Area 51, Aliens, and Oddities.

  • Thread starter Joey D
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i'm not saying that they have aliens and huge spaceships there, because if there are aliens and huge spaceships visiting us, they surely wouldn't let themselves be caught by some americans...they would rather get themselves some americans and examine them...or wait, i guess they would instead choose some more sophisticated europeans for that...


I think this alone invalidates all of what you've had to say simply because it shows a base level of arrogance and ignorance that can not be reasoned with.

Thanks for the laugh. :D

Quit being an ass, please. Why can't you just let it be that my opinion differs from yours? You've said you part, not either bring up a new topic within the topic or drop it. I'm getting pretty tired of you saying I'm wrong when I'm neither wrong or right.

I wouldn't say "he" was the one being rude.
I wouldn't say "he" was the one being rude.

Provoke me to many times and I will go off on you, you can only be nice for so long. Being nice only makes you the worlds doormat, plus think of it this way....if you believe in God how would it make you feel if I told you were wrong and insane for believeing in that? I would imagine pretty pissed off. Yes you are a mod, but I don't believe I have done anything wrong.
What makes everyone sure that an alien influence in early architecture had anything to do w/ ships or vessels ?
Alien means something else to me, it means unknown or unrepresentable .
If your ideation and sensory perspective is a commutative loop ; pointing to things and talking about things you already have references for, then your language/belief system might very well ignore quite pertinent aspects of your situation, e.g before radio waves were discovered, tested and reproduced radio-activity was already taking place beyond our senses and ideations.
SETI has yet to discover meaning in any of the radio-transmissions from space but that is a present day endeavor . The ancients nearly all make reference to communicable intelligence from beyond this sphere or realm, the fact to remember when ideating about the ancients is that these are not ancient times, our values and interpretation schemes are claused differently .
The way we think of Humans as Populous and Life as Reasonably Long are two things impinging on our present state of interpretation and translation .
Ancient man, from what i can gather, felt far more a noun amongst nouns in the universe and could therefore be conceiveably more open to a contact w/ forces we would override and prioritize out of existence today .
The Pyramids are truly a Wonder in that they are not only a mind-boggling undertaking in terms of work effort ( as we would measure them up today ) but also they defy a total understanding as to there purposefullness, to claim they merely appease the superstitions of heads of state is a dangerous simplification.
Why not take the Pharoahs literaly and view these architectures not as buildings or mausoleums but vessels for a return journey to an extra-solar destination to probe things along these lines is, to my mind, ask usefull and not trivial questions .
The spaceship paradigm would then be reversoed, us groundhogs would provide the shipbuilding and the yearnings or mappings, no matter how absurd in thought today, were products of extra-terrestrial influence or interference if you prefer a non-benevolent stance . I consider the issue to be a flag or signpost to unknowns and issues in our own values.
Thanks for the BS-Enduro - ime out.
What makes everyone sure that an alien influence in early architecture had anything to do w/ ships or vessels ?
Alien means something else to me, it means unknown or unrepresentable .
If your ideation and sensory perspective is a commutative loop ; pointing to things and talking about things you already have references for, then your language/belief system might very well ignore quite pertinent aspects of your situation, e.g before radio waves were discovered, tested and reproduced radio-activity was already taking place beyond our senses and ideations.
SETI has yet to discover meaning in any of the radio-transmissions from space but that is a present day endeavor . The ancients nearly all make reference to communicable intelligence from beyond this sphere or realm, the fact to remember when ideating about the ancients is that these are not ancient times, our values and interpretation schemes are claused differently .
The way we think of Humans as Populous and Life as Reasonably Long are two things impinging on our present state of interpretation and translation .
Ancient man, from what i can gather, felt far more a noun amongst nouns in the universe and could therefore be conceiveably more open to a contact w/ forces we would override and prioritize out of existence today .
The Pyramids are truly a Wonder in that they are not only a mind-boggling undertaking in terms of work effort ( as we would measure them up today ) but also they defy a total understanding as to there purposefullness, to claim they merely appease the superstitions of heads of state is a dangerous simplification.
Why not take the Pharoahs literaly and view these architectures not as buildings or mausoleums but vessels for a return journey to an extra-solar destination to probe things along these lines is, to my mind, ask usefull and not trivial questions .
The spaceship paradigm would then be reversoed, us groundhogs would provide the shipbuilding and the yearnings or mappings, no matter how absurd in thought today, were products of extra-terrestrial influence or interference if you prefer a non-benevolent stance . I consider the issue to be a flag or signpost to unknowns and issues in our own values.
Thanks for the BS-Enduro - ime out.

Nice ideas and nicely put DeLorean - the pyramids were intended as "transportation devices" for the Pharohs... But certainly only within the spiritual realm - no references to alien powers have ever been made (unless Egyptians worshipping the sun is celestial enough for you to stretch it a bit more...). Creating a 'portal' to another place... It's certainly the most intriquing way to bring up the alien stuff. I feel it simply confirms that some people assume "aliens!" when certain cultures and motivations are so foriegn to their own world that they seem to defy explanation. Of course, the pyramids have been one of the great mysteries of the world, but we now know pretty damn well how they were built. The onus is on everyone to research this in a serious way, or to somehow prove how alien interaction is a valid theory because right now it's standing somewhere between Dr Who's (re)Tardis and me telling you I have a flying car that can go warp ten. Not much credibility, so naturally people are going to baulk.

