I like some of the SLR set, specialy the first one, but I've never been a fan of chrome. Of the last set I like portraits 1, 2 and 6 (very good composition, and the warm colors work very good too)
ThanksAshes. This. Is. AMAZING.
And the SLR set: #1, #4, #5, #8 and #9 are my favourites.
Number #2 and #9. Great!!
you really have to control the way you use the grain filter.
in real photography, a lot of ways are being utilized to avoid grain.
if you're gonna do that, make sure it's the last thing you do before applying
a sharpening filter. another is to set them in the monochromatic setting, so
it doesn't look like it was taken with a 16000-3200 ISO setting on a cheap camera.
otherwise, really good work on the pictures. the presentation is nice as well. i'm still curious what you'd come up with after saying you got a couple ideas after seeing my SV updatekeep up the good work bud.
Thank you
Thanks. You wont be seeing what I come up with for a while though.
And I will lay off the grain after my next update 👍
Yeah the grain doesn't work that well with shot 6, but shot 8 is awesome![]()
portrait #9 has to be my favorite pic. I love how you can see the cherry blossoms
Portrait #5 is great...I'm liking a lot the portraits you do!
I really like the last portrait, bit too much grain though. I also like the 7th portrait. 👍
Well done dude, 👍
Thank you. I feel the same about the #9th one but I can't pick it either.I love portrait #1, i just wish the color would stand out more.
portrait #4 and #6 are nooooice to. I like #9 to but something is throwing me off.
I like #8 potrait and #1 landscape. 👍
2 and 5 is great! keep it up!
very colorful and nice Entries!
Hope you get those in the poll. I'm sure you will get some votes then:tup:
also, so many nice pics of Mazdas and Skylines. wow...👍
"No more grain"Relax, I said there was a bit too much grain,
Maybe it would look better if the grain itself was less colourful?
You have some great final entries there. The style in each of them was well executed I think. My favourite is the PMC one. 👍
I love the Mines Shot!
Is it a real HDR or just a HDR Tone?![]()
Great Ashes! Your PMC entry rocks!
HDR Tone? I just took it straight from GT5 photomode. I was very surprised with the result.
Awesome entries mate, if im allowed to tell you a tip, here it is
When you add noise to a pic try monochronic noise, looks better IMO![]()
Yes, you can add with CS5 a HDR Tone to your picture, that it looks like a HDR, but it isn't, get it?
But yeah, I would be suprised with that result, too.
I like the third landscape and the last portrait. And your final entries are very nice too, good luck on the competitions!
Nice entries ashes 👍 all worthy of making the polls IMO..... lets hope I can join you in them![]()