GT6 Collector's Pack (Asia Exclusive 15th Anniversary Edition) and Gran Turismo Tomica Car Set (I have a long way to go, and have my eyes on demos and Press Kits)

Adventure Time Comics-A couple of months ago I decided to buy one of the spinoffs to the main series (which consisted of 6 issues). Loved reading them (haven't been a massive comic book fan until now) and am considering getting more of them (including limited edition/exclusive prints)-the only downside is that I have to get them from America (as they don't sell them here in Australia-not that I've seen anyway), which means my wallet is effected by the postage and handling costs

Edit-Didn't realise until I posted that this was a dead thread for over a year! :indiff:

There is a comic book shop about 10 mins from my house then there are a few around Melbourne. Not much help to you though.
There is a comic book shop about 10 mins from my house then there are a few around Melbourne. Not much help to you though.

Well, I could catch a train...
...or a plane
...or drive :lol:

I tried looking up online, and whilst I did find a few Australian sites selling them, the prices are way more expensive than on ebay and even on the BOOM! Studios website (the publishers). Maybe i'm looking at the wrong places...
Coins, Autocourses, my old airline, concert, event, and movie tickets. I've been trying to collect a state map and a license plate from each state visited as well; some states just consider the used tags as trash, others do not.

I also "collect" counties; you simply set foot in or drive within the borders of them. Obviously, you don't physically keep them, but the bunch of us who play the game call it "county counting".
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I collect coins. I collect any and all coins of all denominations as long as they are unique in design on either the heads or tails, or has a unique and significant change in material used. I don't care if it's in or out of circulation, though I only collect coins that are used as currency, and not coins from businesses such as Chuck E Cheeses.
Another thing I would add is Lego. I have accumulated a sizeable collection over the years, with one of my favourites being the Lego table-top football set:


I can still remember the times I played with my dad :)
I collect TCGs...

Magic, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Vanguard, Weiss Schwarz, Chaos, and others