Area 51, Aliens, and Oddities.

  • Thread starter Joey D
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You have such a narrow mind...I honestly believe a lot of ancient stuff is from another world. Egyptian things, Mayanian things, Aztec things...

Actually, you are one of the many narrow-minded people who refuse to give the ancients credit for their marvelous achievements.

They were exactly like us. They were every bit as intelligent, creative, and ingenious as we are. It's a profound insult to them to look down on them as backward primitives who had to have "alien guidance" to create their great cultures.
This being if aliens even do exist...which I believe they don't.

That being if someone can TRULY have genuine evidence of aliens...

I just find the evidence pointed toward aliens ever existing to be very very lacking...
Aliens exist. Whether or not they exist/have existed on Earth is a different question.
Here is some enlightenment for those of you too lazy to click a link...

Area 19..."The Real Area 51"

This story backs up Famines theory on using Area 51 as a big multi-billion dollar distraction while doing the real stuff over at some little place nobody cares about (ergo: Area 19). There are many puzzling questions about this, and this is one of my favorites:

Now why would there be a random 34.5 kilovolt powerline terminating in the middle of what could supposedly be "The Real Area 51"?

Oh and for the location...very isolated, but the airspace IS NOT restricted...

Lots of drilling, free airspace, isolated from ground view...does this somewhat tie loose ends on the rumor that the huge underground buildings are actually at Area 19? Supplies and these supposed (although very poposterous) claims of Alien Spacecraft could be delievered via plane (or in the Alien Spacecrafts case, deliver themselves).

And maybe this may sound like a nervous government cover up to you:

You may think "Hey, it'll be like Area 51, a big nervous excuse to cause comotion when nothing is there). I think the opposite.

Ponder about this, and reread the thread. Things WILL start to make sense.
Area 19 is supposedly an underground nuclear test site, after some treaty to ban above ground testing.

That would explain the drilling (you can't just appear 13,000 meters under the ground you know ;)) and the power line terminating there. And, well, I presume you wouldn't want the press to get a hold of how well (or not so well) your nukes perform.

Aliens exist. Whether or not they exist/have existed on Earth is a different question.
Agreed. In the entirity of the Universe, you're telling me we're the only lifeform?

I'm sure in another solar system, in another dimension, far far away, there's another third-rock-from-the-sun capable of supporting life. I doubt they've ever visted Earth, but there just has to be another lifeform out there in space — given the size of the damn place!
If one says aliens dont exists they truly dont understand how big space is.
I just followed a road south west from Area 51 on google earth and it leads to some big site with hundreds of craters in the ground. Nothing suss?
Actually, you are one of the many narrow-minded people who refuse to give the ancients credit for their marvelous achievements.

They were exactly like us. They were every bit as intelligent, creative, and ingenious as we are. It's a profound insult to them to look down on them as backward primitives who had to have "alien guidance" to create their great cultures.

No being narrow minded would be accepting the facts, open-minded means you think outside the box on a few things. I'm not saying that these people didn't build it on their own, I just BELIEVE that they didn't. If it's hard for us now a days to build any with the precision of the pryrimids then how they hell did a civilization with far less tools manage it? I mean they might have but I don't think so.

This being if aliens even do exist...which I believe they don't.

That being if someone can TRULY have genuine evidence of aliens...

I just find the evidence pointed toward aliens ever existing to be very very lacking...

Not to have to quote that cheesy movie Contact but..."it would just be a waste of space"

Also don't count out other diamentions and the possibilty of a multi-verse.
...If it's hard for us now a days to build any with the precision of the pryrimids then how they hell did a civilization with far less tools manage it?

Who says its "hard for us now"? What are you talking about? We could put up a pile of stone now with absolute precision.

Here's one theory of how the Eqyptians did it:

There are other theories. There are actually many ways they could have done it. People talk about "mysteries of Eqypt", but pretty much everything they did has been figured out.
That would be the nuclear testing zone of the NTS. The Yukka Flat, which is part of the testing zone, is plastered with craters from atmospheric and underground nuclear detonations.
yeah its pretty sweet, the largest crater on the north side is about 300 feet deep and displayed in 3D if you rotate your view.
They are theroies that I don't believe, you aren't going to convince me that Egypt enslaved a bunch of Jews to build there temples, which are perfectly lined up with Orion's belt and have hyroglyphics of alien looking beings and modern machienes.

And it is hard for us now, it takes a ton of GPS, surveying, and math work to get things they hell could they do that back then beofer half of the math was even invented.
They are theroies that I don't believe, you aren't going to convince me that Egypt enslaved a bunch of Jews to build there temples, which are perfectly lined up with Orion's belt and have hyroglyphics of alien looking beings and modern machienes.

