And of course the guy who made vinyl tiles . . .
I do beg your pardon, BobK - yes, both Einstein and Faraday had different nationalities, if not genetics, but I like to think they had a strong connection to where America is now, and in fact maybe the 'Murica of their times was what got them where they are.
I do get your point, though - wondered who would point it out.
I was not singling out any person, or even viewpoint here - though there was one post in the early part of this discussion that got me concerned - should we just shrug and say:
nly in 'Murica?
People make judgements about America - and in any case most other countries, too, - without even having set foot in the land. Worse, some Americans, themselves, who may not even have travelled out of their home states, make harsh judgements about the country
as a whole. This should not happen. Let us not judge the whole country from the narrow thinking of one guy.
This shouldn't cloud the fact that, yes, the American political system is a mess. Case in point - early voting in Florida right now. And a possible victory with a narrow margin (remember Florida once, and those hand-counted votes that won Bush the election?) but does this mean the political systems in other countries are better? The world has swung from tyranny to peace through many cycles - but the cycles seem to have a softer impact - we don't go to world war that easily now - because we have politics as a way to talk about how to get along.
/Politics and Nationalism - there are threads for that.
As for the current event about this guy - No, guy, no. Bad. Get counselling. Read a bit. Leave those kids alone.
Never mind the whole death penalty thing.