Area 51, Aliens, and Oddities.

  • Thread starter Joey D
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Joey D

United States
Lakes of the North, MI
GTP Joey
Hey lets have an opinion thread which does not bash President Bush, America's policies, or the war in Iraq :dopey:.

I watched a show on the Discovery Channel last night about Area 51 and got me thinking once again, what is so secertive at Area 51? There has to be something, I mean the government denied it even exsisted until 2001 or something. I want to know what is so top secert that they go to those lengths.

But then is it even my right to know whats going on? No, I can't imagine it is even my right to know, but then again my tax dollars do fund something like that. So I don't know, I mean maybe the government should just say its a secert testing site and nothing least that would get crazy ideas outta peoples head.

But why deny it even exsist. Hello if it's not there then why all this...

You need signs saying "Military Installation" and "Keep Out" because nothing is there?

Also if it isn't there then why can you see it via a sat.?

So what really goes on at Area 51? Are they testing the lastest and greatest aircrafts? Are they housing aliens? Is it where they "faked" the moon landing?

I don't know, but then again who really does.
Well, theres alot of questions going around the subject. I pretty think this is where they faked the moon landing as you see this hole desert place on the upper part of the map. But for the rest, I couldnt say anything about it, as dark as it is. You can see alot of pictures of Area 51 over Google Image, but who can tell they are real...

I guess we'll never know about it.
You can always just go up to the fence with some binoculars and look for yourself.

By the way, the moon landing wasn't faked. It's been de-bunked way too many times to count.

P.S. : Don't look suspicious though, you might get shot. Seriously.
Only morons think the American moon landing was "faked"

Why is Area 51 so secret? Just look at the history of the location: Senior Trend (U-2), OXCART (A-12/SR-71), and Have Blue (F-117A) were all test flown at Area 51. America's most classified military aircraft.

Imagine what is being flown there now...
Because knowledge is the most powerful weapon on the battlefeild.

I really hope that I don't have to explain that, for your sake.
Sure, let's let Osama come in and sneak a peek at what we're trying to fight him with...
Thats where the American government is really being run from. Robots from the planet Zorg are in charge and Bush is one of them.

It got revealed in 2001 because the robots liked the movie "2001: A Space Oddessy" so much and thought the overall theme of the evil computer controlling the small little humans was too cool an analogy to pass up.

Thats exactly what I think. Some say its just a completely non-alieny military technology research and testing facility but that just sounds too crazy to me.

Either way its the evil BUSH (Bots-Ultra-Secret-Heirarchy (how can you not believe it now?!)) administration taking over the world for nefarious purposes. We are all doomed.
Viper Zero
Only morons think the American moon landing was "faked"

Why is Area 51 so secret? Just look at the history of the location: Senior Trend (U-2), OXCART (A-12/SR-71), and Have Blue (F-117A) were all test flown at Area 51. America's most classified military aircraft.

Imagine what is being flown there now...

They're probably dogfighting with Alien Spacecraft or something...
Area 51 is where they test and keep new aircraft and aircraft weapon systems. They also test new missle systems. Plus, secret spy and reconnaissance air and space craft. There's really no big deal to it.

They also used to store and burn nuclear and other toxic wastes there. But, reports say they don't do that anymore. Supposedly, it's all sent to a place near Denver, CO.
Oh no. Look at all the puppies "they" have just killed, thanks to this thread.

#17 - Nellis/Groom Lake/**** 51 are all used interchangeably (though it's not entirely accurate - Nellis and Groom Lake are close to one another, but not the same facility).
cmon Famine, what do you know about **** 51?

Only that every time someone mentions "that place", "they" kill a puppy.
It's just an airstrip. Top secret aircraft need to be kept under wraps as much as possible... having an inaccessible base makes it harder for enemy forces to get good detailed photographs and recordings of them from which they might conceivably reverse engineer them...