And it is hard for us now, it takes a ton of GPS, surveying, and math work to get things they hell could they do that back then beofer half of the math was even invented.

I have no idea where you've gotten some of those ideas, but okay, forget it. If you feel that there's no way that the best minds of an advanced culture of people who were absolutely as smart as we are could devise ways of completing a long-term heavy construction project, then there's nothing anybody could show you that would change your mind.
They are theroies that I don't believe, you aren't going to convince me that Egypt enslaved a bunch of Jews to build there temples, which are perfectly lined up with Orion's belt and have hyroglyphics of alien looking beings and modern machienes.

And it is hard for us now, it takes a ton of GPS, surveying, and math work to get things they hell could they do that back then beofer half of the math was even invented.

Where the hell did you get "alien looking beings" and "modern machienes" from?

All of the Egyptians heiroglyphics are a reflection of the Earth and creatures they were familiar with.

Also, howcome only after the Area 51 incident did all the loonies come out claiming to have been abducted by aliens and then anal probed?
I can't find it for the life of me on Google Earth...can you take a screen shot?

But why is it so hard to believe that aliens came to our planet. They could have been studying us for thousands if not millions of year. Hell people on Earth could have came from another planet, you don't know, I don't know, no one on this planet knows.

And after exploring more of Area 19, all I can see on it is a bunch of water wells.
There it is. Also, where is area 19? Anyone care to show or tell me the coordinates?
I have no idea where you've gotten some of those ideas, but okay, forget it. If you feel that there's no way that the best minds of an advanced culture of people who were absolutely as smart as we are could devise ways of completing a long-term heavy construction project, then there's nothing anybody could show you that would change your mind.

It's called a theroy, it might be right it might be wrong...but quit sounding like a closed minded fool.

Where the hell did you get "alien looking beings" and "modern machienes" from?

All of the Egyptians heiroglyphics are a reflection of the Earth and creatures they were familiar with.

This one has a helicopter looking thing, a spaceship looking thing, and fighter jet looking thing. This has been well documented on the Discovery Channel, so this picture isn't a fake.


Looks like an alien to me...

Also, howcome only after the Area 51 incident did all the loonies come out claiming to have been abducted by aliens and then anal probed?

Actually cultures from a long time ago suggest they were visited by aliens. Just more fake reports have come out since the 50's. Thats not saying they weren't there before.

There it is. Also, where is area 19? Anyone care to show or tell me the coordinates?

Well isn't that just odd
It's called a theroy, it might be right it might be wrong...but quit sounding like a closed minded fool.

This one has a helicopter looking thing, a spaceship looking thing, and fighter jet looking thing. This has been well documented on the Discovery Channel, so this picture isn't a fake.


Looks like an alien to me...

Actually cultures from a long time ago suggest they were visited by aliens. Just more fake reports have come out since the 50's. Thats not saying they weren't there before.

Well isn't that just odd

**** now I agree with you... lol
Where the hell did you get "alien looking beings" and "modern machienes" from?

All of the Egyptians heiroglyphics are a reflection of the Earth and creatures they were familiar with.

Also, howcome only after the Area 51 incident did all the loonies come out claiming to have been abducted by aliens and then anal probed?

A prime example of you, yet again, being an ass.

Oh and by the way, I think you've been proven wrong. Going to go cry about it and cut your wrists?


Back on topic:

Shannon: Thanks for the Area 19 info. It explains a few things, but my opinion on this whole matter hasn't changed. Something funky is going on somewhere, whether it's Area 19 or Area 51.
Oh and by the way, I think you've been proven wrong. Going to go cry about it and cut your wrists?

:lol: Pwned by a youngin...props to Jarrett :lol:👍

Thanks for the Area 19 info. It explains a few things, but my opinion on this whole matter hasn't changed. Something funky is going on somewhere, whether it's Area 19 or Area 51.

I just think area 19 is a bunch of secert weapons testing, nothing to do with aliens or anything.
Jesus Christ the Discovery Channel did a special on it, it's well documented in many books, and its all over the internet. Get off your ass and go to Google and search, you will find these pictures all over the net.

Beyond Roswell by Michael Hesemann & Philip Mantle even talks about them if I'm not mistaken.

THEY AREN'T FAKE...hell go to Egypt and look for yourself.

*There meaning might not be that it is a helicopter or anything, but it might be.
A prime example of you, yet again, being an ass.

Oh and by the way, I think you've been proven wrong. Going to go cry about it and cut your wrists?


Back on topic:

Shannon: Thanks for the Area 19 info. It explains a few things, but my opinion on this whole matter hasn't changed. Something funky is going on somewhere, whether it's Area 19 or Area 51.

