Area 51, Aliens, and Oddities.

  • Thread starter Joey D
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Yet again, more pwning.

When can we come to a civil conclusion about this?

Area 19 is where it's at people, you know it :D

Area 51 is just another ordinary NTS facility. I would think...
That is not "Palenque". Palenque is a not an Egyptian site. It's Mayan. The only place that photo appears to be available is on Internet sites with names like "dudeman".

I think it is, in fact, completely fake.

I think I was reading about the picture above it instead...I've never known where it was, I just thought that's what it said.

But refer to the picture a few post up with people at it...I think its very plausable it could be something from another world, or maybe it's a god...which I still think are aliens.

As for Abydos:


You're letting your beliefs get in the way of your better judgement.[/quote]

One theory, yes. But then again people try to justify anything they can't explain by any means possible, especially by streching it. Alla "Magic Bullet".
Area 19 is where it's at people, you know it

Google Earth.
Go to Yucca Flats.
Go west a little bit till you see an ass load of crators.
My aplogies, the "space man" is found in the Saqqara Pyramid.

Screw the edit button...I'm to lazy :lol:.
Triple posting a little excessive Blazin'?

You know what, I'm not going to lie, it was. I get excited sometimes...especially when I'm on some medication for shingles (shut up I know old persons illness), that makes me jittery.
Jesus Christ the Discovery Channel did a special on it, it's well documented in many books, and its all over the internet. Get off your ass and go to Google and search, you will find these pictures all over the net.
Hey, since you are so good at google search..... maybe you can help me out. :D I was looking for some ancient civilization artifact, that seemed to show a man piloting, or operating some sort of machine. I'm pretty sure it was from South America. I used to see a photo of it in all the books and things, but I couldn't find it on Google search to save my own life. 👎 If you find it, I'll give you a high five. :P

P.S. I saw those markings from inside the pyramid, when I was googling last night. I guess they are real, but some of them really did look like a blackhawk type chopper or an aircraft. Did they have some kind of vision into the future? Did they actually witness it? After the Area 51's cover was blown, did the U.S. build a top secret facility in ancient Egypt? :lol:
Hey, since you are so good at google search..... maybe you can help me out. :D I was looking for some ancient civilization artifact, that seemed to show a man piloting, or operating some sort of machine. I'm pretty sure it was from South America. I used to see a photo of it in all the books and things, but I couldn't find it on Google search to save my own life. 👎 If you find it, I'll give you a high five. :P

P.S. I saw those markings from inside the pyramid, when I was googling last night. I guess they are real, but some of them really did look like a blackhawk type chopper or an aircraft. Did they have some kind of vision into the future? Did they actually witness it? After the Area 51's cover was blown, did the U.S. build a top secret facility in ancient Egypt? :lol:


This? And more can be found here

Actually here is a real photo

I think its something to do with calander to tell you the truth and the pilot of the "space craft" is the Palenque ruler named Pakal.

I don't know if its a space craft like is stated, but I would say it is some sort of out of this world device. Look around the net around the Mayan calander...very interesting stuff.
I don't know if its a space craft like is stated, but I would say it is some sort of out of this world device. Look around the net around the Mayan calander...very interesting stuff.
You're right. All this time, I thought the sideway view was the original angle, but it wasn't. With the picture stood up in the original angle, it looks nothing like a pilot of sort. :indiff:
I can't rule that possiblity out, but it's definatly some sort of device. But like I said more then likey a human operated calander.

The only place you can find that Saqqara "alien" is on flaky-ass sites like these: - Quote: "We have only been able to find the three images of this picture that you see here and have learned that this particular wall mural does not appear in any official guidebooks!... I wonder why?"

However, here's a site about Saqqara that says not one word about any "alien figure":

Do you have any further questions? This whole thing is an internet hoax, with faked photos passed around from weirdo site to weirdo site. It has taken on a life of its own, like so many hoaxes and conspiracies. What proof do we have that those shots are in any way real? Why can they only be found on the mysto-crap sites?

"Does not appear in any official guidebooks". Well, effing DUH!!!
I'll believe what I want and techincally I'm not wrong to believe so, why? Because there is no proof discrediting these things and who knows, it might be real or it might be something that was worn werid on the wall. But like I said I've seen Discovery Channel specials about this sort of stuff, which is pretty creditable. They don't say if it's an alien or not but merely present both sides and let the veiwer decide.

Those hyros really exsist, it depends on what it is. And do you honestly think National Geographic would say Ancient Space Man anywhere in an article of there's? I don't think so.

But since it's not on a site like National Geographic it must be fake? With your logic there are a lot of fake things everywhere on the net. I find the internet to be a good source of information.
"Does not appear in any official guidebooks". Well, effing DUH!!!
It's true that I had never seen those Egyptian photos until just last night. The alien one doesn't do anything for me anyways. To me, it looks more like some sort of ancient god or demon than a being from another planet. I am curious about the authenticity of the helicopter/aircraft one though......
It's true that I had never seen those Egyptian photos until just last night. The alien one doesn't do anything for me anyways. To me, it looks more like some sort of ancient god or demon than a being from another planet. I am curious about the authenticity of the helicopter/aircraft one though......

