Arkansas man running for office supports the death penalty for kids

  • Thread starter Jahgee


United States
New York
And for something as horrible as being disobedient, he wants to set an example.



He also opposes minimum wage, public school funding and supports deporting all Muslims and killing prisoners that are unreformed after 2 years to save money.
Someone shoot this guy. The title alone makes me want to punch kittens.
* wondering how many votes this guy will get with statements like that *

Where or how do people come up with this crap ? :rolleyes:
I would say it's teaching the child to behave otherwise they get killed, rather than teaching the child why it's a good idea to behave (e.g. make more friends). I dunno.
the death penalty for kids is just stupid. how would they get death penalty and they arent even forced to go to prison for more than a couple of days. Deporting all muslims and killers, for what? why would another country take our killers we dont want? and deporting muslims for no aparant reason is just wrong.
how would they get death penalty and they arent even forced to go to prison for more than a couple of days.
Because Fuqua would change the legislation. Or at least try to. He's relying on the idea that a) the Bible says that this is appropriate, and b) the state has a lot of people who believe in the Bible as devoutly as he does, and so they would not only understand, but encourage his idea.

Deporting all muslims and killers, for what? why would another country take our killers we dont want?
To Fuqua, it's not a problem. He wouldn't care where they go, just so long as they go somewhere else.

and deporting muslims for no aparant reason is just wrong.
I find this idea to be incredibly funny. Fuqua wants to deport Muslims because they don't share his religious beliefs. However, the most extreme interpretations of Islam call for sharia law, where the Qu'ran is used as civil and criminal law. The irony is that Fuqua, with his extreme interpretations of the Bible, is doing exactly the same thing. He wants the Bible to be used as law, and then he want to drive out everyone who believes in something else out - when, given the same powers, they would do the same thing to him.
Gotta teach them kids a lesson somehow.

But really, he is just running for state representative in Arkansas. If he wins he will be 1 out of 100 reps. If he proposes that in a bill the odds it gets shot down is pretty good.
Well, schools could be interesting if he ever were to come to power...

'Smith, stop talking. After school detention at the gallows, don't be late...' :nervous:

Killing someone for their opinion? Oh yes, we're so much better than him.