Ok, seriously, WTF?

BlazinXtreme/Shorty, I have not been "pwned" yet-- he's simply *****ed about me. Anyone can call anyone an ass but until they actually embarass them or prove them wrong -- which he has not -- noone is pwned.

Now, MachOne, you snotty little thing, where do you get off thinking you're right? There wasn't one objectionable thing in that post and I'm calling you on it. If you're just trying to get "props" from a Chevy fanboy or some other tools out there, fine, I don't care-- but I would like to know why you're making blatantly stupid and hostile remarks to me.

Where do live by the way?
You asked for proof I provided you with proof, take it as you will. I said there were hyros that looked like modern machines...did I not show you these?

Ladies and gentelmen...Plague.Ghost = the next Young_Warrior.

but I would like to know why you're making blatantly stupid and hostile remarks to me.

Maybe because you constantly make remarks like that to everyone, now just talk like a normal person and loose the asshattedness. It's getting old.
Ok, seriously, WTF?

BlazinXtreme/Shorty, I have not been "pwned" yet-- he's simply *****ed about me. Anyone can call anyone an ass but until they actually embarass them or prove them wrong -- which he has not -- noone is pwned.

Now, MachOne, you snotty little thing, where do you get off thinking you're right? There wasn't one objectionable thing in that post and I'm calling you on it. If you're just trying to get "props" from a Chevy fanboy or some other tools out there, fine, I don't care-- but I would like to know why you're making blatantly stupid and hostile remarks to me.

Where do live by the way?

See how pissed he gets if you say he got pwned? :lol:

We'll do this in a fashonable manner:

1. I know I'm right. You were beign an ass, you got proved wrong.
2. I just want props from a Chevy fanboy? I don't spy any Chevy fanboys. I spy a guy who likes his Blazer, but no fanboys. Get a life.

3. I'd be careful calling people tools on here. That could get you smacked very hard.

4. I'm making these "blatanty stupid" remarks because it's true. Your an ass everywhere you go. You smell like dead tuna, and you have an attitude that of a pissed of smurf.

I live in Coshocton, Ohio. No I'm not single :scared:
Wait you think these are fake...

Temple of Abydos

Temple OF Palenque

Alright alright, enough bashing one another, we've all had our fun, so lets just chill out and have a decent discussion, eh?
See how pissed he gets if you say he got pwned? :lol:

We'll do this in a fashonable manner:

1. I know I'm right. You were beign an ass, you got proved wrong.
2. I just want props from a Chevy fanboy? I don't spy any Chevy fanboys. I spy a guy who likes his Blazer, but no fanboys. Get a life.

3. I'd be careful calling people tools on here. That could get you smacked very hard.

4. I'm making these "blatanty stupid" remarks because it's true. Your an ass everywhere you go. You smell like dead tuna, and you have an attitude that of a pissed of smurf.

I live in Coshocton, Ohio. No I'm not single :scared:

Let me read this again— I've been called an "ass", "asshat", and you've said I have the attitude of a "pissed of smurf". So let's see something here:

See how pissed he gets if you say he got pwned? :lol:

We'll do this in a fashonable manner:

1. I know I'm right. You were beign an ass, you got proved wrong.

I saw a picture of an alien after a bunch of heiroglyphs in a very random spot that have the same flow as the other charachters, and suddenly I'm "proved wrong"?

2. I just want props from a Chevy fanboy? I don't spy any Chevy fanboys. I spy a guy who likes his Blazer, but no fanboys. Get a life.

3. I'd be careful calling people tools on here. That could get you smacked very hard.

Ooooh, a threat? A promise perhaps?

4. I'm making these "blatanty stupid" remarks because it's true. Your an ass everywhere you go. You smell like dead tuna, and you have an attitude that of a pissed of smurf.

Aside from the fact you haven't actually proven anything yet, and didn't really conduct this in a "fashonable manner", you've made a claim of me being an ass everywhere, smelling of dead tuna, and having an attitude as to that of a "pissed of" smurf.

Besides me carrying my ass on my posterior, you sniffing dead tuna and meeting pissed off smurfs, what else would you like to add? Are you going to call me immature now?

I live in Coshocton, Ohio. No I'm not single :scared:[/QUOTE]
Plauge.Ghost...please remain civil now damnit or I will report you to a mod..ok? Enough! Back on topic people.
One more photo for the record...this one with people in it so it dismisses all claims that they are fake.

Are you going to call me immature now?

I live in Coshocton, Ohio. No I'm not single :scared:

Yes I will call you immature by arguing like this and being disrespectful...

Not single ??? Dam, I'm wondering how your girlfriend can endure this attitude...
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