This one should be well documented...I remember when FOX did that opening the tombs special a few years back they did a big thing about this.
Those hyros really exist...

No, not necessarily at all. The "Saqqara" photos have all been traded back and forth between those marginal sites I posted links to. Not one of them has any proof whatsoever that the wall is at Saqqara, or that it is even a real Eqyptian site at all.

The only proof the web sites have is references to each other. The only place on the Internet that you can find the photos is on goofy sites like those.

I think it's a Internet hoax.
Lets add some more fuel to the Aliens in the Ancient world discussion...

How about these...

Japanese Underwater Pyramids


This I know for a fact it documented well, in fact last week I watched a Discovery Channel Special which mentioned it. The show was about Atlantis, but mentioned the pyramids.

A structure thought to be the world's oldest building, nearly twice the age of the great pyramids of Egypt, has been discovered. The rectangular stone ziggurat under the sea off the coast of Japan could be the first evidence of a previously unknown Stone Age civilization, say archeologists.

The monument is 600ft wide and 90ft high and has been dated to at least 8000BC. The oldest pyramid in Egypt, the Step Pyramid at Saqqara, was constructed more than 5,000 years later.

The structure off Yonaguni, a small island southwest of Okinawa, was first discovered 75ft underwater by scuba divers 10 years ago and locals believed it was a natural phenomenon.


More then likely a calander of some sorts, but how the hell did they pull 2 ton blocks from quarries miles away? This would be hard to do today without proper equipment.

Easter Island heads

Any guesses?

I just realized something!

Look at all the traditional Eqyptian figures in the "wall mural":


Note their traditional Eqyptian pose: Side profile views of the heads only. That's the only way the Eqyptians did it. They virtually never wavered from that convention:

"Egyptian art had a number of strict conventions for representing the human body that allow their works to be immediately recognizable to even the most untrained eye. These conventions were methods used to represent every figure, from slaves to gods.

"Almost without exception, the head is represented from a side view in a stark outline."

Now look at the "alien" in the photo!

It's a front view! The hoaxster was so lame he didn't even know about the rigid Eqyptian profile-only artistic regimen!

It's an Internet fraud, pure and simple!
Then it's more then likely a wore away part in the wall and not an alien... but quit discreiditing that it exsist. I promise you if you go to Egypt you will see that on the wall, but I'm sure if you personally look at it it will look different and give you a better explination. I'm now guess wore away part in the wall of something else.
...Any guesses?

Yeah, I guess you have no respect for your elders.

What, ancient Japanese couldn't have done that? You haven't seen any of the many productions run on TV explaining precisely how Stonehenge was built? You haven't seen the detailed accounts of how the old Easter Islanders did it?

Why do you refuse to give the ancients credit for their human intelligence?
Japanese "under water" pyramids? This sucks. Only way we can make money off our pyramids are with subs!? Seriously though, I've read that Japanese authorities are really secretive about our artifacts. From what I understand, scholars are not allowed to inspect many of the ruins in Japan. I think it's possible that they rewrote the history or something. Interesting stuff, but like JFK assassination, I don't think we'll be getting any answers any time soon.
Easter Island heads

Any guesses?

There is no way you can possibly think that is done by anything other than human man-power, unless, of course, you haven't looked into it at all. Not only has there been significant arcaeological research and discovery conducted there, absolutely everything has been proven and put into context with human work. From the quarries, to the transportation, to the deforestation, to the vandalism of the moai (sp).
Yeah, I guess you have no respect for your elders.

What, ancient Japanese couldn't have done that? You haven't seen any of the many productions run on TV explaining precisely how Stonehenge was built? You haven't seen the detailed accounts of how the old Easter Islanders did it?

Why do you refuse to give the ancients credit for their human intelligence?

The structure in Japan is 8000 years old and is hug for something built in the primitive stone age. I have respect for my elders, it's just I don't think they had the means to build all of this stuff way back when...beacause to build something like Stonehenge or the Easter Island head would take millions of dollars and thousands of man hours to complete now adays./

But give it up we aren't going to change each others mind, so quit being the close minded fool and either discuss the possiblities and quit saying I'm wrong, you are no righter then I.
There is no way you can possibly think that is done by anything other than human man-power, unless, of course, you haven't looked into it at all. Not only has there been significant arcaeological research and discovery conducted there, absolutely everything has been proven and put into context with human work. From the quarries, to the transportation, to the deforestation, to the vandalism of the moai (sp).

It was something brought up to add to the discussion of ancient oddities.I'm not saying aliens did it, I'm not saying humans did it.
Humans did do it.

GM never built the Blazer.

It's a theory, since none of us were alive back then we can say for sure...and what the hell GM built the Blazer because I've been to the plant were it was built in Liden, NJ.
Humor has no place in an opinion debate, it just aggervates people like me who are trying to have a serious discussion about something that I find intresting. If you are going to make asshatted comments, please go to the Rumble Strip or something. But I would like to have a discussion about aliens and what not.
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