"Art has no enemy but ignorance." - GTP's Graffiti thread

  • Thread starter eliseracer
That article, although is short, higlights two major things:

1) a perfect example of ignorance that a lot of adults have towards this form of art, and

2) that the mayor of Las Vegas is a dimwitted stock-turkey. I mean, come on, reviving medieval torture and execution techniques? And he's a mayor? Sure thing, buddy...


I got some more cans of Montana this evening. I also talked to some more painters for advice and I'll be attempting a new piece tomorow if it isn't raining on me.
So here it is. I think if I had 3 more oppurtinities to paint in private, I'd be confident and skilled enough to go public and start the real half of painting graffiti. I do not yet know where I would paint, that's going to be a tough personal decision that will take a long time to think through.

Here's what I have for now.

I have to ask, what's so special about the Montana paint?
Well, quick-drying, anti-drip, general ease-of-use, universal tip interchangeability. There are other comanies who make graffiti-specific paint, but it seems as if Montana has a tight control over the market.

You're probably thinking, why am I falling for this 6.50$ a can scam. I asked myself the same thing. I bought 2 different brands of cheapo household paint at 4-5$ each today to fill in larger sections, just to try out alternatives. The cans, first of all, have a lower printed coverage, and an even lower actual coverage. See the white (well you can't in that picture)? It's not even solid, and that's a full can of some normal paint. Then I picked up a can of Montana for the blues, and right away you feel the difference. Paint delivery is far superior, ease of use and precision also increased. My friend who was just watching also pointed out how the Montana seemed to be better.

In the end, it looks far better, and it applies like a graffiti-tailored can of paint, which it is.

I've got a tip on a different brand of household spray paint for a mere 2$ a can on sale at Wal-Mart, I'll check that out before I do my next attempt.
cool stuff <8- )
haha yeah runs suck, its like wearing a completely white suit to go eat dinner, and then a bird craps on your stomach somehow soiling the perfect suit <X- D
haha i wish i could come up with something like that, most of my doodles have robots and buckets with wigs on them.
Here are pics of The Zagreb Grafitti Wall. Those are only 2 I have.
Zagreb Graffiti Wall-1 mile(may be more,not shure) long wall,totaly covered in some excellent,real art graffiti.It's lovated on Branimir Street,whivh connects Zagreb main train station,and Zagreb main Bus station.IMHO it is legal-no one from the authorities ever tried to repaint it or something,nothing that would make it illegal.Plus people(at least those who I know,like it.)

I've been in Rotterdam over the weekendy and saw some decent stuff. Though most of it was probably illegal as it was on bridges and railway side buildings.

The Zageb stuff is much better though. So how many different tips do you use generally?
You mean me? I personally don't do graffiti(if that was you meant),but I know some who do,and their work is excellent.The reason for that is that I must sadly admit that I am not that talented to do graffiti.I mean,I tried to do some simple 3-D style sketches,but that was 2-3 years ago,and I sucked. But again,like one of the guys I know said,it takes at least a year to learn the difference in styles of graffiti,and to learn how to take the idea you have in your mind to paper first,and then to some wall/train/bridge ect.
You mean me? I personally don't do graffiti(if that was you meant),but I know some who do,and their work is excellent.The reason for that is that I must sadly admit that I am not that talented to do graffiti.I mean,I tried to do some simple 3-D style sketches,but that was 2-3 years ago,and I sucked. But again,like one of the guys I know said,it takes at least a year to learn the difference in styles of graffiti,and to learn how to take the idea you have in your mind to paper first,and then to some wall/train/bridge ect.
It was general.

I can't draw either. My cars and planes are okay, but my lettering sucks. Never made an attempt at graffiti because like I said earlier it's pretty weak around here.
Tips? I go through about 2-3 tips per can per painting (the ones that come on the cans, usually middle-thickness, outliner ones which are about 2 or 2.5 cm, and fatties for filling in). I keep all of my tips, and try to reuse them, but often the dry paint clogs them up, in which case I gotta toss them. they're pretty cheap, though. A good bag of 25 or so runs you about 4$ or 5$.

I need a friggin' job. All I think about is painting now, I want to keep pursuing it, but I can't afford the paint yet. Oh well, I'll have to wait, like I said, 'til May or so. I got two cans of cheapo 1.50$ Wal-Mart crap, tried it out on some scraps in my basement, and it's complete garbage. It's way too runny, and it wouldn't be good for anything. Maybe if I shook it more, but it's not like I don't do it enough as it is. I guess it's 6.50$ a can for me, which I don't mind, but like I said, it'll only be to treat myself every 2 or 3 weeks.

Like noted, it doesn't look as if the Zagreb authorites or public care about it, so taking time to paint detail is an option. Looks amazing, I can't wait 'til I have the chance to paint something like that.