Are you a collector?

  • Thread starter binici


I picked these up yesterday. The dollar and quarter are silver, the pennies are proofs.

That half dollar and 2-cent! How much did you get them for?
I've always been a collector of non-valuable things, although I have had real collections as a kid.
I think I was about 22-23 when I realised I didn't much care for material possessions other than necessities, to that end I've down sized and reordered the way I purchase things with a strict set of rules that the purchase must abide by.

Putting Buddhism aside for the moment, that is actually a very sensible idea. Looking around me I see the world clamours to accumulate clutter. And clutter breeds chaos. Both neuronically and in the environmental sense.

Once in a while I do impulse though, but that's how I ended up with a chopper (now sold) but motorcycle collection has been a hard hobby to kill.

Jay Leno and Seinfeld come to mind. :lol: I believe they're 'married' to their collections.

I'm certainly a follower of the ideals of freedom of possession, it leaves me more free cash for experiences like travel and beer. Mostly beer. My wife tries to follow the Buddhist way (she still prays and makes offerings) but has fallen into the modern world's consumerism trap and now covets iPhones, new cars, fancy clothes and the like.

Unfortunately the real principles of Buddhism (like many other good disciplines) went the way of the ritualistic commercial trap. Offerings and prayers have nothing to do with the philosophy of Self-annihilation (which itself is not even anything remotely nihilistic either) and is a bastardisation of the 'Middle Way' - much like many ignorant people confuse figurines of Maitreya (fat buddha) with what was possibly the image of the Buddha himself - and we can only guess at what the scrawny ascetic who lived on begging-bowl alms would have looked like. Images ascribed to him only came about some 600 years after his death and they were mostly sculptured by Greek sculptors in the court of Asoka.

Quite ironic that we should talk about Buddhism in the context of collecting and yet maybe not so - for they are polar opposites. :lol:
I'm an occasional Wrestling figure Collector. Been collecting since the age of 10 I believe. I'm a sucker for Wrestling games as well.( I had every SVR game until I had to sell off my PS2 a few years ago.)