(Article) Could We Still See a 2009 Release Date for GT5?

  • Thread starter NoLimitz80
United States
Interesting article from http://www.ps3center.net//news/3749/could-we-still-see-a-2009-release-date-for-gt5/ :

I'm sure many of you have heard the good news that Gran Turismo 5's release date was finally announced, the bad news was that it's March 2010 in Japan only. Now usually this means the game will be coming even later for Europe and North America, but maybe it's possible that we might get this game earlier than Japan for once, because how much localization does this game really need?

GTPlanet reported on a rumor early last month stating that they had inside information that the game would be coming in 2009. Suffice to say, I've never known GTPlanet to be wrong about information regarding the Gran Turismo series, so the March 2010 release did seem very perplexing.

Then I remembered Final Fantasy XIII, which is set to release this December only in Japan. Final Fantasy XIII is projected to sell 1 million units in the first week of release in Japan, and is one of very few games that can be called a "system seller." On top of this Sony have created a special limited edition PS3 for the game, which means that the PS3 should sell even more units when the game releases.

Gran Turismo is also one of very few games that can be classed as a "system seller" (particularly in Europe and Japan) and was, like Final Fantasy, meant to be releasing around December this year (according to rumors). So did Sony have to make the choice of either releasing 2 system sellers at the same time in Japan? Or delaying one, in order to reap the benefit of both titles?

Many many things have been pointing to a December 2009 release date for the game, including Yamauchi's own words that the game would come shortly after October 1st. It is also worth noting that Jeff Rubenstein commented on the PlayStation Blog:

"Finally, Gran Turismo 5 now has a Japanese release window – March 2010. An American and European release date will be announced in due course."

If the release date was the same worldwide, wouldn't they have announced it at TGS? The above statement is either very good or very bad news, we could get the game earlier (due to the fact that there are no huge games coming out in December in EU/US), or later (maybe criticism against Sony about GT5's damage caused them to push it back?).

As a PlayStation fan, I feel that the earlier the game comes, the better, but unfortunately it's still very wishful thinking to expect a 2009 release date. On the other hand, as a Gran Turismo fan, I don't want Polyphony Digital to rush the game, the more polished it is, the more likely it is to be the ultimate racing experience.
Nice sum-up of all the "release-date-possebilities", man I hope it's 2009, it would make sence in some cases, as your text explains, but than again, it wouldn't, oh well...
Hopefully, we will find out something on that from the Gamespot interview with Kaz @ TGS tomorrow. Mind you thats a very tentative "hopeful".

Actually I think its at PD.
I would be more hopeful for a 2009 release if they hadn't said the game was only 65% complete. Saying that, the website I normally order my games from has changed the release date from 12/2009 to 09/12/2009. Why would they change it to an exact date in December with no information?
For me, this is the "ideal" case of "hope for the best, but plan for the worst". Even more so than expected or hoped for features/improvements like skid marks (Shift has them), day/night cycles, dynamic weather, and REALISTIC engine sounds.

With all of the denying and misleading Sony has been doing lately (PS3 Slim, price drop, PS3 Slim 250GB HDD, I can see how this is in the realm of possibility and would make for a fantastic Christmas. Of course, if SCE would confirm that the other regions will get GT5 AFTER Japan, that would put hopes such as this to rest.

That one little phrase needs to be clarified, "March 2010 in Japan". Perhaps the documents GTPlanet received are true for NA and PAL regions. We'll have to wait.

We need a "confirm or deny" GT5 commercial!
How long can they keep people in suspense about EU / NA release date though, what does it gain for them, only so long can they optimise the time frame of system selling suprise or late announced rush seller
For me, this is the "ideal" case of "hope for the best, but plan for the worst". Even more so than expected or hoped for features/improvements like skid marks (Shift has them), day/night cycles, dynamic weather, and REALISTIC engine sounds.

With all of the denying and misleading Sony has been doing lately (PS3 Slim, price drop, PS3 Slim 250GB HDD, I can see how this is in the realm of possibility and would make for a fantastic Christmas. Of course, if SCE would confirm that the other regions will get GT5 AFTER Japan, that would put hopes such as this to rest.

That one little phrase needs to be clarified, "March 2010 in Japan". Perhaps the documents GTPlanet received are true for NA and PAL regions. We'll have to wait.

We need a "confirm or deny" GT5 commercial!

Exactly my thoughts. 💡
Page 1 of the post "Tokyo Game Show Discussion Thread: See page 1! Confirmations. New Cars. Videos." on this very forum says...

Tokyo Game Show Confirmation List

-Gran Turismo 5 will release in March 2010 in Japan

-An American and European release date will be announced soon

-Gran Turismo 5 is roughly 65% complete

Is the 65% made up or is this true?
It was seen in a screen shot somewhere, but not officially released by PD or Sony. So it means absolutely nothing.
The PAL region sites do seem to be promoting GT5 on the large banner where the Japanese, Asian and US sites are promotoing GTPSP:


As far as we know, the 65% number, seen on the flyer at TGS, was said to be an estimate (not from PD as far as we know). Ratchet and Clank Future was listed as 80%, and that's coming out next month. With time for pressing/manufacturing, that game should be a lot, lot futher along than 80% by now (in fact should probably be gold). I wouldn't take the 65% figure as gospel until we hear it from Kaz himself.

Regarding the article, it could make sense with GT5 potentially clashing with FFXIII in Japan. In Europe/US, wouldn't a March date make it clash with GOW III? If so, it could lend credence to the idea Sony might be staggering the releases.

That being said, I personally still think it's unlikely we'll see GT5 this year. I just don't think it's a good idea to make assumptions from scraps and wishful thinking.
Looking at the sales of GT4/GT5P if anyone was going to see GT5 first then it most certainly would be Europe.

Who knows maybe this is what will happen. We might yet see GT5 being released in Europe in Dec with Japan/US/Australia following in March 10.
Isnt the PSPGO and GT mobile being released later in Japan?

If so, why would GT5 be any different?

@ the above post- I really doubt Europe gets to play NASCAR before the US.
I'm hoping but I can't see it being released in Europe and it sitting there gathering dust for 3 months for the rest of the world. Aren't PS3 games region free? If so surely people who really wanted it would get it imported?
I'm hoping but I can't see it being released in Europe and it sitting there gathering dust for 3 months for the rest of the world. Aren't PS3 games region free? If so surely people who really wanted it would get it imported?

It happens is reverse all the time (EU get screwed). Maybe the Japanese release will come with more content on the disc that PD will have been working on in the 3 months, and the EU/NA version can be patched up to match (a la spec II)?
Maybe it is in line for an 2009 release but Kaz is playing safe as from past experience when he has given us a release dates the game has always ran over that time.
At TGS they said November 1st for GT mobile in Japan, and Oct 1st everywhere else, I think.

Someone else had to hear that, and please correct me if I am wrong.
After reading it, it makes a lot sense. It's possible, but not likely.

The point about FFXIII being release in Japan in December is really a good one. That alone will drive ps3 and itself through the hole. Releasing GT5 at the same month would be a waste if they want to spread out that surge more. In Europe and U.S., there really isn't any triple AAA exclusives releasing in December, but there is GOW III in March.

Anyway that comment from the psblog is intersting. If it was globally for March 2010, they would've said so.