But I'll let folks regress to aliens for the sake of nurturing young imaginations.
Nice ideas and nicely put DeLorean - the pyramids were intended as "transportation devices" for the Pharohs... But certainly only within the spiritual realm - no references to alien powers have ever been made (unless Egyptians worshipping the sun is celestial enough for you to stretch it a bit more...). Creating a 'portal' to another place... It's certainly the most intriquing way to bring up the alien stuff. I feel it simply confirms that some people assume "aliens!" when certain cultures and motivations are so foriegn to their own world that they seem to defy explanation. Of course, the pyramids have been one of the great mysteries of the world, but we now know pretty damn well how they were built. The onus is on everyone to research this in a serious way, or to somehow prove how alien interaction is a valid theory because right now it's standing somewhere between Dr Who's (re)Tardis and me telling you I have a flying car that can go warp ten. Not much credibility, so naturally people are going to baulk.

But I'll let folks regress to aliens for the sake of nurturing young imaginations.

Does the movie Stargate ring a bell here?

I bet were not the only inhabitants in this solar system, or the universe, for that matter. And it is foolish to think otherwise.
Ok a good theory has been brought up here, could the pryamids have been built as some sort of launching device (physical launching). It was well known that the Egyptians were big into astronomy and had much of their civilization based around stars. Maybe they launched things from the pyramids.

Or maybe they were how alien spacecrafts came to and from Earth. The pyramids were sort of a docking and launch bay for these crafts.

I still believe that Egypt has other then human involvement in it. Ok so maybe humans built the pryamids, I can't say for sure, but what about other thing in Egypt? The gods are a pretty good example, look at the hyroglypics of them...they don't look like humans do they?
They don't look like humans because that was part of their mythology, as was our beliefs in the bible and other religious figures. What about Vishnu (excuse any harm caused with this one), the elephant with the arms? Was there any alien involvement with that one?

I am fairly sure that the pyramids weren't runways for spacecraft. Modern humans have pretty much come to the conlusion that they were indeed resting places, or tombs, for the pharaohs to stay while in transition to the afterlife.

And I am sure that this all could be solved if everyone did the appropriate research, but nobody is willing to do that. So at this point, this entire discussion is all about feeding imagination with radical ideas.

And the other point is where is something considered an opinion or a fact. My Chevy Blazer argument still doesn't stand to be a false statement. Hey, who are you to tell me my opinions are wrong?
And the other point is where is something considered an opinion or a fact. My Chevy Blazer argument still doesn't stand to be a false statement. Hey, who are you to tell me my opinions are wrong?

I think you missed the point of what I was saying, Blazers are on the road and while I don't technically drive one they are still on the road. Nobody can say for sure what the pyramids are.
Nobody can say for sure that aliens don't produce Blazers and teleport them to the factory. There is just as little proof of that as there is that aliens made the pyramids.
Nobody can say for sure that aliens don't produce Blazers and teleport them to the factory. There is just as little proof of that as there is that aliens made the pyramids.
Thankyou, exactly the kind of example needed to put things in perspective. 👍
Well....let me just say that we are not the only life in the universe. Space is too big for Earth to contain the only life in the universe. And we humans simpply don't know if there is any life out there beacause we have not seen it ourselves - nor have we explored the ENTIRE universe.

So I ask, who has seen God? Jesus? I thought so. Those who believe in their religion don't need proof. I don't need proof of other life in space.

Aliens did not build the pyramids. or Easter Island. Not the Hoover Dam, Golden Gate Bridge, they did not carve out the Grand Canyon, etc...

Maybe there is something the Egyptians knew that we don't. Maybe, just maybe, man's self belief of being the greatest being on this planet has clouded our judgement about what we all seem to 'know'. Everything we talk about now is stuff that we have 'learned' through TV, books, etc.

The problem I have with all of this is that man thinks he is so smart, that he pollutes the true knowledge of the world and what we get here is some watered down, messed up truths that we are forced to belive because we have nothing to contradict after all these years of it being passed down.

Think of this tell your friend a story, he tells someone, and they tell someone, and so on and so forth. Eventually what you said originally will be entirely different in 5 years because enough people have heard the story and put their own embellishments (deliberate or not) on it that it has changed to a completely differently story.

All we know is what we have been told. How do we know it is right? I bet 50 years from now, there will be other causes of the Space Shuttle that came apart than we know of now.

One thing is for sure though..GM did not build the Blazer.

People who work for GM did... :)
Nobody can say for sure that aliens don't produce Blazers and teleport them to the factory. There is just as little proof of that as there is that aliens made the pyramids.

I actually met some of the designers and they were grey haired old guys that live in Michigan.

But I like I said you all can have your beliefs, and I can have my own. Like it or not, but since this thread is going no where fast I suggest we just drop it.
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