Also, it helps having a place this big, with such a big reputation, so that people don't pay attention at the airfields where you actually fly the good stuff.
Area 51 is a multi-purpose testing facility. That's really it. No aliens, no UFO's, nothing. But the top secret spy plane "Aurora" and other planes, but the real confirmed planes tested there are (in chronological order) :

U-2 Spyplane: The first plane of Area 51. It was used to spy on the Russians before it was shot down in 1960.

Suntan: A plane powered by a liquid hydrogen engine, which could have been used to create the Aurora.

SR-71: The fastest plane in the world, not counting the X-33 (which isn't really a plane)

Tacit Blue: This plane is the first to incorporate new stealth technology. Because of its stealth, it looks really strange. See it for yourself!

F-117: It's so stealthy, it has a radar cross-section the size of a marble.

Black Manta: We don't know if it exists or not, but it's rumored to be even stealthier than the F-117A.

Aurora: We don't know if it exists, but it is rumored to go from speeds of Mach 6 to Mach 20.

Brilliant Buzzard:
A very large plane that can actually launch smaller aircraft.

Stealth Cruise Missile:
Only has a small description, which takes a relatively long time to load.

Only has a small description, which takes a relatively long time to load.

X-33: A real plane-that-is-sort-of-a-space-shuttle that can go up to speeds of Mach 13!

F-22: This plane is a good combination of stealth and manuvurability which makes it as stealthy as the F-117A but more manuverable.

Switchblade: A plane with a swing-wing design, which allows it to go up to speeds of Mach 3, maneuver very well, and drop bombs.

The Manta and Aurora are the 2 highly rumored planes that have ever been tested at Area 51. The Aurora can supposedly go from Mach 6 to Mach 20 (while some believe it's Mach 6 to 8), and the Manta was designed to be one of the Stealthiest planes ever.

Go to here for more excellent info on Area 51:

I believe most of the content on hat site, as alot of it makes sense.
That'll be just the FIVE puppies you've made "them" kill.

An estimated 4 to 6 million dogs and cats are euthanized in America's animal shelters each year because they are not wanted by anyone, anywhere. We used 5 million to be safe. (Reference: HSUS Pet Overpopulation)
Hmm. Well those animals might aswell die for a reason...
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I think any talk about Area 51 (Come on, that was a worthwhile reason) is generally exaggerated. The military will make public all the 'succeses' that make frontline duty, eventually.
Area 51 is a multi-purpose testing facility. That's really it. No aliens, no UFO's, nothing. But the top secret spy plane "Aurora" and other planes, but the real confirmed planes tested there are (in chronological order) :...

Very interesting post! Thanks.

Is everybody aware that the USAF operated an entire wing of F-117A "stealth fighters" out of Nellis for over five years before the existence of the aircraft became known to the public? That's how effective the place is at concealing its operations.

The secret "black" portion of the U.S. defense budget is gigantic. We have no idea what they're up to. There are other super-exotic programs that may actually exist in addition to MachOne's list. A couple of them are so wild they explain a lot of UFO sightings.

Forget the "captured alien spacecraft" horsecrap. Our real programs are far-out enough as it is...
I think it where they test experimental aircraft such as the Stealth Fighter and Stealth Bomber before they release these thing to the public. I don't believe there is aliens there.
First off quit with the idiot posts, I hate it when you do that in the opinion forum.

Second off I never said we faked the moon landing, that is just one of the things people say is at Area 51.

Ok so they test planes there which I knew from several books I've read about Lockheed Martin. But from what I've also read about is that Area 51 has huge underground buildings which houses things. I personally thing there are alien space craft(s) there that the are testing technology off of. But also I do think we have test planes among other things there.
But the think about the Satellites is that they KNOW when they are overhead. So they don't do any runway action during those hours/minutes/etc.
A sat. can only pass over the same point on the earth every 3 days, which is pretty easy for anyone to find out, but I would guess they do most of there testing at night.
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